So, I went into a MetroPCS store about a two weeks ago. I went in there because my phone had suddenly stopped working. I mean, I couldn't make calls, I couldn't connect to the internet, and I wasn't getting or sending messaging. I tried everything. I tried the classic, turning my phone on and off. I tried to call customer service and from there they tried to reset my phone, they turned to connect me to other towers in my area. Nothing. Finally they just suggested that I go into a store tomorrow and get it checked out. Thankfully, the next day was my day off from work. So, getting up, I got dressed and got my middle son, (I'll call him Lion, for this story), ready to go with me.
A little back story... this boy, is just like me, when I was growing up. No amount of getting my ass whipped, no amount of someone getting down to my level to talk to me was going to set me straight. I was a wild animal and my father still loves to tell stories about how crazy and uncontrollable I was. Should I have taken him? Honestly, maybe not, but I can't see into the future and while he can be a little monster at times, I love this boy with all my heart and I thought, I can handle this, he needs to learn to be good in public. But he is three, so please, be mindful of that. But like an idiot, I thought, "It's okay, he'll be good for Momma..." Lion is a BALL of energy, he needs to go go go, I seriously can't tell you what I was thinking bringing him with me.
So, we get going. I go to the closest MetroPCS to me which is right down the road. It's a tiny little store, and it's dead inside. So, cool, I think I'l be in and out. I talk to the lady and she suggest that I need to be a sim card.... She doesn't have any sim cards left and that I'll need to go to a corporate store for more assistance. My phone isn't working, I don't know the area, I just moved to Jacksonville, FL, two months ago. I got down here, and I have been working my ass off, I hardly have any time to myself. So, I'm a little nervous to start driving around looking for this corporate store. Thankfully, the store that can help me is literally right down the road. Awesome, I load my son up into the car and we are going.
We get there and right away... I notice this younger woman at the counter who just has this, "I don't want to be there look on here face.", and of course, who do I get stuck with? Ms. Happy Face. As I'm explaining to her about my phone issues, I let go of my son's hand. Because at this point, he is right there next to me and I'm trying to focus in on this lady so she understands what issues I'm having with the phone. I'm looking at her, not at my son, and then suddenly there is a loud crack. I look over and my son is holding this large plastic circle display cover that was right in front of his face. FIRSTLY, it was a broken display, there were screws missing from this display so my son was able to lift it up. It wasn't meant to go up. I apologized, but then, it's these next few words out of this bitch's mouth that gets me red in the cheeks. "Your son broke that.". Mc-excuse me bitch? "No. He just finished the job. Are you saying that my son unscrewed the other support nails that were supposed to be in place to keep this display grounded? That my son was able to LIFT this which should not have been able to be LIFTED in the first place, and my son broke it?".
Golden rule, parent to parent, you don't EVER criticize someone else and how they are raising their kids, AND IF you ever do, you better do it in the most politest way ever. MORE SO YOU NEVER do it when you are at work and you are talking to the customer! Customer service skills? This little cunt could have used a lesson in some. She replies, "I'm not going to argue with you. You need to pay more attention to your son. Your son is causing property damage.". I'm livid. I have NEVER been treated with such disrespect as a customer. But. It. Gets. Better. So, of course, now, I just want to get the fuck out of here. But since apparently, these bastards are the only people who can help me and send me on my way, I'm stuck. So again, I'm trying to deal with this young lady at the counter when my son walks out of my view, I can still hear him and I call to him to come here, the young lady say, "Go get your son before he breaks something else.". Someone, help me. I was about to reach over that fucking counter and DROP this bitch FACE first into the ground.
Without saying anything, I walked over to my son, grabbed him, sat him down in a chair right behind me and I whisper a wide range of threats into his ear. With him finally seated, he starts crying. Which I knew he would. But again, I am trying to get him used to being out in public and like an idiot, I kept telling myself, "It's cool, I got this." No I didn't, Lord save me! IF YOU CAN EVER leave your kids at home with a responsible adult, for important meetings, that need your full attention, baby, DO IT! If you are like me and crazy protective over your kids, trust me, it's not worth it! Any ways, so I get back to the counter, and what this young lady had said just keeps playing in my ear. "Go get your son before he breaks something else.". The mom in me, came out, and I said, "Go get your son before he breaks something else, you got a lot of nerve. Shame on you and the person who trained you. This is the worst customer service I have EVER experienced and I'll wait to be handled by another employee.". And with that, I sat down with my little booger and waited for someone else to get free.
I got handled by the rest of my transaction but the MANAGER of this location, and the ONLY reason I didn't go onto google and rip this store's reputation apart, the reason I didn't get corporate number as I was leaving, was because of this manager and her customer service to me and my son. She had kids, she understood, three year old. I dare say she treated me EVEN better because of the way her employee had treated me and honestly, that made me feel terrible. I hope, that bitch got fired. OR GOT A REALLY REALLY GOOD TALKING TO. But okay that's enough for today. I pray NONE of you ladies EVER have to deal with something like this. And I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Let's hear some other stories!
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for listening to my little rant

I've got a million more! Thankfully, this is the only one dealing with my middle son!
Update: Recently this little twat came into my job, to shop, I was walking past the front door when I heard the front door open and like a good employee, I turned my head and started to greet her. My heart dropped. I was shocked and I was pissed. Thinking, "Oh yeah, I remember you, of course, I doubt you remember me, I am in my work uniform and I don't have my 3 year old bouncing off the wall next to me."
I smiled and greeted her and waited up front for her to come up with her stuff. Like a professional, I handled her transaction, and even when over and beyond to help her... I then turned to the other manager next to me, after she had left, and told him about how I really wanted to use my manager status to kick her the hell out of our store BUT that would have been petty...and abusing my power. He liked that I had taken the higher road with her. A small part of me HOPES she did remember me, and she is kicking herself. But I honestly know that wouldn't be the case.
Again, thank you all for reading, reply with a story of your own, what is something that happened to you that you would like to get off your chest?