Really? I 'dished out' the stings? I answered my phone at 630 am the day after the sting to a provider who called to tell me what was going on and who ratted? And then communicated with several other very reputable ladies and gents to get the word out? So that no one else got caught up? And made myself available on my Off time to answer questions and dispel rumor? Or maybe you're upset that I don't bother sugar coating the truth when crap goes bad?
Sure I've messed up plenty. I own that and you can be damn sure I apologise when I'm wrong and make right what I can. And then I move on. It's kinda what most adults do babe

. Perhaps that is the issue? Youd prefer if all of us ladies just 'take our lumps'? Ummmm, pretty sure most of us go ahead and get butt hurt about me spouting the truth without embellishment, because it sure wasn't the ladies who put the turd in the punch bowl this time

Just know this....I don't get mad till there's a reason darlin.
I'm pretty sure I'll forget your name by the end of the day...but hey, thanks for the shout out...good to know I'm in your head cuz that means you're at least Hearing what's said. Can't say much for how you understand it tho....that's on you and not my concern
Peace and Karma....yep, mines just fine