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Old 06-22-2019, 05:26 PM   #1
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Default Chris Cuomo Had the Proper Reaction to Amy Klobuchar Saying Democrat Rallies are As Large as Trump’s

his reaction is .... priceless! and telling too.

Chris Cuomo Had the Proper Reaction to Amy Klobuchar Saying Democrat Rallies are As Large as Trump’s


Posted at 11:30 am on June 20, 2019 by Brandon Morse

Trump’s packed rallies are hard to ignore. The polls telling us that Trump is being crushed under the heal of the Democrat of the day can be thrown around till the cows come home, but it’s hard to square numbers someone gives you with numbers you can physically see.

As I covered on Wednesday, the attendance at Trump’s rallies is eclipsing the numbers seen at Democrat gatherings, even frontrunner Joe Biden’s. This fact is worrying for Democrats, and so far, only CNN’s Chris Cuomo is addressing the Republican elephant in the room.

In an interview with Amy Klobuchar on Wednesday, Cuomo asked the Democrat 2020 candidate up front why Democrats aren’t attracting the kinds of crowds Trump is. Klobuchar responded by flat out saying that Democrats are packing stadiums like Trump, it’s just that you don’t see it because there are so many Democrats.

“Why don’t Democrat pack stadiums the way this president does?” asked Cuomo.

“Oh but we do!” responded Klobuchar. “We just have a lot of stadiums we’re packing at the same time.”

Cuomo didn’t verbally respond, but the incredulous expression on his face spoke for him louder than words ever could.


Cuomo later admitted that he doesn’t agree with Klobuchar at all and that “size does matter.”

He’s not wrong. In 2016 we saw the same exact thing happen with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Clinton continuously beat him in the polls, yet Trump packed stadiums while Clinton had to find various ways to play with crowd optics.

The difference is enthusiasm and groundswell. It’s one thing to have a mob online that will sit behind a keyboard and throw their support behind a candidate, and it’s another to get up to go stand in line with thousands of other people for hours on end to see a guy speak for a bit. People are doing that for Trump, but no one is doing that for Democrats.

This might change as the Democrat’s field of candidates is whittled down, but even with a single candidate opposing Trump, it’s hard to see how the enthusiasm for the left’s candidate will match that of Trump’s. As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, it’s not just crowd size, it’s the fact that Trump is also garnering more donations than any other Democrat candidate.

Klobuchar and Democrats pretending that they’re doing just as well isn’t going to change the fact that they’re not. It’s just one more fantasy they chose to add to their ever-expanding fantasy world.

Even if Klobuchar isn’t telling lies for her sake but for yours, then this is proof that Democrats think you’re stupid enough to believe them. Given, the rabid defense of everything Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says has given them a proper reason to think that, but regardless, heads buried in the sand don’t win elections.

When even Cuomo recognizes this, maybe it’s time to get real.
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Old 06-22-2019, 05:39 PM   #2
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Yes the expressions on his face were dead giveaways.
I caught facial expressions of:
Stifled laughter
The I hope I'm keeping a strait face gulp.
Couple more.
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Old 06-22-2019, 05:43 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Yes the expressions on his face were dead giveaways.
I caught facial expressions of:
Stifled laughter
The I hope I'm keeping a strait face gulp.
Couple more.

not a fan of Mario's little boy and their liberal views but at least he won't blindly ignore the hard truths unlike Klobuchar.
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Old 06-22-2019, 05:53 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
not a fan of Mario's little boy and their liberal views but at least he won't blindly ignore the hard truths unlike Klobuchar.
At the end of the day, this guy is, surprisingly, still a newsman.
Perhaps a bit warped (cause he likes his paycheck) but when we get a professional stage actor (he is trained to be on camera) getting highly amused at the BS he's hearing, maybe there's hope for him.
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Old 06-22-2019, 07:34 PM   #5
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the rally sizes are overblown in importance.. sure Trump's rallies are several times larger, and have been since he began running 4 years ago. but...

attendance at rallies doesn't necessarily translate to support. the rallies are EVENTS that some people want to attend, even when they despise Trump and his policies.. I went to all 3 local rallies in 2015-16, twice I had people with me who absolutely despise Trump, and voted for Hilary. just saying.
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Old 06-22-2019, 07:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
the rally sizes are overblown in importance.. sure Trump's rallies are several times larger, and have been since he began running 4 years ago. but...

attendance at rallies doesn't necessarily translate to support. the rallies are EVENTS that some people want to attend, even when they despise Trump and his policies.. I went to all 3 local rallies in 2015-16, twice I had people with me who absolutely despise Trump, and voted for Hilary. just saying.


bullshit. they went for what reason? check out the opposition? did ya convince them to give it a try? so ya weren't lonely? i wouldn't have gone to a Clinton rally just to BOO at her. waste of my time. now if i coulda thrown eggs at her without getting arrested ..

that's like going to a concert of a band you don't like. what for?

"Size DOES matter". Chris Cuomo
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Old 06-22-2019, 07:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

bullshit. they went for what reason? check out the opposition? did ya convince them to give it a try? so ya weren't lonely?
not bullshit.. you obviously are ignorant of the dynamic. I go to political rallies for people I disagree with, it is fun and enlightening. I like the process. the people that went with me were eager to attend, they had fun.. now, for the sake of accuracy, it was the 3rd rally that I went alone.. I could not find anyone to go with me that day. one problem was it was a weekday, at lunchtime.. people working. and a Trump hater isn't going to go TWICE to a rally!
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Old 06-22-2019, 08:12 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
not bullshit.. you obviously are ignorant of the dynamic. I go to political rallies for people I disagree with, it is fun and enlightening. I like the process. the people that went with me were eager to attend, they had fun.. now, for the sake of accuracy, it was the 3rd rally that I went alone.. I could not find anyone to go with me that day. one problem was it was a weekday, at lunchtime.. people working. and a Trump hater isn't going to go TWICE to a rally!

ignorant of the dynamic? interesting deflection tactic. i don't go to concerts of bands i don't like (well not now anyway, it was a great pussy getter ,, but i don't chase pussy these days .. i AMP like you much easier isn't it?) in the same way i wouldn't go to a Clinton rally "for fun" unless that cunt paid me to. i'd rather watch porn and jack off. that would be "more fun".

i didn't attend even one Trump rally in Dallas. probably won't this cycle either. i don't need to go to a "pep rally" to decide who to vote for.

my mind was already made up in 2016. it's still made up now. makes no difference who the Democrats nominate. i'll vote Trump again. no pep rallies needed.
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Old 06-22-2019, 08:27 PM   #9
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yes, AMPs make a whole lot of sense!

some people don't get rallies, others dig them.. it's not about trying to decide who you will support. everyone who goes already has their mind made up.

funny you mention concerts.. I will not go to see a band I dislike, and I usually go solo to shows.. BUT.. a lot of people go, for a night out with the significant other, hang with friends.. and they barely heard of the band.. I see that all the time.. I don't get it, but others apparently do.
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Old 06-23-2019, 01:00 AM   #10
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Funny that in the video of the rally it looked like everyone was pretty pumped up...most were probably shills paid for by your DNC to make is "SEEM" that enthusiasm for Trump was so high ...
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Old 06-23-2019, 06:46 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
yes, AMPs make a whole lot of sense!

some people don't get rallies, others dig them.. it's not about trying to decide who you will support. everyone who goes already has their mind made up.

funny you mention concerts.. I will not go to see a band I dislike, and I usually go solo to shows.. BUT.. a lot of people go, for a night out with the significant other, hang with friends.. and they barely heard of the band.. I see that all the time.. I don't get it, but others apparently do.
I agree. Trump is a showman and his rallies are shows. Like you say, the people who attend his rallies know for whom they are voting and want to see Trump disparage his rivals, both Republican and Democratic, cheer when he bastardizes the truth, and explode with applause when he says things like "Lock her up". It would be much more entertaining attending a Trump rally than those for any of the Democrats.

How much these rallies affect undecided voters is unknown. Probably negligible impact.
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Old 06-23-2019, 06:59 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I agree. Trump is a showman and his rallies are shows. Like you say, the people who attend his rallies know for whom they are voting and want to see Trump disparage his rivals, both Republican and Democratic, cheer when he bastardizes the truth, and explode with applause when he says things like "Lock her up". It would be much more entertaining attending a Trump rally than those for any of the Democrats.

How much these rallies affect undecided voters is unknown. Probably negligible impact.
as usual you miss the point or refuse to accept it. no matter. first explain the bastardized truth you speak of.

second, Trump is out-drawing the entire Deomcratic field put together. that isn't a nebulous "poll" it's a FACT. the numbers don't lie. does it matter that 99% of the crowd is already decided? nope. what matters is how many Trump can draw. and he's killing the Democrats. let's see the entire Deomcratic field hold a rally in a large venue .. say the same venue Trump has been to and fill it. give each one 10 minutes on stage to make their dump .. er .. stump their case. they won't draw half what Trump draws.

what does this mean? it means that the vaunted Democratic base is a mirage and can't match what Trump can draw.

that is what wins. not polls. remember that the next time you cite a poll showing Democrat of the day beating Trump by a mile.
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Old 06-23-2019, 07:17 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
not bullshit.. you obviously are ignorant of the dynamic. I go to political rallies for people I disagree with, it is fun and enlightening. I like the process. the people that went with me were eager to attend, they had fun.. now, for the sake of accuracy, it was the 3rd rally that I went alone.. I could not find anyone to go with me that day. one problem was it was a weekday, at lunchtime.. people working. and a Trump hater isn't going to go TWICE to a rally!
A very significant and underappreciated reason to give the rallies attendance some importance is the fact that after 4 years the crowds have not gotten tired of his act.

He is very entertaining at those rallies, I went to one myself. I actually took two of my liberal California grankkids who oppose Trump and even they were entertained by his antics. Other than Mick Jagger name a man his age who can fill a stadium year after year?
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Old 06-23-2019, 07:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
let's see the entire Deomcratic field hold a rally in a large venue .. say the same venue Trump has been to and fill it. give each one 10 minutes on stage to make their dump .. er .. stump their case. they won't draw half what Trump draws.

what does this mean? it means that the vaunted Democratic base is a mirage and can't match what Trump can draw.

that is what wins. not polls. remember that the next time you cite a poll showing Democrat of the day beating Trump by a mile.
That's funny WC, they essentially just did that in SC this weekend. And according to the reports a whopping 2000 or so people attended. Hmmm. Roughly 20K for Trump compared to roughly 2K for almost the entire Dem field.

But in fairness to Klobechar, they did pick a venue that only holds 5-6K max in all areas, so to her maybe it looks packed.
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Old 06-23-2019, 08:00 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
as usual you miss the point or refuse to accept it. no matter. first explain the bastardized truth you speak of.

second, Trump is out-drawing the entire Deomcratic field put together. that isn't a nebulous "poll" it's a FACT. the numbers don't lie. does it matter that 99% of the crowd is already decided? nope. what matters is how many Trump can draw. and he's killing the Democrats. let's see the entire Deomcratic field hold a rally in a large venue .. say the same venue Trump has been to and fill it. give each one 10 minutes on stage to make their dump .. er .. stump their case. they won't draw half what Trump draws.

what does this mean? it means that the vaunted Democratic base is a mirage and can't match what Trump can draw.

that is what wins. not polls. remember that the next time you cite a poll showing Democrat of the day beating Trump by a mile.
Regarding the "bastardized truth". Just from the Orlando rally:


You may think that the number of people who attend Trump's political rallies is meaningful. I don't. The people who attend them will vote for Trump. The impact on those that don't attend is negligible. If anything, in my opinion, the impact is negative.

Polls don't win. Polls don't lose. But they are not "Fake News" simply because someone disagrees with them.

Again I'll ask the questions. Do you think Trump is aware of the 3 or 4 polls showing him losing in key battleground states? Do you think Trump and his reelection team are, as we post, taking actions in those battleground states based on the negative polls?
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