Originally Posted by lizardking
Khashoggi was a journalist. How can a journalist be fairly and reasonably characterized as a terrorist? By any definition, terrorism involves the use of violence for political ends. Writing is not violence.
Not true at all.
If he was using his writing to recruit, motivate, influence others commit violence, political upheaval and into his way of thinking. Terrorists are just not those actual individuals that commit the atrocities, they are also those that provide material, moral and other forms of support for their activities. Plus we don't know what other activities he was involved in that the security service of SA may be aware of.
From what I understand about him, he was attempting to destabilize the regime in the kingdom. (I also understand that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.) It depends on what side of the conflict you are on determines your stance on this. I don't support the way that government operates, nor do I support most in that region. However I can step back and attempt to look at it unbiased and see how they can justify their positions.
Many hide behind their journalism credentials to provide themselves and their media outlets greater exposure and shirk the responsibility for what they write.
We see today how media outlets can get people whipped into a frenzy about a certain issue, whether justified or not.
I don't think the Saudis want an Arab Spring type uprising igniting in their country. Such an event could toss the entire middle east into a violent turmoil that would leave the region violently destabilized for decades and a massive loss of life and treasure. One way that would lead to that is a terrorist propaganda campaign getting populations stirred up.