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Old 06-06-2019, 01:09 PM   #1
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Default Replacement for Backpage "Adult Jobs"

Every now and then I'm in the market for more tame services than a standard escort provides (like a nude waitress for poker night) and I'm looking to hire someone for some combination of less money than escort would charge and more of a civilian girl next door type. Back in the day I could just post on Backpage's "Adult Jobs". What do people use these days?
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Old 06-06-2019, 01:27 PM   #2
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Good question. Since BP and CL went extinct, the chance to hook up with a T girl in the Tulsa market has gone from often tricky, sometimes successful to a total blank slate!
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Old 06-06-2019, 02:27 PM   #3
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The shitty moral police should did fk things up for people. It is crazy how as adults we are policed more then ever.
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Old 06-12-2019, 10:53 AM   #4
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You could try sexyjobs.com
I do believe there's a fee to advertise there but you can place an ad for girls to respond to and also you can search girls profiles and message ones you like.

(I am in no way affiliated with above said website. I am responding based on my personal experience of using them go recruit talent for shoots)
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Old 06-12-2019, 02:25 PM   #5
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Ladies & Gentlemen!
The problem being discussed here is IMO a result of too much Government!

Where we are is a direct result IMO of our political system gone badly astray. We keep re electing the Morons who largely get nothing done EXCEPT REGULATING US! Their job buy definition is to protect us and provide opportunities for our well being

I blame the liberal mindset for this but doubt that everyone here agrees with that an I do support your right to disagree.
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Old 06-12-2019, 02:32 PM   #6
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I disagree with you on one point it is NOT the liberal legislators who keep imposing draconian rules and resisting more enlightened liberty's.

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Old 06-12-2019, 03:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Alpine View Post
I disagree with you on one point it is NOT the liberal legislators who keep imposing draconian rules and resisting more enlightened liberty's.

Totally correct, Alpine! Like it’s the “liberal mindset” moving to tell women, State by State, what they can and can not do with their own choices and their own bodies!?
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Old 06-12-2019, 04:11 PM   #8
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did you tried in Reddit?
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Old 06-12-2019, 05:46 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Alpine View Post
I disagree with you on one point it is NOT the liberal legislators who keep imposing draconian rules and resisting more enlightened liberty's.

BS, and you know it. It is the Damdemocraps that tax and spend, and you know it. More regulations limit the growth of the economy in every country, and you know it.

Saying it is not the liberal legislators who impose more rules is just expressing an uneducated opinion, if not an outright lie. You need to get your facts straight and get you head out of your ass, and you know it.

The amount of new regulations and rules that Odumbo started to put on business is beyound belief, unless you were on the receiving end; and I was - so I know.

I deal with government regulations, from multiple agencies, everyday. I have given testomony, for up to 3.5 hours at a time, to remove government overreach, and my clients have to pay for both an attorney and me because there has to be an attorney present. But a fact is a fact: it is not an opinion. I love to kick a liberal's ass with a fact: there are so many that can be used.

I have seen OSHA, Food and Drug, Dept of Ag, Alcohol Tobacco, and EPA overreach increase under Odumbo and Blowjob Billie. Both of them had these agencies in their pocket. Everytime a liberal is in office the overreach raises it's ugly head again. Damdemocraps have for years only given us one thing: "The Assault on Freedom in America."

I love nailing the EPA to the wall, and not just for the money I make, and I have made a lot. Court time is money time. I wish I was called on for that work when I was young: it is so much fun.

Immediately upon taking office, our hero Trump cut the EPA budget by 33%, one of the greatest things he has done. It has cost me a lot of money because my services under our hero TRUMP are much less needed. I wish he would cut the budgets of all of the other intrusive agencies by at least that much.

Under Tump the economy is up, business is up and everyone of us is better off than before he came to office. That is why he will be elected again. The Damdemocrap party is sliding away into history, as have other political parties that no longer met the approval of rational people.

Trump flushed the toilet that begged to be flushed because of the stench of economic stagnation. He also flushed some Republicans who were laying in the same stagnate water with the Damdemocraps.

Name me just one liberty that has increased because of liberal thought, you can't. Liberalism never adds to our liberty, it only takes it away.

"These are the times that try men's souls" because of all the liberal crap. If you don't recognize the quote it is because you are a Paine to every patriotic citizen who recognizes the liberal problem as the current American Crisis; different but just as serious as "The American Crisis". You, my understood enemy, do not have any "Common Sense".

I served in the military and fought for your right to free speech (the first amendment in our bill of rights), but It is time for you to realize that the tolerance of free men can run thin in the face of your liberal agression. The problem of fake news protected by the first amendment was anticipated by our forefathers: They also gave us the second amendment. Try to figure out why that happened, it is a fact. What may be the personal affect upon you with this fact? It is not an opinion!

You signed your note:

That was a lie, and you know it. You do not respect the liberty of others.
There is no respect from you or for you and your kind, only darkness; and you know it. Quit listening to the propaganda machine from those who wish to rob all of us of our liberties.
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Old 06-12-2019, 06:06 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Under Tump the economy is up, business is up and everyone of us is better off than before he came to office. That is why he will be elected again.
In a landslide too. I have no legal knowledge but I don' think we will see the liberties with this thing under either party. I have taken the attitude I can't fight the system, complaining will do me no good so I just travel. Fly to where it is legal or tolerated. For $1K-$2K one could fly to MX or Canada or the Islands and have a great time flight, hotel, food and girls...

and for more go to Europe or Asia. We may not have escort boards for long but we do have a President making us all wealthy and we have tons of airports

He is not called the Monger in Chief for nothing!
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Old 06-12-2019, 06:22 PM   #11
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JR needs to take his diatribes back to the Political Forum where the other Trumptards lurk and spread their lies and venom and leave it out of this Forum. I repeat, Alpine was correct and he stated his point in a civilized fashion! Period!
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Old 06-12-2019, 07:10 PM   #12
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Donning my fire retardant suit..........
What side wants to end a woman's right to an abortion?
What side wants to cancel preexisting conditions from health care?
What side is banning rights for LGBTQ?
What side will not consider decriminalization for prostitution?
What side will not allow anything that they do not author to be voted upon in the Senate?

I could go on but I hope that you can see a pattern through your rose colored glasses.

Question, Should FOX news be registered as a super PAC with a FCC license?
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Old 06-13-2019, 04:40 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Solemate62 View Post
JR needs to take his diatribes back to the Political Forum where the other Trumptards lurk and spread their lies and venom and leave it out of this Forum. I repeat, Alpine was correct and he stated his point in a civilized fashion! Period!
Stating an opinion does not make that opinion true, it is just an opinion: it is not a fact.

A lie is not civilized, and it needs to be understood for what it is. Sprewing lies does not make anyone correct.

You are going back to old A. Hitler. He just kept repeating the lies, over and over again. That being said, he was a very good and convensive speaker, if you understood German. What the hell, I read Mein Kamph in high school; when I asked my mother about some crazy statement in the book, her answer was: Rember, just because someone is telling you something - that doesn't make it true. Think for yourself, instead of acting like a clown.

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Old 06-14-2019, 06:18 PM   #14
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Odd how the far RW complains about everyone else being against freedom.

What they really mean when you examine their arguments, point by point, is that THEY want the "freedom" to use what they have already to bludgeon everyone else.

Two recent (post Trump) examples:
--the entire community my 90 yr old aunt lives in is getting contaminated by two factories who can now legally dispose of wastes they were prohibited from dumping pre Trump. Court case may eventually rule against them, but people are being harmed today.
--many moderates and liberals (not the LWW ones) are proposing decriminalization of voluntary sex work. Of course there are pleanty of RWWs who think that is a freedom not worth speaking up for.

There are many more, but I don't have time for long volumes. But please take your "Conservatives are for Freedom" propaganda back into the Political Forum cesspool.

PS: Just because Trump says something doesn't mean it's true. In fact, odds are....

In closing: is it "freedom" the nut job "minister" is calling for when he believes the US is a theocracy that should execute gays? And he seems to be a police officer as well. Glad to know another RWW Thumper is out there looking to protect everyone's freedoms.
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Old 06-15-2019, 10:54 AM   #15
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