Originally Posted by kaufman
End a long BTrip in Asian, where I’ve been waiting and holding my spermicide for Dallas AMPs! Yup, D-Town K-Girls are much better than girls from Asian, as far as cost, IOP, Service and availability. I’m sure I could spent a $1k or more and get better, but $200 for BB-activities is unheard of, unless it is inexperienced Mainkand Chinese older women.
I love Dallas AMPs and would like to confirm my finding with the group.
You probably don't want to do BBFS in SE Asia, girls don't know any better, poor delivery of health services, tropical climate.
As for the Chinese talent...BBFS
used to be
standard service in LA/SGV with the aunties and grannies. Now, everything is covered. Not crazy about the personal hygiene of some of those, so I don't partake.
I used to speak halting Japanese. In Japan, you sort of have to play the game when going to fuzoku places, and that means that you can open a few doors that otherwise wouldn't be open to you. I'd always be well dressed, very polite, and
try to speak Japanese. Y'all have no clue how far that got me. My experiences in Tokyo were otherworldly, and frequently were condom optional. I kinda regretted it after reading that Japan has the highest rate of gonorrhea in the industrialized world, and a couple of anti-biotic resistant strains developed there. But that was late '90s, early '00s.