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Old 05-05-2019, 05:10 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by bobsmith77 View Post
and I would like to know why so many providers just stop responding
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it must be something any help would be great
You are not doing anything wrong. It says you have 11 posts, with only one showing: thus, the others are from back when the site was down. Get some reviews and you might be able to see them. But, you know, they try to keep certain parts restructed.

Wait. Make a list of girls you might like to see: avoid the high dollar gals who do a lot of heavy screening. Read what the ladies say: avoid those that are angry - you will figure that out by yourself. Just ask a lady in the private mail if it is possible. Be nice, and they will be nice to you, even if they say no. Just ask another lady. You will find that it is your choice. You will find that there are crude guys, mean guys and angry guys trying to get dates. They may have the money; they are also the reason the ladies try to screen and but up barriers to new guys, or guys they don't know.

Most of these ladies have just had problems in the hobby. There is nothing wrong with you: you are just trying to be safe. That is the same thing the ladies are trying to do. Never see a lady, ever: until you have enough information to be comfortable with her. It is your decision, and there are many methods of determining what to expect.
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Old 05-06-2019, 05:36 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
...Read what the ladies say: avoid those that are angry - you will figure that out by yourself. ...
There does seem to be more "angry" providers than there used to be. Some that used to seem pleasant are coming off hostile and angry lately.
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Old 05-06-2019, 08:29 AM   #18
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JR nice post and very true. Everyone has a bigger shield up because of the recent stings going on everywhere. This is why I ask people to keep my contact info. List me as a contractor or secretary of a business no one would think twice about. Seems right now once you get verified you better keep her info. for future times.
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Old 05-06-2019, 08:32 AM   #19
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If a newbies info doesn’t check out it’s not because we’re angry. Just on high alert because of what’s happened recently.

Better to be safe
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Old 05-06-2019, 09:45 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by KatiforYou View Post
If a newbies info doesn’t check out it’s not because we’re angry. Just on high alert because of what’s happened recently.

Better to be safe
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Old 05-06-2019, 05:04 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by KatiforYou View Post
If a newbies info doesn’t check out it’s not because we’re angry. Just on high alert because of what’s happened recently.

Better to be safe

Remember girls, that not every guy sees a lady every day, week, or month. Many guys would like to see a lady for a really nice visit every now and then: If it goes past three months, or if he doesn't post a review, the information is not current and he is seen as a risk. The other side of the problem is that many of the best ladies retire, go UTR, change their phone numbers, change their names or just disappear for a few months.
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Old 05-06-2019, 05:17 PM   #22
Savannah Moon
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post

Remember girls, that not every guy sees a lady every day, week, or month. Many guys would like to see a lady for a really nice visit every now and then: If it goes past three months, or if he doesn't post a review, the information is not current and he is seen as a risk. The other side of the problem is that many of the best ladies retire, go UTR, change their phone numbers, change their names or just disappear for a few months.
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Old 05-06-2019, 06:20 PM   #23
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To everyone:
Everyone be safe. That is the most important thing for both the men and the women. Everyone understands that there are dangers. Few are unaware of the need to evaluate the risk of an individual posting here. There are thugs that attack women. And there are women who do the grab and dash, or just assault and rob guys.

To Savannah:
Everyone understands your concern. But you only look at the hobby from your point of view: your have question publicaly the need for the guys to be careful and are upset that the discussion has included both genders. Your anger about many things is a constant reminder for guys to be careful about their own safety first. We should not be concerned about your personal problems, or your frequently recurring attacks on others because of your problems in the hobby. We all feel for you: there is nothing we can do about it. For any guy to get involved with your problems would take more time than it is worth.

Do we believe you have had bad experiences in the hobby: yes.
Do we believe that most of your experiences in the hobby are bad: No

Just saying, perhaps you would have fewer problems with men if you saw fewer men: if you think a guy could, ever so slightly, be a problem: don't see him. But then, this is all about the need for more and more money. Why? Can you get by with less money, and have a safe life? You have talked about getting out of the hobby several times: maybe it is now the time if you can't make enough money as a provider, do something else and eliminate the anger. Retirement, even for a short time, could bring you rest and piece of mind.

By the way, everytime you address others in anger - either with a PM or in an open discussion - there needs to a response to your anger just to prevent your satisfaction of thinking that kind of behavior will ever win: it does not, and deep down inside - you know it.

You have stated publicaly that you carry a gun to, at least some of, your sessions. Perhaps, with what you have seen, it is needed: I don't know because I have never met you personally, and I do not want to meet you. It is not about price, it is about risk. People who carry guns should be trained to do so, and have the mental ability to do so with the calmness required to use them properly and completely; without the believe that a gun can contribute to one's strength or personality. A gun is not a dick. A gun is not a toy that is handled casually or indecisively, and should never be thought of as a toy. The Bullet Hole in Overland Park (West of Medcalf off Shawnee Mission Parkway) offers gun training classes just for ladies. That class would improve the cofidence of any woman with the need to protect her own safety.

Just an observation: most ladies have a girlfriend that they can talk to about emotional things that upset them, and then put them aside. Most men just don't want to listen to the emotional talk of women because we don't really understand what is going on. We try, and we think that we need to tell them we are sorry they are upset: one can not make another person happy.

A conversation with a girlfriend is politely suggested.
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Old 05-06-2019, 06:25 PM   #24
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Everyone looks at hobby from their personal perspective.
I think we all agree there's been security issues lately.
Telling any of the gals how to run their business regardless of security or client relations is one of the quickest way to end up on their dns lists.
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Old 05-06-2019, 06:43 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
To everyone:
Everyone be safe. That is the most important thing for both the men and the women. Everyone understands that there are dangers. Few are unaware of the need to evaluate the risk of an individual posting here. There are thugs that attack women. And there are women who do the grab and dash, or just assault and rob guys.

To Savannah:
Everyone understands your concern. But you only look at the hobby from your point of view: your have question publicaly the need for the guys to be careful and are upset that the discussion has included both genders. Your anger about many things is a constant reminder for guys to be careful about their own safety first. We should not be concerned about your personal problems, or your frequently recurring attacks on others because of your problems in the hobby. We all feel for you: there is nothing we can do about it. For any guy to get involved with your problems would take more time than it is worth.

Do we believe you have had bad experiences in the hobby: yes.
Do we believe that most of your experiences in the hobby are bad: No

Just saying, perhaps you would have fewer problems with men if you saw fewer men: if you think a guy could, ever so slightly, be a problem: don't see him. But then, this is all about the need for more and more money. Why? Can you get by with less money, and have a safe life? You have talked about getting out of the hobby several times: maybe it is now the time if you can't make enough money as a provider, do something else and eliminate the anger. Retirement, even for a short time, could bring you rest and piece of mind.

By the way, everytime you address me in anger - either with a PM or in an open discussion - I will need to respond to your anger just to prevent your satisfaction of thinking that kind of behavior will ever win: it does not, and deep down inside - you know it. I will address your dangerous anger that everyone knows about. You have stated publicaly that you carry a gun to, at least some of, your sessions. Perhaps, with what you have seen, it is needed: I don't know because I have never met you personally, and I do not want to meet you no matter how low the price. It is not about price, it is about risk. People who carry guns should be trained to do so, and have the mental ability to do so with the calmness required to use them properly, and without the believe that a gun can contribute to one's strength or personality. A gun is not a toy that is handled casually or indecisively, and should never be thought of as a toy. The Bullet Hole in Overland Park (West of Medcalf off Shawnee Mission Parkway) offers gun training classes just for ladies. That class would improve the cofidence of any woman with the need to protect her own safety.

Just an observation: most ladies have a girlfriend that they can talk to about emotional things that upset them, and then put them aside. Most men just don't want to listen to the emotional talk of women because we don't really understand what is going on. We try, and we think that we need to tell them we are sorry they are upset: but, we didn't do anything and we can't help.

Go see a girlfriend.
Get a life.
Quit devaluing women on here like you insanely did my friend Gemma..& now me.
I won't put up with it.
None of us women ever will.I suggest you focus on your behavior. The message you send is very disturbing
Just a suggestion.
This thread has zero to do with how you feel about me..nor did the other one.
And for the record JR
I don't have a gun..
Never have had a gun since my first child was born.Decades ago. I don't surround myself with the kind of people that would deem that Necessary
The clients I see are true gentlemen.
You are a truly sad little being.
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Old 05-08-2019, 07:02 AM   #26
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Well now, the discussion has transitioned from how to help bobsmith to debating which party's or gender's safety is more important than the other's.

Valid points have been made on the latter, but if you wish to continue that discussion, ceate a new thread.

If you don't have any constructive, helpful words of advice for bobsmith, stay out of this thread.
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