Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
They ALL said yes!! Every single one of them!!
Which ones do you think would come here and say "Nah...not really"???
Welcome... glad you joined... I can't wait to see Post #2.
Exactly, what lady is going to post and reply with the real answer and ' bite the hand that feeds them. ' Looks like some of the guys here ' drink the kool aid'; I think your reply says it all. I agree w both M and F respondents that no matter how one answers this question is that respect, politeness and hygiene go a long way and are essentially to any
business relationship. Yes, some clients are enjoyed more than others and yes, some clients ( seen it first hand) are so rude and disrespectful I have seen or been told by a girl ' I need to take a break after him and get my head back together.' Despite the fact respect goes a long way ' no money no honey' holds true around the world. Don't be fooled by freebies and free time either usually it is an extension of the paid time ( or to get more appts)and the girls will disguise such as ' liking' the man when in reality their eyes see $'s the whole time.
I like the honest ones who tell me the truth and fuck me for my money literally and figuratively. About two weeks ago maybe less I sat with a girl I have seen ( and paid!) over a year now who had just had a bad session with a rude guy who told me ' I hate the men in this club' to which I replied ' What about me?'
' I hate you but I want you fuck me' with a smile as she draped her legs over mine and reached under my towel saying ' but I love your money' as three fingers slid up her pussy. She heard thru the grapevine I was headed back next week and in the middle of the night sent me a ' I miss you' WA message, LOL; I told her this AM she misses my Euros and she replied with the heart emoji to which I replied ' Going Geldautomat today ( ATM) ' and she said ' you fuck other girl here I kill you and no forget my perfume only big bottle and I want two hour room and tip.'

; and she shall get all. Honesty goes a long way with me and is rewarded. Bullshit can fly.
Enjoy sex with us? As one lady stateside in fact told me ' We may seem like we enjoy it but we are immune to it, but we never grow immune to the money. 'To the guys who have been on the board 2X-5X as long as most of the women or at this game 20-30 + years as well look at all the girls who come and go over the decades, retire and un-retire and it isn't to enjoy sex with us they come back for the money! I really laugh at the overused post ' Back from retirement: I missed you guys so much'. That exact post almost verbatim has been used since I joined TBD in 1992 about 27 years ago on every board nationwide both online and offline today. The game doesn't change boys, just the players and the currency we pay in...
Your money and your time, do what you want and believe what you want. The ladies are here for our money, it is a job to them not a hobby, to us it is just fun and games a way to piss our money away as we choose. They say what they
want you to hear and IMHO I say what you
need to hear and call it as I see it ( better said Pay for it) after my 30 years and 4k-5k sessions. Feel free to agree or disagree with me or agree with the women or disagree just remember one thing..
Withhold payment and see how much they enjoyed sex with you.