Originally Posted by Mature Companion
Oh you niave youngen. How many want to see you again and again, for free? Let alone truly enjoy you. For free?
I get plenty who spent time with me in non situational settings for free.
I walk in a bar and girls gives signals by eye f***ing me.
Sometimes I approach her or she approach me by giving me signals and I capitalize on that.
There's no magical formula for sleeping with women (outside of wealth and high status), it's just that good looking guys gets preselected more.
It's all looks and looks alone dictate your results.
Obviously you still need social skills and not fuck it up, but once you are preselected it's your job to capitalize on that. That already puts you ahead of the game.
Good looking guys gets signals and they dont even have to try. They dont need to step out of their house. They can just meet women through online dating apps and women will come over.
Originally Posted by Mature Companion
Because women don't like dick attitudes. And your's is coming close to the brink of being (ummmm). Well you know.

Women moves towards what moves away from them.
If a girl senses that she's totally, completely got you on the hook, she won't feel compel to invest.
That's why in the beginning of the interaction, you want to make sure you don't give any overt signs of interests.
Also, if you played this game well in person, you won't need to text her a million funny pictures and memes to keep her attention and to stay on her mind.
Give her radio silence is probably the best thing you can send.
Women feel a consistent attraction towards guys they must work for, not for guys that work for them.
Women loves jerk because a jerk pushes her away, and that compels her to chase.