Originally Posted by lupegarland
I saw her when she first came on eccie.I have pics and videos.Which everyone wanted at the time.She text me to see her,her price$400hr.I had seen her at $200hh,I chuckled,no thks.There is others as pretty and hot as her for less bucks.It is what it is though.
Not trying to be a WK or defend Chanel but isn't this pretty common? Tia Hart charges a minimum of 800 to meet her but I've heard from several other guys that she used to charge a lot less when she was starting out. Aprill of Dallas charges a minimum of 600 for a new guy to meet her but I'm guessing she also charged less when she started out. Robyn Rylie Sin charges 400 minimum now but she used to charge less in the past too.
Gals like Tia and Chanel increase their rates as a way to adjust demand. They have so much demand that it's impossible to deal with so they increase rates to reduce demand. Plus Chanel told me just a few days ago that she does want to be low volume and only meet guys a few days out of a month. So Chanel is even more motivated to reduce demand and increasing the rate is a great way of reducing demand.
The people who can afford her new rates for her time will meet her and the people who can't won't. Based on the reviews posted just yesterday, she's already met a couple of new guys who were willing to pay her new rate. So I'm sure she will do just fine.