Originally Posted by Dondo7
I'm wondering why I signed up for P411 as it doesn't seem to impress many girls
I would think that impressing girls VS all the other perks that I recommend it for.
I suppose it is a matter of an opinion.
Let's say that Don Jaun Super Cock is an avid member..Participates in every venue on this site..has a great rapport.
Let's pretend DJSC is involved in a local sting..And his consequences are
Job, marriage, community humiliation & Family rejection..AT least that's what The group of people involved are telling him..
Perhaps they offer him amnesty for ..his accounts, His app phone # and any little tid bits of information he can offer to assist in "saving lives"

His references clear..They are current..The girls Have great reports & he was a solid client..every time..for 4 years.
Well, Ladies & Gentlemen.
I have nothing more to say.
Same game..same players (for the most part)..new level .
Do what you want with that
Me, I'm probably going to get it in the rear, Rumor has, I Like it!!
Yea..I do.