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Old 03-20-2019, 05:01 PM   #46
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The out house...?

Isn't that the bar in Douglass county where the HOTT Coeds dance?

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Old 03-20-2019, 05:07 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by seductrix4u View Post
But this thread is about the OP having a dilemma with a NCNS. So back on topic...
And I was just trying to provide backstory. And it seems that the OP hasn't discussed more of "making it right", or was it even made right, even though I know that they've spoken.

I'm not trying to jump in the middle of it, just don't want to see a good provider piled up on because someone made a big deal out of something that could have been dealt with between them in the first place.
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:14 PM   #48
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How do you know they spoke?
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:18 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Lubeman View Post
If she's talking about harassing someone she just sent me a nasty pm. That's what you call stalking.
Perhaps you should report this incident officially to the mods for action!!
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:20 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Lubeman View Post
How do you know they spoke?
She must have screamed his name three times, too, MexMex!!
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:22 PM   #51
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Wiz your pimp hand is weak.
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:31 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by JuanDiego View Post
I had the same thing with Kamiley last night. She has poor communication skills is really the issue. We had a 7 pm appointment. She told me around 2 it would be shortly after 7 because she was getting her hair done. I figure that means 15-20 minutes. I arrive in OP at 7 expecting to start our date within the next 30 minutes. Texted her that I was there and she tells me she is Lee Summit and her hair still isn't done. Maybe 8 which you know is going to be 8:30 or 9. Completely disrespectful in my book. If I would have call at 7 and said I'm going to be an hour and half late I would have blasted. So disappointing since I have been fantacising about her forever but there is no way I'm giving her a dime now. Texted her today and asked if she wanted to make it up to me, but of course it was my fault.
And this post is because of ??
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:58 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by BigOffshoreDaddy View Post
And I was just trying to provide backstory. And it seems that the OP hasn't discussed more of "making it right", or was it even made right, even though I know that they've spoken.

I'm not trying to jump in the middle of it, just don't want to see a good provider piled up on because someone made a big deal out of something that could have been dealt with between them in the first place.
Sir, you have no idea how much I appreciate you speaking up. Sometimes the voice of reason is lost in the squeaky wheels. Thank you for being the voice of reason in this thread.

Sasha didn't follow through on a date. Her communication sucked but I have ended communications with clients I've felt threatened by so who knows why she stopped talking to the OP.

A provider is not obligated to see anyone she chooses not to see. Perhaps she got some intel on the client that she did not have prior to making the date. Who knows? She changed her mind. Period.

The OP has made his point. Yet despite his and anyone else's best efforts, they will not destroy this woman's career. But they're trying, and that is what is so unnecessary in this whole thread. A NCNS generated all this noise. But then again...I'm not surprised.

You, my man, just classed up the joint. A dude like you can pop on to the KC board anytime.

I always try to loop back to the OP's topic so that I don't get assessed points for having taken a thread off-topic. Just an ECCIE CYA practice I've picked up. Nothing to reflect on you whatsoever.

And now, back to the OP's sitch of being NCNS.
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Old 03-20-2019, 05:58 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
...M standa for Mother..does one who is a mother ever lose that?
Savannah, I think it’s the “ILF” part where many mothers lose that status/title. It is common knowledge, however, that if a woman is spankable, she’ll ALWAYS retain MILF status...
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Old 03-20-2019, 06:15 PM   #55
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Just my thought. If Sasha was trying to get established on this site, why start her career on this site with ncns and then being disrespectful to a client? So she has basically 6 reviews, 1 no which leads to nearly a 20% chance I have the same bad experience.
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Old 03-20-2019, 06:16 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by BigOffshoreDaddy View Post
And I was just trying to provide backstory. And it seems that the OP hasn't discussed more of "making it right", or was it even made right, even though I know that they've spoken.

I'm not trying to jump in the middle of it, just don't want to see a good provider piled up on because someone made a big deal out of something that could have been dealt with between them in the first place.
While I appreciate you telling us the backstory on your marriage etc. And it appears Sasha has asked you to weigh in....so a little wk'ish, so lets call it what it is. But no worries. And I'm glad you had a good time with her.

May I ask what else she has told you? IF you would be so kind to share?

And thank you because it appears you have validated this thread by her telling you she did do a ncns possibly more..so thank you.

At this time I would say she is not a good provider. Why? Because of her being new.
She has very little reputation built as much as she may think, she is a little engine that might someday.

Look I made contact and was a gentleman, I provided her with references, which she apparently took time to verify (proud of her for that).
Then we made the appt.
She didn't follow through.
Then when I explained to her I wasn't happy about this she got the attitude.
I gave her 48 hrs to apologize and offer another session, or I would make this community aware of this event. I gave her the chance and she said fuck you Bigdeal.
But where she went wrong is to indicate she doesn't like eccie and even wont now see guys with no reviews. So I got the apology and bullshit on the other.

So now her name gets tarnished a bit maybe maybe not I don't care.
Im not trying to ruin her, but teach her a small lesson to not bite the hands that are willing to pay her 300 an hr. Go find that rate anywhere in the rw?

She will be fine if she gets her shit together. I hope she becomes an amazing provider ...but I disagree she isn't one now, she has a lot to learn...and that you and I can agree on.

I could give 2 fucks about her car, relationships, whatever. She obviously had a car that tooled her to and from Wichita.

Once again thanks for weighing in!
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Old 03-20-2019, 06:19 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by BigOffshoreDaddy View Post
Hello all,

Due to my increased business travel to the KCK/OP area, I've taken a bit of an interest as of late to your local talent. On my first trip to the area, I reached out to several ladies, and I ended up with Sasha both evenings I was there. So in reading some of the threads of the area, I came across this one. With that said, allow me to offer an outsider's view to the instant discussion.

Being married to the same woman for 31 years, variety is the spice of life. Due to my HRT, travel schedule, and my wife's monthly bill, I'm allowed certain liberties, and I definitely exercise it with her blessing. But when I do see providers, it's very exclusive, and I tend to remain loyal to one - maybe two - in whatever area we're in. The one thing I'm not is a WK...but in this instance, and with due respect to the local members here, I think that Ms. Sasha is being mischaracterized a bit.

I don't think I'm out of line by telling some of Sasha's business here, but let's talk about facts:

1. Sasha is very young and very new to the business.

2. She just got out of a relationship where she was left very high, very dry, and turned to the one thing that she thought she could do to earn money.

3. She's got 2 very young kids she's trying to support, with little help.

4. She's trying to hustle the way she thinks is best. It may not be the traditional way, but she's trying.

5. She just suffered a setback with her vehicle.

Now that it's out there, here's this:

Yes, she's new. Yes, she's trying to make it here. Yes, she's listened to a few people and that's gotten her a bit of a reputation where her rates are concerned. Yes, she's not done a couple of things to everyone's liking. Yes, she NCNS.

She's doing what she can do with her present situation. She has potential to make it to whatever level she wishes to get to in her life. I did reach out to her, because what I'm reading isn't who I experienced. I gave her some advice if she wants to succeed here and in the KC community. I gave her some advice when it comes to appointments and what have you, and that a little communication goes a long ways. Beyond that, the advice is free. The hustle, however, is up to her.

I can't tell you that it's all going to magically change overnight. What I can say is perhaps cut the girl a bit of slack. Point out opportunities for improvement and paths forward instead of threatening fucked up reviews to her livelihood.

She's working to get established here, which I'm sure will help some of the communications issues some. With a little guidance from the local membership here, I'm sure she'll succeed with other things as well.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope nobody's offended as that wasn't my intention. Just trying to give a good provider a good word and a little benefit of the doubt. Everybody stay safe and look forward to visiting the area again soon!
You could have stood up for her without posting some very personal details about her that are nobody's business.
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Old 03-20-2019, 06:22 PM   #58
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Why is it that a certain provider here can take things off topic then when she feels it necessary and she has made her comments then she automatically says lets get back to the topic when she says we should?
Has to control!
Fucking annoying!
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Old 03-20-2019, 06:24 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by mojoworkin View Post
You could have stood up for her without posting some very personal details about her that are nobody's business.
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Old 03-20-2019, 06:29 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by BigDeal View Post
Why is it that a certain provider here can take things off topic then when she feels it necessary and she has made her comments then she automatically says lets get back to the topic when she says we should?
Fucking annoying!
I was trying to figure out a polite way of pointing out in the posts she said to get back on topic that most of her post was off topic so it was a bit hypocritical.

Let the mods mod
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