Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Don't yall break and skirt the law everyday by paying for Pussy? So who are you to judge. These companies need to pay...they already screw people over enough. Stop shilling for companies that dont give a fuck about you...I say use the FMLA...he's no doubt earned it. Its better to take the time he needs to get his head right as opposed to shooting up the place.
I'll admit that I break the law buying pussy. I'm as sure as I can be that the providers I see are doing it of their own free will. So who is the victim? YOU?
What do companies need to pay? Who have we screwed over? You don't know anything about my business practices or employee turnover, of which I have very little. One bitch who recently tried to set me up is a rare exception. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. This one tried to take advantage of me and got caught.
I have a CPA file my taxes every year and my books are always clean as a whistle. I have an attorney but it's more of a friendship than a business relationship because I rarely have to use her. If I have a dissatisfied customer I find a way to make it right even if it costs me more than it should. My reputation is worth everything, my employees understand that.
I've always told any prospective employee that their families should be the #1 priority in their lives. I follow that up with some advice which I think is sound but it also drives home my expectation and it's this: "Their job allows them to responsibly take care of their #1 priority. Finding the right balance in that dynamic is important and that dynamic is different for every employee." There are certain life events, either predictable or unpredictable that alter a path. It can hit some harder than others.
FMLA helps to level that field in dire circumstances and is very reasonable. Abusing it does no one any good. To much abuse and you get push back. Too much push back could lead to changes that end up affecting those who really need FMLA.
It doesn't sound like the OP is in danger of going postal. It sounds like he's a millennial who has some shit going on but like most entitled millennials he has never been given the tools to deal with his own issues and the emotions that come with them in a mature, responsible manner. He has lots of options. One is to seek some counseling AFTER WORK so that it doesn't interfere with his responsibilities to his employer. If his employer is fine with him taking some unpaid leave, good for him. He has all day to seek counseling, get his head straight then show back up to work at the pre-determined time. If the job is the issue he can change jobs. He says he has a good relationship with his employer. It doesn't sound like he feels his employer is screwing him over. Why would you advise him to screw his employer over? Because you think his employer deserves it? That's fucked up thinking and it's that type of thinking that causes employers to go overboard in protecting themselves. People like you, Johnny Cochran Jr., Al Sharpton and the like are just looking for someone to shake down.

The more money employers have to spend on protecting themselves from grifters the less they have to pay good employees or expand thus creating more jobs.