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Old 03-07-2019, 03:28 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Oilmano View Post
School me, ha! The family leave medical act has its place and is well respected in the employer/employee relationship. Most employees have no clue of the true law that our govt has given them for protection. Most of these employees are good hard working people in a long term career. They will take the leave of absence and return to work. In my experience it is a female that has a baby. She will return to work and in most instances do a better job because she has another mouth to feed. The problem arises with the employees that abuse the law. You seem to skirt that way. SC, you should use the existing laws on the books to promote your ideals in a different realm. You are a bitter person who wants to skirt the law for you own agenda.!
I asked a simple question and you're being all extra and doing all kinds of obfuscating, pivoting, and deflecting. So in a nutshell you agree that the FMLA is the best route for Trey and there's nothing an employer can so to prevent him from using it and they have to accommodate his job...thanks for clarifying that for me. Consider yourself schooled. You traveled and wasted 100 miles when I traveled 1 just to come to the same conclusion. Smh
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Old 03-07-2019, 03:50 PM   #32
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It's a route, it's not the best route if for no other reason than the one I've laid out.

Accepting personal responsibility is the best route.

In the case of the OP he should give notice at his current job and take as much personal time as he can afford. Unemployment is at all time lows across any demographic you can think of. It shouldn't be hard to take a sabbatical for a few months and then find a new job if that's what he needs.
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Old 03-07-2019, 04:13 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Oilmano View Post
SC, you should use the existing laws on the books to promote your ideals in a different realm. You are a bitter person who wants to skirt the law for you own agenda.!
Don't yall break and skirt the law everyday by paying for Pussy? So who are you to judge. These companies need to pay...they already screw people over enough. Stop shilling for companies that dont give a fuck about you...I say use the FMLA...he's no doubt earned it. Its better to take the time he needs to get his head right as opposed to shooting up the place.
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Old 03-07-2019, 05:01 PM   #34
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Good news for your depression Trey....Just find a doc to hook you up with this newly FDA approved medication and you’ll be right as rain in no time.....Your welcome....


BTW....if you find a doc to prescribe this shit, send me the contact info. I’m not depressed but I can fake it really well....
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Old 03-07-2019, 05:45 PM   #35
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SC, you have not schooled a damn thing. Trey, unless your pregnant or have other definitive reason under the FMLA don't claim it. You will be found out and you will suffer the repercussions if you are fraudulent.
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Old 03-07-2019, 06:20 PM   #36
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I do have real medical issues that are justifiable reasons for it. Honestly I just want a month off I dont want to be paid but I do want my job. Not looking to screw anyone over. But I do not think with my job mental issues as stated may be not good.
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Old 03-07-2019, 06:28 PM   #37
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Just take a non paid leave of absence. Simple
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Old 03-07-2019, 06:32 PM   #38
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Trey, if you have a good rep with your boss asking for a leave of absence without pay will likely be tolerated. Maybe discuss with one of your co-workers who will cover your load while you are out. A little overtime pay for the co-worker is much less expensive than hiring a new replacement. My employees know that I will always grant time off without pay as long as someone can cover the load.
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Old 03-07-2019, 08:02 PM   #39
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Thats good advice. I think I do have good rep and unpaid leave is all I want. Thanks will look into that too.
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Old 03-08-2019, 06:47 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Don't yall break and skirt the law everyday by paying for Pussy? So who are you to judge. These companies need to pay...they already screw people over enough. Stop shilling for companies that dont give a fuck about you...I say use the FMLA...he's no doubt earned it. Its better to take the time he needs to get his head right as opposed to shooting up the place.
I'll admit that I break the law buying pussy. I'm as sure as I can be that the providers I see are doing it of their own free will. So who is the victim? YOU?

What do companies need to pay? Who have we screwed over? You don't know anything about my business practices or employee turnover, of which I have very little. One bitch who recently tried to set me up is a rare exception. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. This one tried to take advantage of me and got caught.
I have a CPA file my taxes every year and my books are always clean as a whistle. I have an attorney but it's more of a friendship than a business relationship because I rarely have to use her. If I have a dissatisfied customer I find a way to make it right even if it costs me more than it should. My reputation is worth everything, my employees understand that.

I've always told any prospective employee that their families should be the #1 priority in their lives. I follow that up with some advice which I think is sound but it also drives home my expectation and it's this: "Their job allows them to responsibly take care of their #1 priority. Finding the right balance in that dynamic is important and that dynamic is different for every employee." There are certain life events, either predictable or unpredictable that alter a path. It can hit some harder than others.
FMLA helps to level that field in dire circumstances and is very reasonable. Abusing it does no one any good. To much abuse and you get push back. Too much push back could lead to changes that end up affecting those who really need FMLA.

It doesn't sound like the OP is in danger of going postal. It sounds like he's a millennial who has some shit going on but like most entitled millennials he has never been given the tools to deal with his own issues and the emotions that come with them in a mature, responsible manner. He has lots of options. One is to seek some counseling AFTER WORK so that it doesn't interfere with his responsibilities to his employer. If his employer is fine with him taking some unpaid leave, good for him. He has all day to seek counseling, get his head straight then show back up to work at the pre-determined time. If the job is the issue he can change jobs. He says he has a good relationship with his employer. It doesn't sound like he feels his employer is screwing him over. Why would you advise him to screw his employer over? Because you think his employer deserves it? That's fucked up thinking and it's that type of thinking that causes employers to go overboard in protecting themselves. People like you, Johnny Cochran Jr., Al Sharpton and the like are just looking for someone to shake down.
The more money employers have to spend on protecting themselves from grifters the less they have to pay good employees or expand thus creating more jobs.
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Old 03-08-2019, 08:29 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
. Honestly I just want a month off I dont want to be paid but I do want my job.

After Hurricane Ike hit, I just wanted one full night of sleep, but people needed their lights back on. I had to work 3 weeks of 16 hour days, then 2 weeks of 12 hour days. No days or hours off.

Just suck it up and go to work. We all want time off from work, but we are hired for a reason. Suppose you miss a month of work, without pay, and your company realizes they don't need you.....then you will have a whole lot of time off.
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Old 03-08-2019, 08:34 AM   #42
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Boardman.....Like you, I am an employer. Everything you said was as spot on as it can be.
Thank you. You are much better with words than I am.
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Old 03-08-2019, 10:38 AM   #43
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In the past , there was multi-week training in Australia.
I pitched this to my boss...
I wanted to arrive Friday instead of Sunday in return, I would not charge travel time, which is 48 hours both ways.
The boss accepted that.

What do you offer in trade? Free Saturday work? Holiday work? Your boss has to answer to his boss and he needs to cover his butt.
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Old 03-08-2019, 11:00 AM   #44
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Until someone has taken the leap faith by investing everything they have in their own ability to wear all the hats it takes to own and run a business I don't give them much credibility when they whine about how evil they think me to be. They have no clue what it takes.
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Old 03-08-2019, 12:52 PM   #45
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too many words....boringman

good post
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