Originally Posted by WTF
I've always wondered about this logic.
He was proven to be lying about Trump doing business with the Russians on a Trump Tower deal in 2016 in Moscow. Which means Trump was lying when he said he was doing no business with the Russians.
That would be like you butt fucking someone , oeb11 lying about it to Congress and you then denouncing that oeb11 for lying . Yes oed11 lied about you not butt fucking someone , when in fact you did.
All that said....nobody gives a fuck about Cohen or Trump for that matter. The only thing that matters is the results of the 2020 election. And then it starts all over again. 
Dear oeb11...I've made the appropriate change to reflect a more realistic version of actual events between you two.
I did not realize how serious you took my posting on this Internet hooker board.
Or maybe instead of actually debating my point, you instead cried about how I hurt your feelings.
So again, Cohen lied about Trump lying about Trump being in negotiations with Russians about a Trump Tower in Moscow. You are not the least bit curious about why Trump lied about that?