I think when it comes to looking at AMPs and the supposed lacking of quality compared to the past, I would say that there is likely a decline which is caused by multiple factors. Post-FOSTA/SESTA and what have you, you have seen some much more effort towards fighting "human trafficking" including stiffer punishment, more busts, and so many websites being taken down or at least sent underground. That is not really something that only pertains to AMPs, but it is certainly something which affects them given that the nature of them is in an area that intersects with sex work. So this all creates a situation where running any "adult" business is very high risk and is increasingly becoming more so which is absolutely causing people to rethink if it is worth it inlight of such risks. After all, why not just close up shop while you are ahead vs. risk serious legal issues? Regardless, I think so much of the current climate is a primary factor when it comes down to the lack of quality we are seeing now.