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Old 01-13-2019, 08:05 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
That's good. So do I. There are still 30,000 gun deaths in the USA every year. Republicans are so fucking paranoid. No ones taking your guns
Gun owners aren’t trying hard enough. Cigarettes beat that number in a month. You won’t see them going away any time soon
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Old 01-13-2019, 08:21 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
If you cant figure out how to get a gun in America, well lets just say that you shouldn't have one. There are more guns then there are people. Why don't white people start making more babies instead of guns? You may be worried about them taking your guns-(fear) but Im not-(faith). This has been right wing propaganda for decades that right wingers rally behind every time. Its so paradoxical You rally to have guns to kill people and then freak out about killing future babies-(abortion). Make up your fucking minds
They’re not exactly the same, although one might reasonably argue the end result is. One flaw here is that guns kill people. Absolutely wrong. I’ve significant experience in this environment and I’ve never seen a gun operate itself and kill anyone. People kill people. They always have and I don’t see an end to it anytime soon. I can kill you just as easily with my Pentel pen as I can with one of my 3 weapons. And if that were a scenario, I’d prefer the pen because it’d be personal and I’d want to be in your face. BTW, no one has ever had me check my pen at the airport. Debating the self serving efforts of our duly elected political pieces of shit accomplishes nothing unless you feel better after you vent anonymously on a complete stranger.
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Old 01-14-2019, 04:34 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Ronin3 View Post
They’re not exactly the same, although one might reasonably argue the end result is. One flaw here is that guns kill people. Absolutely wrong. I’ve significant experience in this environment and I’ve never seen a gun operate itself and kill anyone. People kill people. They always have and I don’t see an end to it anytime soon. I can kill you just as easily with my Pentel pen as I can with one of my 3 weapons. And if that were a scenario, I’d prefer the pen because it’d be personal and I’d want to be in your face. BTW, no one has ever had me check my pen at the airport. Debating the self serving efforts of our duly elected political pieces of shit accomplishes nothing unless you feel better after you vent anonymously on a complete stranger.
great post Ronin
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Old 01-14-2019, 06:33 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Ronin3 View Post
They’re not exactly the same, although one might reasonably argue the end result is. One flaw here is that guns kill people. Absolutely wrong. I’ve significant experience in this environment and I’ve never seen a gun operate itself and kill anyone. People kill people. They always have and I don’t see an end to it anytime soon. I can kill you just as easily with my Pentel pen as I can with one of my 3 weapons. And if that were a scenario, I’d prefer the pen because it’d be personal and I’d want to be in your face. BTW, no one has ever had me check my pen at the airport. Debating the self serving efforts of our duly elected political pieces of shit accomplishes nothing unless you feel better after you vent anonymously on a complete stranger.
You are 100% correct. Guns do not kill people. But they make it much easier for those who want to kill people to kill people. For you to kill me with a Pentel pen you have to be right next to me. How many people would Stephen Paddock killed in Las Vegas with a Pentel pen? He killed 58 and wounded another 400 or so.
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Old 01-14-2019, 06:45 AM   #35
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You are also correct - SR
Other than banning bumpstocks - with which I agree, Open for constructive, effective ideas to stop the extremely rare incidents of mass shootings.

From Snopes-This means that on average, between 2009 and 2015, there was one death per year from a mass shooting for every 11 million people living in the United States.
A very good article to read.
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Old 01-14-2019, 07:03 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
You are also correct - SR
Other than banning bumpstocks - with which I agree, Open for constructive, effective ideas to stop the extremely rare incidents of mass shootings.

From Snopes-This means that on average, between 2009 and 2015, there was one death per year from a mass shooting for every 11 million people living in the United States.
A very good article to read.
oeb, it is near impossible to stop mass killings, or the killings of about 17,000 in this country. It has less to do with guns than with the mentality of those committing the homicides. Some are just crazy. Others have no regard for human life.

We can try to make it harder for those with mental disorders to own guns but that is difficult. And it is so easy to say a better home life and education will cut down on homicides.

I just shake my head in disbelief when you compare the homicides in this country per capita with that in other countries.
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Old 01-14-2019, 07:51 AM   #37
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SR - I am in agreement with you.

I wonder how much effect the MSM coverages have in causing copycat incidents
I have no answer for that.
Thank You for your reasoned approach!
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Old 01-14-2019, 12:02 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
SR - I am in agreement with you.

I wonder how much effect the MSM coverages have in causing copycat incidents
I have no answer for that.
Thank You for your reasoned approach!
oeb I have never seen a Big Mac make people fat. People eating Big Macs make them fat. Guns kill people. That why I own one. Hypothetically I dont care who you are, what your training is or isn't and give me the gun and you a pen and I will put your lights out.
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Old 01-14-2019, 01:19 PM   #39
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TM - Do not threaten forum participants.
Guns are a tool used by people for many purposes - one of which is self-defense.

No gun kills without a person utilizing it. .

As a (I would hope) responsible firearm owner, a reasoned approach to the issues is incumbent upon You.

Feinstein's proposal is the Topic - and it is completely ineffective in addressing the issue of gun violence in America.

If you have a problem with my posts that you are willing to propose lethal force against me- I suggest you post your differences of opinion. You are WAY out of line.
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Old 01-14-2019, 02:57 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
TM - Do not threaten forum participants.
Guns are a tool used by people for many purposes - one of which is self-defense.

No gun kills without a person utilizing it. .

As a (I would hope) responsible firearm owner, a reasoned approach to the issues is incumbent upon You.

Feinstein's proposal is the Topic - and it is completely ineffective in addressing the issue of gun violence in America.

If you have a problem with my posts that you are willing to propose lethal force against me- I suggest you post your differences of opinion. You are WAY out of line.
oeb i think you need to reread my post. I was applying a hypothetical "You" and you know it. You reading way to much into this. Every post I have seems to offend you. You really should get over it and realize other people have opinions that may not necessarily "rubber stamp" what I consider to be nonsense on your part. Im not the "enemy"
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Old 01-14-2019, 03:14 PM   #41
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Debate forum is about different opinions.

Different opinions exist in this forum - Some I respect, some I don't
Suggestion- be careful about "hypothetically-Put your lights out"" - like aiming a weapon - one does not point it at what one is not ready to destroy.

Parenthetically - You have no idea what I can do and have done to save lives (plural) with a ball point pen.

Wish You could give up that Hate.

Enough with off Topic
Feinstein is a DPST Idiot with this proposed bill.
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Old 01-14-2019, 03:23 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Debate forum is about different opinions.

Different opinions exist in this forum - Some I respect, some I don't
Suggestion- be careful about "hypothetically-Put your lights out"" - like aiming a weapon - one does not point it at what one is not ready to destroy.

Parenthetically - You have no idea what I can do and have done to save lives (plural) with a ball point pen.

Wish You could give up that Hate.

Enough with off Topic
Feinstein is a DPST Idiot with this proposed bill.
I agree with you oeb. Anyone who thinks they are going to ban guns from the USA is an idiot
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Old 01-14-2019, 03:45 PM   #43
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I have a question for gun owners.

The AR-15. Why would a gun owner want to own an AR-15? It is not a weapon a hunter would use. From what I've read in posts by people on this forum, it would not be the weapon of choice for people protecting their home against intruders. It is certainly not the weapon one would carry outside their home for protection.

When I was in basic training in the army a long time ago, one of the first demonstrations the Drill Sergeants put on was the firing power of an M-16. Made maybe a dime-sized hole on entry and a much bigger hole on exit. The ammunition used in the M-16 didn't simply pass through internal organs, it destroyed internal organs. My understanding is the ammunition in the AR-15 does the same.

So why would a gun owner want to own an AR-15?
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Old 01-14-2019, 04:02 PM   #44
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I have a question for gun owners.

The AR-15. Why would a gun owner want to own an AR-15? It is not a weapon a hunter would use. From what I've read in posts by people on this forum, it would not be the weapon of choice for people protecting their home against intruders. It is certainly not the weapon one would carry outside their home for protection.

When I was in basic training in the army a long time ago, one of the first demonstrations the Drill Sergeants put on was the firing power of an M-16. Made maybe a dime-sized hole on entry and a much bigger hole on exit. The ammunition used in the M-16 didn't simply pass through internal organs, it destroyed internal organs. My understanding is the ammunition in the AR-15 does the same.

So why would a gun owner want to own an AR-15?
It's an outstanding varmint rifle for farmers and ranchers; especially, if they're raising chickens and have a coyote problem. The recoil allows the shooter to stay on target for subsequent shots at such fleet footed creatures. Even females can get off a second or third shot if their first shot is a miss. The AR-15 also works well on small and mid-sized boars. Of course, the apartment dwellers that vote for the likes of a Feinstein have little understanding of what farmers and ranchers actually deal with on a daily basis.

OEB11, you're doing a fine job defending my point of view. Keep it up.
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Old 01-14-2019, 04:07 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
It's an outstanding varmint rifle for farmers and ranchers; especially, if they're raising chickens and have a coyote problem. The recoil allows the shooter to stay on target for subsequent shots at such fleet footed creatures. Even females can get off a second or third shot if their first shot is a miss. The AR-15 also works well on small and mid-sized boars. Of course, the apartment dwellers that vote for the likes of a Feinstein have little understanding of what farmers and ranchers actually deal with on a daily basis.

OEB11, you're doing a fine job defending my point of view. Keep it up.
Aww thats sweet IB. You made a new friend in oeb. Just remember the enemy of your enemy is your friend
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