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Old 01-13-2019, 05:01 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Champagne Brown View Post
^^ P is that you?

You have done the same thing, twice at least towards me.. Turned me in to CPS , as well LE for doing the same thing you do, hobbying.. Don't forget you also called my SO telling him things being messy(tried to sabotage my relationship so she could get with him), also you did try to sabotage my business with lies.

They give you a heads up you were about to get banned again for passing my personal info, and others personal info around in emails? You disabled your acct before the ban, and we know you're not retired, as you're still posting on OH2.

If MM did do these things I don't condone it, and it is wrong..

Give P the same energy that MM is getting, P is guilty of the same things.. Y'all must of missed my post last month about being outed again by malicious Seeking P..
Most likely yes it is her. And do NOT forget to RTM those posts.
Just like she has done to use.
India my bony white ass. Take that to the welcome wagon.
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Old 01-13-2019, 05:18 AM   #77
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Yeah it is her..

I'm not the hall way monitor like herself, so I'm not about to report her fake manadle that sticks out like a sore thumb.. Someone else can

I gotta life, and not too concerned who's doing this, and who's not doing that.. Guess that's a life of a rat, if they do it on here, what do you think they'll do off the board? It's not against the law to think, but they working on it.. THINK

I wonder if they give her a cookie or some shyt for snitching, by hitting the rtm on her competition? Rolls eyes
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Old 01-13-2019, 06:21 AM   #78
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I did hit it and I have nothing to hide. Like you I have a life other than setting behind a computer and collecting everyone's personal information and using against them on down the road like she has done.
The sky will fall on an outing whore. Its just matter of time.
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Old 01-13-2019, 07:49 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Champagne Brown View Post
^^ P is that you?

You have done the same thing, twice at least towards me.. Turned me in to CPS , as well LE for doing the same thing you do, hobbying.. Don't forget you also called my SO telling him things being messy(tried to sabotage my relationship so she could get with him), also you did try to sabotage my business with lies.

They give you a heads up you were about to get banned again for passing my personal info, and others personal info around in emails? You disabled your acct before the ban, and we know you're not retired, as you're still posting on OH2.

If MM did do these things I don't condone it, and it is wrong..

Give P the same energy that MM is getting, P is guilty of the same things.. Y'all must of missed my post last month about being outed again by malicious Seeking P..

Edit: also let's not forget hobbyist personal info was leaked in emails, when she was passing my stuff around, he was collateral damage in her eyes..
I speak up for one particular provider that several of us are
familiar with in the Dallas location that didn't involve herself in displaying dirty laundry.
Do the research.
She deserves a fair chance at earning an income no different than you.
You expect me to speak about SP and I literally don't know her.
Practice what you preach and go after everyone involved with as much energy. Nail them to the cross for all I care.
Hypocritical of you to prosecute one & give the other an easy pass. Look around, people are disappearing and there is one common denominator, MM every time.
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Old 01-13-2019, 08:17 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by R.M. View Post
I did hit it and I have nothing to hide. Like you I have a life other than setting behind a computer and collecting everyone's personal information and using against them on down the road like she has done.
The sky will fall on an outing whore. Its just matter of time.
I can promise you this is not seeking P
You have missed the entire point because of your focus on one person when you should be fairly looking at every angle.
Nail them all that engaged in taking people's children, jobs, tore apart familes.
How can you forget justice for others that have been hurt and run blind with rage. A fair system can't work if you don't enforce it for everyone.
Take both SP & MM down with as much energy as you put it.
Seems to me you two are giving MM a pass & to hell with the Provider in Dallas & the man's that was fired.
I ain't buying the bullshit in Texas.
Where were you two on the protest line for our Dallas provider ....you didn't give a damn.
Stop making this about one provider, there are 2.
Y'all so busy attacking people that can't be used for your agenda. Two people doing the same sin and you stone one person. Fucked up thinking
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Old 01-13-2019, 08:46 AM   #81
Champagne Brown
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Originally Posted by 0utlaw View Post
I speak up for one particular provider that several of us are
familiar with in the Dallas location that didn't involve herself in displaying dirty laundry.
Do the research.
She deserves a fair chance at earning an income no different than you.
You expect me to speak about SP and I literally don't know her.
Practice what you preach and go after everyone involved with as much energy. Nail them to the cross for all I care.
Hypocritical of you to prosecute one & give the other an easy pass. Look around, people are disappearing and there is one common denominator, MM every time.
Go sit out, and enjoy your bancation you earned it... You're not fooling anyone around here, you did leave a clue in your 1st posting, duh..

All you're putting out is hearsay, and at this ponit it isn't proof.. Wheres your proof at punkin?

Im sure if there is a lady in dallas, she's grown enough to tell us.. MM, isn't banned due to any of these allegations that are spewing in this thread..

Fyi you have nothing to be jealous of..
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Old 01-13-2019, 09:19 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by 0utlaw View Post
I can promise you this is not seeking P
You have missed the entire point because of your focus on one person when you should be fairly looking at every angle.
Nail them all that engaged in taking people's children, jobs, tore apart familes.
How can you forget justice for others that have been hurt and run blind with rage. A fair system can't work if you don't enforce it for everyone.
Take both SP & MM down with as much energy as you put it.
Seems to me you two are giving MM a pass & to hell with the Provider in Dallas & the man's that was fired.
I ain't buying the bullshit in Texas.
Where were you two on the protest line for our Dallas provider ....you didn't give a damn.
Stop making this about one provider, there are 2.
Y'all so busy attacking people that can't be used for your agenda. Two people doing the same sin and you stone one person. Fucked up thinking
Panties twisted much?
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Old 01-13-2019, 10:38 AM   #83
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This is really MM’s thread. She started it because of the system glitch. Jumped all over someone, I guess SP, for reporting her. She also said she did NOT post twice within 2 hours and asked for proof. After proof was provided, she turned focus to the person she suspected for reporting her. Then went into full meltdown mode, pretty much asking for bancation.

Maybe we need to start an outing thread to track this crap further. MM’s meltdown about being reported for a rule violation that was clearly not her fault is pretty much done. I guess she was upset with points for the minor rules violation, but had to turn it into a ban.
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Old 01-13-2019, 07:12 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Champagne Brown View Post

All you're putting out is hearsay, and at this ponit it isn't proof.. Wheres your proof at punkin?

Im sure if there is a lady in dallas, she's grown enough to tell us.. MM, isn't banned due to any of these allegations that are spewing in this thread..
You forget about character witnesses that were around when the provider was intimidated off the board because MM was stalking the woman.
Witnesses are PROOF... They are used in a court of law.
Avoiding the research shows your ignorance.
A bitter, angry woman has clouded judgement towards other women because you didn't have proof to take down seeking payment.
Let the witnesses speak but you scared of that....
But your sidekick is a useless coat rider.
Waiting on your proof.
Don't change the subject or back down, you want this to be all about Seeking Payment...
Show the proof or shut up.
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Old 01-13-2019, 07:54 PM   #85
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Look I don't care about no he say, she say.. Did MM get banned for any of this? NO

MM isn't my side kick, I don't mess with anyone on that type of level..

I'm going to let you know I'm playing your game right now, but not really..

You can call me up anytime like you did _____ <<fill in the blank

Also I did say if MM did do it, I don't condone what she did, but you have hard on for MM, and I can't believe I made it possible to be the mediator, I guess it was me being naive on my part. Y'all are dirty dirty..

Like I said I'm playing your game, but not really.. You know what I'm talking about, everyone else won't understand.. Good day
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Old 01-13-2019, 08:06 PM   #86
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Yes. Yes. I can feel the love of this thread radiating warmth thru my keyboard. Its exhilarating! Let it all out! I like seeing all the concern from everyone in this thread! Yes , the love is showing.......
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Old 01-13-2019, 08:46 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Champagne Brown View Post
Look I don't care about no he say, she say.. Did MM get banned for any of this? NO
you keep changing the subject when you losing control,this is about people fucking with jobs, messing with families & you brought up your subject

You can call me up anytime like you did _____ <<fill in the blank talking isn't exhibit of proof or key witnesses

Also I did say if MM did do it, I don't condone what she did, but you have hard on for MM .
says the kettle that has a bigger hard on
, and I can't believe I made it possible to be the mediator Hypocrisy whore with a messenger boy,shall I present the proof, I guess it was me being naive on my part. Y'all are dirty dirty.
Waiting on your proof & character witnesses what is taking so long.
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Old 01-13-2019, 10:59 PM   #88
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Let me tell you something, my proof has already been submitted to the mods, also eccie websupport..

Dont play with me, because im not that chick..

You on the other hand, need to follow protocol to submit your proof to them.. I seriously doubt you have it, punkin..

I guess the joke was on me trying help you, and MM restore your friendship for the last few weeks.. You were still out for blood,and used me in the process.. Thats the exact reason why I don't fuk with yall girls on here.. Yall trouble, and conniving..

Im not going to talk to you anymore, because im very disappointed with disgust...

You called me with this last night, so you know there's no proof..

Im not playing stupid now..
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Old 01-13-2019, 11:56 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by 0utlaw View Post
You forget about character witnesses that were around when the provider was intimidated off the board because MM was stalking the woman.
Witnesses are PROOF... They are used in a court of law.
Avoiding the research shows your ignorance.
A bitter, angry woman has clouded judgement towards other women because you didn't have proof to take down seeking payment.
Let the witnesses speak but you scared of that....
But your sidekick is a useless coat rider.
Waiting on your proof.
Don't change the subject or back down, you want this to be all about Seeking Payment...
Show the proof or shut up.
You cow bell bitching hog...
Should focus on your snail shed..


Where is by the whey.... the GUEST of honor.??

Bidding time..lol.
Ok..better then saying a bitch is stalking u....






NOT same as the elf....i Am...

Xxoo annie
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Old 01-14-2019, 04:33 AM   #90
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My word. SOMBODY..is up early!!Last I knew u would at least let the ink dry ike before pointing.. LMAOF!!!
HEY P...hows that packing doing chicka??
Jesus christ..yall need a life beyond eccie.. i.j.s..
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