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Old 01-12-2019, 07:02 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
That's why the banter appeals to those who are still engaged in grade-school playground discourse .... and Schumer-Pelosi shut down the pay checks to 800,000 of their labor union supporters .... in a tantrum of refusing to support something they both have previously supported under another administration.

According to polls, and we all know polls can be right-on or incorrect, the majority of people in this country hold Trump/Republicans at fault for the shutdown.

Trump Has Lost Ground In The Shutdown Blame Game


Poll shows voters blame Trump more than Dems for government shutdown


Did Pelosi and Schumer REALLY support a wall like Trump is proposing? Voting for the "Fence Act", something Trump called a "nothing wall", in 2006 is totally different than supporting Trump's wall.

Did Democrats reverse border wall position after Donald Trump was elected?


I would go back to the Democratic proposal that offered up about $1.6 billion dollars for increased border security. It's not $5.8 billion but it would be a gesture that would be hard to reject at this point in time.
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:06 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
More personal attacks with impunity!

It does appear that CNNers aka Liberal-Socialist-AntiTrumpers have not learned yet, either, that ridicule and marginalizing isn't a legitimate counter-argument and purely reveals the lack of intellect and overwhelming level of ignorant bias. It's reportedly daily .... as COSTCO aka ACOSTA so eloquently DEMonstrated ...

.. what TRUMP IS BUILDING ... WORKS! Call it what you wish! IT WORKS!

Of course he didn't DARE go to San Diego .... !!!!!

You are insulted by me pointing out that you don't know what your talking about? To me that's strange and shows signs of doubt and insecurity about your belief in the content of your information. Lots of people don't like my view point and opinion and tell me so all the time but I don't shed tears crying about how unfair it is. Are you in America Lex? If so please visit one of our free public libraries and do a little research next time before posting
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:08 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
According to polls, and we all know polls can be right-on or incorrect, the majority of people in this country hold Trump/Republicans at fault for the shutdown.

I would go back to the Democratic proposal that offered up about $1.6 billion dollars for increased border security. It's not $5.8 billion but it would be a gesture that would be hard to reject at this point in time.
Premised on ..... Trump being concerned about "polls"?

As the average citizen moves about their everyday life, the Duffus-Duo, Chuck and Nancy, are merely proving with each day that the "average citizen" will do just fine with LESS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

Just think? Let me repeat that .... "just think"! ...

... wouldn't we as taxpayers be better off with 800,000 fewer pups on the Government Tit?

There are plenty of jobs to be had ... they can go get one of them!

Or are the Duffus-Duo and their Loyal Liberal-Socialists saving those jobs for the women and their offspring marching to our Southern Border in "CARAVANS" for a "better life" in OUR COUNTRY!

May be they should have voted for Trump and his supporters in Congress!!!!!

There would be no "shutdown"! Trump would get his "wall" money and they paid. But .. "NOOOOOOOOOOO"!
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:14 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Premised on ..... Trump being concerned about "polls"?

As the average citizen moves about their everyday life, the Duffus-Duo, Chuck and Nancy, are merely proving with each day that the "average citizen" will do just fine with LESS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

Just think? Let me repeat that .... "just think"! ...

... wouldn't we as taxpayers be better off with 800,000 fewer pups on the Government Tit?

There are plenty of jobs to be had ... they can go get one of them!

Or are the Duffus-Duo and their Loyal Liberal-Socialists saving those jobs for the women and their offspring marching to our Southern Border in "CARAVANS" for a "better life" in OUR COUNTRY!

Once again you don't know what you are talking about. George W Bush & Ronald Regan grew the government by more that any presidents except for FDR & Lincoln. Lets see FDR had WWII & Lincoln had the Civil War. Make that trip to the library soon Lex
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:38 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
You are insulted by me pointing out that you don't know what your talking about? To me that's strange and shows signs of doubt and insecurity about your belief in the content of your information.
I'm not "insulted" by the ignorance, glaring stupidity, and patent bias of those who engage in ineffective propaganda to entertain themselves and attempt to impress others by belittling those who have vastly more experience in the function of the important aspects of our Federal government that is patently, and painfully, obvious by the nonpaid FAT in the Federal bureaucracy that daily proves it is FAT and not worthy of receiving a pay check in the first place.

Trump wins again! When will the AntiTrumpers figure it out? They sit at home while he builds his "wall"!
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:39 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Once again you don't know what you are talking about. George W Bush & Ronald Regan grew the government by more that any presidents except for FDR & Lincoln. Lets see FDR had WWII & Lincoln had the Civil War. Make that trip to the library soon Lex
And again you divert and get off topic!

You are losing this discussion so you desire to change the topic WITH IMPUNITY!
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:45 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And again you divert and get off topic!

You are losing this discussion so you desire to change the topic WITH IMPUNITY!
Here Lexy. lets get straight to this. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

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Old 01-12-2019, 07:46 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Proves my point....Congress should limit this power, not expand it.

People with half a brain know all Trump is doing is diverting attention from Muller. He had his campaign manger giving sensitive polling data to Russian oligarchs
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Old 01-12-2019, 08:21 AM   #39
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i hold trump responsible

he's responsible for not accepting doing nothing as the normal government response

he's responsible for being a man of action

it's incorrect, as some dismissive people have done in here, to say trump ever planned to build a wall all along the estimated 1,933 miles of the border with mexico

and there already exists a wall, or fencing, that spans about 670 miles. the latest on the complete plan is to add approximately 700 more miles in selected areas

the asked for 5.7 billion isn't designed to satisfy that

the amount is for more than steel fencing and includes more border agents and other types of measures

the intransigence of the dimocrats to consider a detailed and inclusive security plan is closed minded politics aimed at the next election and at trump, and to hell with the u.s. citizen and security. like scarlett o'hara, they'll worry about that later if ever

the biggest and best security measure we could adopt is to change our antiquated laws regarding how to handle people who enter the u.s. illegally, especially those with a child, and final adjudication of the 14th amendment to the constituion

the number of "inadmissables" (those trying to enter at ports of entry and airports etc) and "apprehensions" (those crossing the border illegally and found) dropped considerably when trump was elected. the most likely cause of this was the "shock" of Trump's election and his rhetorical stance. the drops on illegal entry and trumps election track together

attitudes, words and stances of presidents do matter. Obama's caused a massive influx of unaccompanied minors.

however lately, that has worn off and illegal inflows have gone back up

when dimocrats claim we are at historical low levels of illegal entries, they are misstating the data and its in the past tense also.

without a barrier, illegal immigrants enter and when found by border agents, merely surrender claiming asylum and then the long legal process begins, many times with the immigrant never reappearing

asylum is enshrined in u.s. and international law, perhaps as a belated response to what happened to the jews in wwii. but like anything a government hands out, people figure out a way to scam the giveaway, especially after being coached by the dimocrat liberals

the number of granted asylums per year hasn't grown by much, but the number of claimed asylums has risen dramatically clogging the courts, and causing most cases to never be handled in a reasonable amount of time.

the solution is complicated but limiting the ability of people to walk into the u.s. seems a good start. border patrol agents know walls work
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Old 01-12-2019, 08:28 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
i hold trump responsible

he's responsible for not accepting doing nothing as the normal government response

he's responsible for being a man of action

it's incorrect, as some dismissive people have done in here, to say trump ever planned to build a wall all along the estimated 1,933 miles of the border with mexico

and there already exists a wall, or fencing, that spans about 670 miles. the latest on the complete plan is to add approximately 700 more miles in selected areas

the asked for 5.7 billion isn't designed to satisfy that

the amount is for more than steel fencing and includes more border agents and other types of measures

the intransigence of the dimocrats to consider a detailed and inclusive security plan is closed minded politics aimed at the next election and at trump.

the biggest and best security measure we could adopt is to change our antiquated laws regarding how to handle people who enter the u.s. illegally, especially those with a child, and final adjudication of the 14th amendment to the constituion

the number of "inadmissables" (those trying to enter at ports of entry and airports etc) and "apprehensions" (those crossing the border illegally and found) dropped considerably when trump was elected. the most likely cause of this was the "shock" of Trump's election and his rhetorical stance. the drops on illegal entry and trumps election track together

attitudes, words and stances of presidents do matter. Obama's caused a massive influx of unaccompanied minors.

however lately, that has worn off and illegal inflows have gone back up

when dimocrats claim we are at historical low levels of illegal entries, they are misstating the data and its in the past tense also.

without a barrier, illegal immigrants enter and when found by border agents, merely surrender claiming asylum and then the long legal process begins, many times with the immigrant never reappearing

asylum is enshrined in u.s. and international law, perhaps as a belated response to what happened to the jews in wwii. but like anything a government hands out, people figure out a way to scam the giveaway.

the number of granted asylums per year hasn't grown by much, but the number of claimed asylums has risen dramatically clogging the courts, and causing most cases to never be handled in a reasonable amount of time.

the solution is complicated but limiting the ability of people to walk into the u.s. seems a good start. the border patrol agents knows walls work
Good post. Ultimately when a person in power takes the credit for all the good news hes going to take the blame for the failures. Trump had 2 years to get this train on the tracks. He failed. Plain and simple
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Old 01-12-2019, 08:43 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
i hold trump responsible

he's responsible for not accepting doing nothing as the normal government response

he's responsible for being a man of action
Man of action!

He is a man of action all right.

Had two years to do this and shutdown the government after he lost the House and Muller is starting to expose all Trumps lies.

More like a man of distraction.

Trump is as crooked as the Clinton Foundation and you Trumpers will eventually find out what a charlatan you voted for
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Old 01-12-2019, 09:03 AM   #42
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Its really sad that political system in this country is being run by the media , and the dems have no comprise and Dumper comprises ( dreamer act) no media coverage ... just think people are arguing over want the media said ( Russia got there way , CHOAS )
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Old 01-12-2019, 09:05 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Its really sad that political system in this country is being run by the media , and the dems have no comprise and Dumper comprises ( dreamer act) no media coverage ... just think people are arguing over want the media said ( Russia got there way , CHOAS )

no one respects the media anymore though

that ship has sailed

when one looks at the media, they should see antifa in suits, just another arm of the dimocrats

one the one hand ss troops, on the other propaganda troops
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Old 01-12-2019, 10:03 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
i hold trump responsible

he's responsible for not accepting doing nothing as the normal government response

he's responsible for being a man of action

it's incorrect, as some dismissive people have done in here, to say trump ever planned to build a wall all along the estimated 1,933 miles of the border with mexico

and there already exists a wall, or fencing, that spans about 670 miles. the latest on the complete plan is to add approximately 700 more miles in selected areas

the asked for 5.7 billion isn't designed to satisfy that

the amount is for more than steel fencing and includes more border agents and other types of measures

the intransigence of the dimocrats to consider a detailed and inclusive security plan is closed minded politics aimed at the next election and at trump, and to hell with the u.s. citizen and security. like scarlett o'hara, they'll worry about that later if ever

the biggest and best security measure we could adopt is to change our antiquated laws regarding how to handle people who enter the u.s. illegally, especially those with a child, and final adjudication of the 14th amendment to the constituion

the number of "inadmissables" (those trying to enter at ports of entry and airports etc) and "apprehensions" (those crossing the border illegally and found) dropped considerably when trump was elected. the most likely cause of this was the "shock" of Trump's election and his rhetorical stance. the drops on illegal entry and trumps election track together

attitudes, words and stances of presidents do matter. Obama's caused a massive influx of unaccompanied minors.

however lately, that has worn off and illegal inflows have gone back up

when dimocrats claim we are at historical low levels of illegal entries, they are misstating the data and its in the past tense also.

without a barrier, illegal immigrants enter and when found by border agents, merely surrender claiming asylum and then the long legal process begins, many times with the immigrant never reappearing

asylum is enshrined in u.s. and international law, perhaps as a belated response to what happened to the jews in wwii. but like anything a government hands out, people figure out a way to scam the giveaway, especially after being coached by the dimocrat liberals

the number of granted asylums per year hasn't grown by much, but the number of claimed asylums has risen dramatically clogging the courts, and causing most cases to never be handled in a reasonable amount of time.

the solution is complicated but limiting the ability of people to walk into the u.s. seems a good start. border patrol agents know walls work
And yet his approval rating barely breaks 40%. Prior to the mid-term elections I was unsure of the correlation between Trump's approval rating and the outcome of the mid-terms. Seems like there is a rather high correlation.
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Old 01-12-2019, 10:19 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post

no one respects the media anymore though

that ship has sailed

when one looks at the media, they should see antifa in suits, just another arm of the dimocrats

one the one hand ss troops, on the other propaganda troops
You have a president that changed his position because of what Rush Limbaugh and Fox News says.
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