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Old 10-14-2018, 01:36 PM   #1
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Default Am I the Only One....

I'm sure this thread will devolve into chaos pretty quickly, but I think this pretty often and have to ask.

Am I the only one who thinks it's a little silly for us to debate politics with each other? Or with anyone who's not actually a politician? If we were talking to politicians about stuff, maybe we'd learn something. But none of us here have any training or experience that would qualify us to run a country of 350 million people.

Think about it. What other job do you think you can do right out the gate, with zero training? You don't try to work on your car when it breaks down, you take it to a mechanic and trust what he tells you. If you feel like you got screwed, you don't take it to a dentist next time because you want an "outsider" who hasn't been corrupted by "the system," you just find a new mechanic.

If you or your dentist are qualified mechanics, substitute something else in that analogy. Computer repair or something. There must be something you don't know how to do. If not, congrats on being an expert on everything, and you can leave because this thread doesn't apply to you.

Sure, lots of politicians are dishonest. But really examine that. Is the number statistically significant? There are 535 members in both houses of Congress. How many have actually been caught lying, cheating, stealing, EDIT - WU, changing lanes without a turn signal, cutting in line, farting on elevators, or anything else you find distasteful?

In short, what I'm trying to say is, coming from a position of near complete ignorance, you challenge the opinion of people who usually have decades of experience, then say they only disagree with you because they're greedy assholes. As evidence, you present a few assholes that the person in question probably never even met.

Running a country this big seems complicated to me. Like maybe you'd need to know what you're doing, and it'd take more than some random jerkoff with common sense to get things done. What do you guys think?

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Old 10-14-2018, 01:50 PM   #2
Gio Godley
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I don't think anyone is ultimately qualified to be President. I mean there is really no specific training like there is for the fields of Auto Mechanics or Dentistry. There are definitely things you must know and learn such as Economics, Foreign and Domestic Policy, but mostly talents you would already have that you could bring to the table that would be valuable. Because the job of President is so very complicated a president would have to be humble enough to take advice and confide in his cabinet members on issues he dosn't have much knowledge in. Decisions are made by many individuals with various expertise. The President is really just the vehicle for Government not the Engine.
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Old 10-14-2018, 02:14 PM   #3
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you have valid points, but as far as this forum go's, there is no debating in here just lots of shit slinging

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Old 10-14-2018, 02:15 PM   #4
Jackie S
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The most important requirement for a person aspiring to be President is the ability to inspire others.

President Trump has this unique quality.
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Old 10-14-2018, 02:20 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Gio Godley View Post
. The President is really just the vehicle for Government not the Engine.
Correct but do not tell that to our right wingers...they give Trump all the credit but none of the blame!
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Old 10-14-2018, 02:57 PM   #6
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Correct but do not tell that to our right wingers...they give Trump all the credit but none of the blame!
I blame President Trump for a lot of things.

I blame him for record low unemployment.
I blame him for the highest Black employment rate in 50 years.
I blame him for the highest GDP in years.
I blame him for defusing the North Korean threat with the possibility of meaningful change.
I blame him for standing up to Iran and shit canning that ridiculous deal that Pr side to Obama agreed too.
I blame him for deregulating many areas so America can get back to business.
I blame him for standing up to Countries who take advantage of the US in trade and negotiating better deals.
I blame him for nominating, and getting confirmed, two excellent Supreme Court Judges.
I blame hm for standing up to, and calling out the Main Stream Media for being Lackeys and the mouth piece for the DNC.
I blame him for restoring confidence in our military.
And finally, I blame President Trump for denying Hillary Clinton the chance to be President.

There is more we could blame on President Trump, but these are just several that come to mind.
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Old 10-14-2018, 03:28 PM   #7
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You could blame him for brain washing you but I blame you for letting that happen.

He is your God, you are no different than the Obama worshippers.
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Old 10-14-2018, 03:53 PM   #8
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You could blame him for brain washing you but I blame you for letting that happen.

He is your God, you are no different than the Obama worshippers.
No, I am just an American enjoying the fruits of President Trump's Policies.
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Old 10-14-2018, 04:02 PM   #9
Gio Godley
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Correct but do not tell that to our right wingers...they give Trump all the credit but none of the blame!
No use in singling out Trump or his supporters. Everyone wants to think their candidate is without any flaws. Trump has a different approach to being president than the last two. He's not going along to get along. That might be very evident after the midterm elections if the Republicans have a good turn out.
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Old 10-14-2018, 04:37 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I blame President Trump for a lot of things.

I blame him for record low unemployment.
I blame him for the highest Black employment rate in 50 years.
I blame him for the highest GDP in years.
I blame him for defusing the North Korean threat with the possibility of meaningful change.
I blame him for standing up to Iran and shit canning that ridiculous deal that Pr side to Obama agreed too.
I blame him for deregulating many areas so America can get back to business.
I blame him for standing up to Countries who take advantage of the US in trade and negotiating better deals.
I blame him for nominating, and getting confirmed, two excellent Supreme Court Judges.
I blame hm for standing up to, and calling out the Main Stream Media for being Lackeys and the mouth piece for the DNC.
I blame him for restoring confidence in our military.
And finally, I blame President Trump for denying Hillary Clinton the chance to be President.

There is more we could blame on President Trump, but these are just several that come to mind.
I doubt that WTF will understand any of that Jackie

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Old 10-14-2018, 04:47 PM   #11
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I'm sure that politics alone does not qualify anyone to be president even the smartest woman in the world. The most qualified person to run for president in the last 50 years was beaten by a raping governor of the insignificant state of Arkansas.
On the surface no one is qualified to take the helm on day one however certain attributes help, the knowledge of who you are, knowing what you believe and why, and the ability to make a decision under pressure. Obama couldn't do it, Hillary couldn't do it, Bill couldn't do it. It just seems that republican presidents have the ability to make a decision even if they didn't know what they believed as per George W, McCain, and Romney.
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Old 10-14-2018, 05:43 PM   #12
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what do politicians know?

not much

usually they can talk and are poised before a crowd, although some can get rattled

few politicians know much in the way of any technical details

the technical details they do know revolve, for the most part, around legal issues, for many are lawyers of a sort

many politicians will not give a straight answer to almost anything asked them, so a discussion with one is like a discussion with a working girl who understands fantasy, a politician will "feel your pain" if you are dumb enough to reveal some reality to one

now someone like trump (no one was ever like trump, but he's not really a politician) will tell you how he feels and what he plans and means it, few others do.....most likely that's why he was elected...he was not given to pc

most dim politicians speak in code and have redefined common words so that when they use the words, you understand one thing but they mean another, slippery as a hairless hog on ice coated in STP engine additives (who was that, andy granitelli?)

to sum it up, a typical politician's world involves fund raising, running for re-election, figuring out how to get rich while in or out of office, holding the party line and looking good, sometimes looking good on issues, and unless a politician is drunk discussions with one by an average citizen are generally worthless
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Old 10-14-2018, 05:55 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Bully5904 View Post
you have valid points, but as far as this forum go's, there is no debating in here just lots of shit slinging

Welcome back.
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Old 10-14-2018, 06:25 PM   #14
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Welcome back.
for what?
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Old 10-15-2018, 07:47 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by dgc92 View Post
I'm sure this thread will devolve into chaos pretty quickly, but I think this pretty often and have to ask.

Am I the only one who thinks it's a little silly for us to debate politics with each other? Or with anyone who's not actually a politician? If we were talking to politicians about stuff, maybe we'd learn something. But none of us here have any training or experience that would qualify us to run a country of 350 million people.

Think about it. What other job do you think you can do right out the gate, with zero training? You don't try to work on your car when it breaks down, you take it to a mechanic and trust what he tells you. If you feel like you got screwed, you don't take it to a dentist next time because you want an "outsider" who hasn't been corrupted by "the system," you just find a new mechanic.

If you or your dentist are qualified mechanics, substitute something else in that analogy. Computer repair or something. There must be something you don't know how to do. If not, congrats on being an expert on everything, and you can leave because this thread doesn't apply to you.

Sure, lots of politicians are dishonest. But really examine that. Is the number statistically significant? There are 535 members in both houses of Congress. How many have actually been caught lying, cheating, stealing, EDIT - WU, changing lanes without a turn signal, cutting in line, farting on elevators, or anything else you find distasteful?

In short, what I'm trying to say is, coming from a position of near complete ignorance, you challenge the opinion of people who usually have decades of experience, then say they only disagree with you because they're greedy assholes. As evidence, you present a few assholes that the person in question probably never even met.

Running a country this big seems complicated to me. Like maybe you'd need to know what you're doing, and it'd take more than some random jerkoff with common sense to get things done. What do you guys think?

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So in your opinion we should not question the politicians because they know best. That is bullshit. What do you think they were before they were elected to office? They were lawyers and doctors or maybe a dentist. They are put there to run the country based on the will of the people ( you know the ones that aren't supposed to question the politicians) and what the constitution allows. Debating political issues among ourselves is the way to effect change. Change may come from voting people out of office. Maybe by starting a movement that causes the politicians to address the issue in question. Maybe lighting a fire in someone that will run for office and become a politician. I am amazed at the amount of ignorance in this country about politics. As much as I disagree with many of the posters in this forum at least they are aware of many of the issues facing our country. We may have completely different ideas on how these issues should be addressed but at least they are involved. You seem to have the "sheep mentality". That is I will just follow but never question the politicians. I don't trust them a fucking bit and I question damn near everything they do.
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