Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Yeah, that's the real issue with overnights...the accrued cost. Given a provider's rate of, say, 250 an hour, and she bases her overnight rate of something similar, we're talking 2500 bucks or so for 10-12 hours.
That's a lot of scratch for what will amount to mostly NOT doing anything. For most guys, there's just no justification for spending that kind of money. [dunno]
If you have NFL money or your dad (or you) is in the oil business, sure, knock yourself out. To spend this kind of money would have to mean you wouldn't miss it.
I could see 10 or so girls for that kind of money.
If your pockets are THAT deep, by all means, go for it.
IF I did do it, and if I snuggled up to you at say, 3:12am, with some early morning wood, I'm going to need you to roll over and deal with it.
There’s a reason my encounter count is low. Broke as a joke.