Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
This whole thing by C. Ford is going to make it so much harder for the true victims of rape. It's unreal to me that the liberals don't see that.
Two points in response. #1: I don't believe it will make it "harder for the true victims of rape," because ...
"true victims of rape" were actually "raped"! As a consequence there is physical evidence and most often some 3rd party witness (and/or scientific evidence collected, processed, and introduced by a forensic expert) who can corroborate with credibility THE FACT that the victim and the perpetrator were together at the alleged time of the attack in the alleged location of the attack.
#2: People who are focused on "something else" most often do not "see" clearly the "direction" and/or "consequences" of their behavior ... e.g. anger, distress, and/or texting while driving! Senator Frankenstein from California is not the least bit concerned about "Dr. Ford" .... neither are the media and/or any of the other goofballs on the committee whining about her testimony being presented ... etc, etc. Because if they were they would persuade her to not make a bigger fool of herself. But their "agenda" to "save America" is more important to them.