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Old 09-14-2018, 10:27 AM   #31
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yeah.. wolves..
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Old 09-14-2018, 10:31 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by jayt4567 View Post
Kind of hard to fall for 1 when you have 10 in the queue. No sure how she is a thief.

I'm guessing op had a SD arrangement setup Nd she bail with the cash allowance.

I normally will never give a sloot cash unless I get service.
All you badass "players" move on, there are some guys on ECCIE who appreciate that I shared my story. We are all different and we all play the hobby in our own way, there is evidence in this thread that some guys value my feedback. In a civilized world she is a thief!
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Old 09-14-2018, 10:36 AM   #33
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Even if this story is true (and I believe you) you can really only blame yourself. If you followed basic hobby rules, one of which being NEVER PAY UPFRONT! Lesson learned but re-hashing this experience as a review is really fucked up and probably would have been better suited for the mens lounge. You flat out posted "....smear campaign" in your explantation early and thats exactly what this is.

Again I believe your story but that was just your experience because you got suckered. No one else has had a problem with her. Your best bet is to move on, you won't get your money back and shes going to continue to get business.
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Old 09-14-2018, 10:42 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by txboi817 View Post
Even if this story is true (and I believe you) you can really only blame yourself. If you followed basic hobby rules, one of which being NEVER PAY UPFRONT! Lesson learned but re-hashing this experience as a review is really fucked up and probably would have been better suited for the mens lounge. You flat out posted "....smear campaign" in your explantation early and thats exactly what this is.

Again I believe your story but that was just your experience because you got suckered. No one else has had a problem with her. Your best bet is to move on, you won't get your money back and shes going to continue to get business.
Another "player". If you read the story more closely you will see that one other hobbyist was taken just as I was ... that we know of. Stand down and let others who value this information put it to use. Your posts only deter others from outing the thieves on this site.
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Old 09-14-2018, 10:47 AM   #35
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yeah another hobbyist....where is he? he could be make believe or not exist. OR just you trying to make your story more valid for your smear campaign. For the record I have never seen this lady...and your information about this lady was posted before so why keep posting it. Move on...you starting to sound desperate. Like 8701 said earlier "that pussy still gonna sell" hell I may have to go fuck her ;-)
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:10 AM   #36
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Troyhildebrandt -
I'm completely behind you - and I want to thank you for your posted thread...

I would like to point out that saying:

Originally Posted by Troyhildebrandt View Post
All I can say is DAMN! This girl rocked my world with her body, skills and IOP! Previous reviews have summed it up for you guys but what the others hopefully did not find out is that she is the apple that Adam and Eve couldn't resist!
...might not be the best "negative" intro ever written.

"Yes, she's the best - she's everything you could ever want in a provider. She is sex personified. There's nothing that this woman wouldn't do to fulfil your every fantasy and request. Her body is the perfection we all seek for the emptiness and desire we can't control. If God himself designed an angel for the soul purpose of flaming the desire in all men - she is it..."

"...but, don't get involved with her because she's so sexy your brain will stop functioning and you'll be enslaved by her charms...";
isn't really gonna have the effect you're thinking on the men here. Matter of fact - you personally, probably couldn't have written a better "reverse psychology" threAD for her if you tried...

BTW - DO NOT go to a Peter Gabriel concert! - it will be the ABSOLUTE BEST CONCERT OF YOUR LIFE and makes everyone else's concerts and music pale in comparison; but you will end up buying EVERY album he ever made, spending thousands on Tee-Shirts and memorabilia, and only be left with the incredible haunting memory of that music for the rest of your life! It's a scam. (THAT's how GREAT he is! He's the APPLE off the tree of life, he's that great...)
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:13 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by txboi817 View Post
yeah another hobbyist....where is he? he could be make believe or not exist. OR just you trying to make your story more valid for your smear campaign. For the record I have never seen this lady...and your information about this lady was posted before so why keep posting it. Move on...you starting to sound desperate. Like 8701 said earlier "that pussy still gonna sell" hell I may have to go fuck her ;-)
Far from desperate player or maybe you prefer "Playa". Anyway, have fun with your mindless sexcapades!
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:18 AM   #38
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Troy. I for one appreciate your input. Your comments are valuable, but some people don’t want them to be known because they have an agenda and even blame you for the faults of others. Some may call them “promoters”.
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:22 AM   #39
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yep.. that's it..
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:30 AM   #40
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Troy - Appreciate your honest inputs !! This "Alert" was needed, but not in the Encounter Reports,.. This was a good fit in either ML or in Co-Ed !!
But, as others said - you have to be blamed for this, primarily. You need to own this. You paid upfront. You fell for her Beauty and Sex and what not !! So, you have to take the blame on yourself..
Now - about the question - can she do this to others - Yes - very much - she can... But, again, if she does, those "Other Guys" are to be blamed... She is just using you guys !! You were one of those "Easy Targets".... As simple as that !!

To the question - Are you the only one undergoing this kind of situation - I don't think so !! Everybody at one stage or the other would have gone thru this.. But, that's how you gain that experience..

So, Bottom line - "Absorb this, and Move on".. Let this not weigh on you...
I hope this makes some sense.. If not, kindly ignore that I said anything !!
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Old 09-14-2018, 11:33 AM   #41
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Troy, I was raised by wolves and here is my uninvited opinion. This board is made for info both positive and negative. For the information you have given, I thank you. For doing a "dumbass" that's on you brotha, period. Will I ever see her, based on your info, NO. However, if Abe or 50 other gents decide to continue seeing her, you have no say in that.Thats their money, their pecker and because of your heads up, I doubt they will repeat your mistake. Just saying
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Old 09-14-2018, 12:06 PM   #42
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E21932 +1 (I guess that makes you E21933! lol)

Read this Troy, might help

...but the guys are right (and not because we're all douche-bags - which we are)... we're right in a "protective brotherhood" weird sorta way...

...when you keep posting this stuff - here's what I read:
  • You're really hurt, because...
  • You really had feelings for a provider (and you still do)...
  • And, you want to screw up her livelihood, so...
  • She will be... (What Troy?)... "forced to come crawling back to you and apologize for the wrong she did to you because you turned enough business away with your posts? And you think she will ask if she can 'make it up to you' so you can 'start-over' - and you will immediately take her back, and give here another $1200 a month - only THIS TIME, she will keep her word and have sex with you once a week for $1200 / mo? And you will FINALLY be happy?"
Because - we can all hear it in every post, Dude - how you still want her. And you think this will all be better the moment that she just apologizes and fulfils her part of the agreement? (Because you keep posting this about her)

No. (and I'm not being cruel; just honest)... there is no "Happily ever after" Troy... they are whores and we are guys with money...

... this is what everyone here is trying to explain. Some use anger, I use humor... but it's all the same....

"We hear what you want, it's just never going to happen"...

Sorry Bro... harsh world.

Now, go get your dick sucked by some other girl...
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Old 09-14-2018, 12:46 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Troyhildebrandt View Post
Sounds like your ok with a world where people give in to their animalistic instincts. A world where "hustlers" take the selfish out and don't care about whats right. I will continue to work towards a better world on ECCIE and everywhere I participate in "SOCIETY".
It sounds like think we live in a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens, I adjust to my surroundings and use common sense,

you're only going to get this girl more business from this, if H.A. approved of her, I'm gonna dive right in and she won't be doing a disappearing act as she did with you, you paid your hobby tuition, it's time to move on.
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Old 09-14-2018, 12:55 PM   #44
Chung Tran
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I don't recall the initial alert, and I generally think guys need to get over shit and move on.


if she is new to the handle "AriASM", I think it is timely to remind guys about what happened. why keep hammering at Troy, saying he fucked up? he knows it, but she did as well.. why not ask her why she can't lay on her back for 45 minutes, 3 more times, and allow everyone to leave on friendly terms?
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Old 09-14-2018, 01:07 PM   #45
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Chung - I liked this part the most in your comment !!! Lol...

Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
why not ask her why she can't lay on her back for 45 minutes, 3 more times, and allow everyone to leave on friendly terms?
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