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Old 08-31-2018, 07:10 PM   #1
Sistine Chapel
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Default Trump Treason Tracker

To those on the reasonable Progressive side I implore you to be kindler and gentler and keep in mind that most Trump supporters are hurting, angry, and full of RAGE!!!...they're mad as fuck that Lady Justice is about to sing and Trump will be indicted and soon impeached. The guy is a criminal plain and simple and sometimes when people are confronted with facts they don't want to accept they tend to start suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. I can only imagine how hurt, sick, disappointed and mad as FUCK I'd be if Obama had all these criminals around him that actually PLED GUILTY or asked for immunity or a plea deal. That's got to hurt. The closest people in your circle pleading and admitting guilt and yet somehow we're supposed to believe your innocent? LMAO Yeah right. It defies logic, common sense, and reasonableness. Now his longtime friend and confidant David Pecker (publisher of the National Enquirer) has requested full immunity to testify against him as he doesn't want to go to jail either. How in the world Fox News can continue to dupe its viewers is the VERY DEFINITION OF INSANITY.

Can you imagine in any world if this was Barack Obama. The level of hypocrisy, immorality, fake religious devoutness by those in Fox News is astounding. It defies all logic. The only one that might escape the scales of Lady Justice might be Melania. Everyone will be forced to plea including Ivanka. What a criminal enterprise of a family. It's funny how black people are expected to live by such insane moral standards and demands in this white mans world and yet when someone as wretched and crooked as this con artist Trump comes along then most people want to change the rules and re-write the moral code. I presume God will adversely judge all who participate in such horrible wicked behavior

Half Down and Half To Go #TeamMueller
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Old 08-31-2018, 07:59 PM   #2
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Your addiction to MSNBC and CNN is getting to you like the Stockholm syndrome. Purely delusional.
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Old 08-31-2018, 08:01 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Half Down and Half To Go #TeamMueller
Hmmm... I notice you have Jeff Sessions on your hit list. Does that mean it's ok for Trump to fire him?
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Old 08-31-2018, 08:08 PM   #4
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It was okay for Trump to fire Comey until he did.
Noticed that no current (I expect some to be overturned) conviction has anything to do with the election.

More fake news but very real stupidity.
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Old 08-31-2018, 08:13 PM   #5
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Since sessions agreed to join that circus...he should be convicted of being stupid and go down with the rest of the clowns lol
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Old 08-31-2018, 09:57 PM   #6
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
To those on the reasonable Progressive side I implore you to be kindler and gentler and keep in mind that most Trump supporters are hurting, angry, and full of RAGE!!!...they're mad as fuck that Lady Justice is about to sing and Trump will be indicted and soon impeached. The guy is a criminal plain and simple and sometimes when people are confronted with facts they don't want to accept they tend to start suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. I can only imagine how hurt, sick, disappointed and mad as FUCK I'd be if Obama had all these criminals around him that actually PLED GUILTY or asked for immunity or a plea deal. That's got to hurt. The closest people in your circle pleading and admitting guilt and yet somehow we're supposed to believe your innocent? LMAO Yeah right. It defies logic, common sense, and reasonableness. Now his longtime friend and confidant David Pecker (publisher of the National Enquirer) has requested full immunity to testify against him as he doesn't want to go to jail either. How in the world Fox News can continue to dupe its viewers is the VERY DEFINITION OF INSANITY.

Can you imagine in any world if this was Barack Obama. The level of hypocrisy, immorality, fake religious devoutness by those in Fox News is astounding. It defies all logic. The only one that might escape the scales of Lady Justice might be Melania. Everyone will be forced to plea including Ivanka. What a criminal enterprise of a family. It's funny how black people are expected to live by such insane moral standards and demands in this white mans world and yet when someone as wretched and crooked as this con artist Trump comes along then most people want to change the rules and re-write the moral code. I presume God will adversely judge all who participate in such horrible wicked behavior

Half Down and Half To Go #TeamMueller
First you must know and understand what Treason is before you can accuse someone of it.

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Old 09-01-2018, 01:12 AM   #7
dilbert firestorm
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wow...TDS at full display!!!
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Old 09-01-2018, 01:36 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
To those on the reasonable Progressive side I implore you to be kindler and gentler and keep in mind that most Trump supporters are hurting, angry, and full of RAGE!!!...they're mad as fuck that Lady Justice is about to sing and Trump will be indicted and soon impeached. The guy is a criminal plain and simple and sometimes when people are confronted with facts they don't want to accept they tend to start suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. I can only imagine how hurt, sick, disappointed and mad as FUCK I'd be if Obama had all these criminals around him that actually PLED GUILTY or asked for immunity or a plea deal. That's got to hurt. The closest people in your circle pleading and admitting guilt and yet somehow we're supposed to believe your innocent? LMAO Yeah right. It defies logic, common sense, and reasonableness. Now his longtime friend and confidant David Pecker (publisher of the National Enquirer) has requested full immunity to testify against him as he doesn't want to go to jail either. How in the world Fox News can continue to dupe its viewers is the VERY DEFINITION OF INSANITY.

Can you imagine in any world if this was Barack Obama. The level of hypocrisy, immorality, fake religious devoutness by those in Fox News is astounding. It defies all logic. The only one that might escape the scales of Lady Justice might be Melania. Everyone will be forced to plea including Ivanka. What a criminal enterprise of a family. It's funny how black people are expected to live by such insane moral standards and demands in this white mans world and yet when someone as wretched and crooked as this con artist Trump comes along then most people want to change the rules and re-write the moral code. I presume God will adversely judge all who participate in such horrible wicked behavior

Half Down and Half To Go #TeamMueller
You never can help yourself...ALWAYS RACIAL!!!
Your diatribe wouldn't be complete without...
Find a new tune...it ain't top ten no more..
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Old 09-01-2018, 06:49 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
It was okay for Trump to fire Comey until he did.
Yeah, the libtards were confused as fuck over Comey. They couldn't decide whether to worship him or demonize him. First they made him a hero when he let hildebeest off the hook. Then he was a villain for reopening her investigation on election eve. Then he was a hero again when Trump fired him! The left in this country is a laughingstock. They flip-flop on a dime, then act surprised when everyone laughs at them.

Hero! Villain! Hero! Villain! Will the libtard left make a hero out of Jeff Sessions too? Why not? Consistency matters not to these jackasses. Yesterday they told us Jeff Sessions is an awful racist and a liar and they wanted his scalp. Tomorrow they'll say let's impeach Trump for firing the guy! Can they look any stupider?
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Old 09-01-2018, 06:51 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
…..I presume God will adversely judge all who participate in such horrible wicked behavior......

Take heed: "Presuming" to know the will of God All Mighty, let alone His judgement of others, is going where angels themselves fear to tread.

My advice would be to take a long look in the mirror before calling out people you have never met face-to-face, Sis Chap. Pointing out the splinter in others' eyes while you clearly have a two by four lodged in your own is the very definition of foolishness.

It's one thing to disagree with people who do not share the same political / social issues as yourself (however) to constantly weave race into the argument again and again weakens & distorts any point(s) you attempt to make.
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Old 09-01-2018, 07:18 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post

More fake news but very real stupidity.
Ignorance is a "kindlier and gentler" pronouncement than "stupidity" with respect to the OP and may well pass the WakeUp review process. "Ignorance" is a curable condition whereas the other is more of an "etched" affliction.

The "ignorance" begins with a lack of legal knowledge and appreciation for the definition of "treason," which also seems to be an ailment of the alleged "intelligence community" spokesperson.

BTW the OP is merely "baiting" posters in this forum in order to entice them into a name-calling, pissing contest so that his alleged "buddy," WakeUp, can thin the loyal opposition to the OP's lack of knowledge.

That's "Maxine's" strategy when inciting violence.
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Old 09-01-2018, 07:49 AM   #12
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Loved that last line, LL. Speaks volumes.
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Old 09-01-2018, 08:37 AM   #13
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Old 09-01-2018, 09:26 AM   #14
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Ignorance is a "kindlier and gentler" pronouncement than "stupidity" with respect to the OP and may well pass the WakeUp review process. "Ignorance" is a curable condition whereas the other is more of an "etched" affliction.

The "ignorance" begins with a lack of legal knowledge and appreciation for the definition of "treason," which also seems to be an ailment of the alleged "intelligence community" spokesperson.

BTW the OP is merely "baiting" posters in this forum in order to entice them into a name-calling, pissing contest so that his alleged "buddy," WakeUp, can thin the loyal opposition to the OP's lack of knowledge.

That's "Maxine's" strategy when inciting violence.
Absolute perfect analysis.

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Old 09-01-2018, 09:39 AM   #15
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Yupper , Lustylad is correct , this is a delusional thread otherwise ,,, DC lobbyists not handling money or the IRS wow that's a shock So far that's all that's happened.
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