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Old 08-28-2018, 06:59 AM   #91
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After all the Hypothesis that the" global warming ",scientist have been wrong about its very difficult for a reasonable person to "believe" what they are saying . This all started with IFFY science and remember Global Warning that when tracked by science was wrong , Hurricanes wrong, major flooding on the east coast wrong.
Just makes one think,
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Old 08-28-2018, 07:54 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
scientist should be prosecuted for data fraud which what they are doing.
I totally disagree. Again Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and certain other Democrats actually proposed doing this to scientists and others whose work would cause you to question global warming.

This idea might sound like something you'd see in China or Russia, except they wouldn't put somebody in jail there for doing climate research. It might happen in a place like North Korea or Cuba.
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Old 08-28-2018, 02:14 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Please note that Trump is an extreme Nationalist and an anti-globalist. Agreed that communism/national socialism, Maoism, Peronism and Pol Potism have similarities.

How about fanaticism instead of fascism, although you can't really pin that one on me either. You can perhaps on some people who think the world is coming to an end because of global warming.

I'm not seeing the connection between socialism/chavism and "global warming." Yes, idealists who have no appreciation for economics are probably more inclined to become global warming fanatics, but there must be a lot of socialists who believe global warming is bunk and a lot of free market capitalists who take it very seriously and would like to see the USA doing more about it.
Fanaticism doesn't describe those phenomena. Baptists are fanatics, too. They have few similarities. Please try again.
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Old 08-28-2018, 08:01 PM   #94
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I totally disagree. Again Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and certain other Democrats actually proposed doing this to scientists and others whose work would cause you to question global warming.

This idea might sound like something you'd see in China or Russia, except they wouldn't put somebody in jail there for doing climate research. It might happen in a place like North Korea or Cuba.

FYI, South Korea charged one of their scientist with data fraud 2 or 3 years ago.

a scientist presenting data as "fact" turns out be fraudulent, he/she should be charged with fraud.

they'd have to show fraud had taken place and that the data were not "mere" mistakes.

SC District Attorney Ken Cucinnelli (sp?) tried to subpoena Michael Mann's data to verify if fraud had taken place. Mr. Mann got off on a technicality, his university refused to hand over the data claiming the data was "proprietary" and the university owned it.
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Old 08-28-2018, 08:15 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Please note that Trump is an extreme Nationalist and an anti-globalist. Agreed that communism/national socialism, Maoism, Peronism and Pol Potism have similarities.

How about fanaticism instead of fascism, although you can't really pin that one on me either. You can perhaps on some people who think the world is coming to an end because of global warming.

I'm not seeing the connection between socialism/chavism and "global warming." Yes, idealists who have no appreciation for economics are probably more inclined to become global warming fanatics, but there must be a lot of socialists who believe global warming is bunk and a lot of free market capitalists who take it very seriously and would like to see the USA doing more about it.

Trump isn't an extreme nationalist. That is an absurd statement.

1) He doesn't believe that we should impose our moral, or financial values on other countries.

2) He doesn't believe we ought to rule other country's population.

3) He doesn't believe that the United States genetics and culture are particularly special.

He is a narcissist and an asshole, but he doesn't have the characteristics of an "extreme nationalist". For that, you should check out the leaders in continental Europe, China, Russia, and the middle east. Fundamentally, what Trump's assholeism has done is put those places on notice that, while he is in office, it is going to be substantially more difficult to fuck the US over.

You may disagree with his approach, but it has been demonstrated to be effective.
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Old 08-28-2018, 09:04 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by kehaar View Post
Trump isn't an extreme nationalist. That is an absurd statement.

1) He doesn't believe that we should impose our moral, or financial values on other countries.

2) He doesn't believe we ought to rule other country's population.

3) He doesn't believe that the United States genetics and culture are particularly special.

He is a narcissist and an asshole, but he doesn't have the characteristics of an "extreme nationalist". For that, you should check out the leaders in continental Europe, China, Russia, and the middle east. Fundamentally, what Trump's assholeism has done is put those places on notice that, while he is in office, it is going to be substantially more difficult to fuck the US over.

You may disagree with his approach, but it has been demonstrated to be effective.
I thought everybody agreed on that. Trump's a nationalist, not a globalist. You realize those are opposites, right? Saying nationalism and globalism are the same is like saying black and white are the same.





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Old 08-28-2018, 11:01 PM   #97
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I'm inclined to think Trump is a nationalist. He is also an asshole. but whatever works.
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Old 08-29-2018, 12:57 PM   #98
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You said extreme nationalist.

That isn't the same thing. I'd hope our president would be a nationalist(wants what is good for our country). The last one clearly wasn't a nationalist. He, and his pary, have made multiple statements that showed he thought the US didn't deserve what they had, and it ought to be taken from them and given to the world.

If you define "nationalism" as believing that we(the united states) deserve to keep what we have, what we develop, and what we produce, except what we voluntarily choose to provide for the sake of world stability, then I, too, am a nationalist. What about you?

The European heads of state are almost all extreme nationalist(The would unfairly damage others to improve their own state's position, would use their state security apparatus to support their state's "businesses",
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Old 08-29-2018, 02:41 PM   #99
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Pierre Trudeau just made the statement that a NAFTA treaty could be signed if it was "good" for Canada. He did not say "fair", but "good". He did not say "good for the world" or "good for North America", he said good for Canada!

Is he a nationalist?

Perhaps if Trump's slogan was

"Make America Good Again"

he would not be hated!
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Old 08-29-2018, 08:35 PM   #100
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by kehaar View Post
The European heads of state are almost all extreme nationalist(The would unfairly damage others to improve their own state's position, would use their state security apparatus to support their state's "businesses",

West Europeans, being nationalist? I'm not so sure about that.

from what I've seen/read about them, they're more globalist than nationalist and try to hew more to the so called "Euro" unity.

the real nationalist are the ones in the former soviet warsaw pact countries (east europe).

the european leftists are having panic attacks after seeing the nationalist right wing parties rise to prominence.

Sweden has been under leftist rule for 1 hundred years and that is about to come to an end if this right wing party actually wins. the arson attacks by the migrants isn't helping the leftist any..
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Old 08-29-2018, 09:29 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
West Europeans, being nationalist? I'm not so sure about that.

from what I've seen/read about them, they're more globalist than nationalist and try to hew more to the so called "Euro" unity.

the real nationalist are the ones in the former soviet warsaw pact countries (east europe).

the european leftists are having panic attacks after seeing the nationalist right wing parties rise to prominence.

Sweden has been under leftist rule for 1 hundred years and that is about to come to an end if this right wing party actually wins. the arson attacks by the migrants isn't helping the leftist any..

Do you think the heads of France, Germany, Italy, Greece, or Spain signed onto the Paris accords to make the planet "better"? The consequences of them signing onto it for their respective countries was negligible. They wanted to make the US poorer, and put constraints on the US so they could maintain competitiveness in spite of their fucked up governing philosophy.

The oil for food program during the Iraq situation is the perfect example of European hypernationationalism. They didn't have a problem with the US invading Iraq. They had a problem giving up the money they were extorting from Iraq through that program. They didn't give a rats ass as to what they were doing to that country, or the region, by maintaining a supporting a dictator like Saddam Hussein.

In essence, the leftist in the US are globalist, as they think we are too rich, and they are being used by their nationalist leftist brethern in Europe to extort/extract money, power, and influence.

From a European perspective, foisting the Paris Accord on the US was a purely nationalist move.

When I talk about continental Europeans, I don't mean the Baltic or Nordic countries.

In governing philosophy, there is little difference between the right wing, and the leftist Europeans. The only real difference is the choice of who they hate, and the geographical area they want to secure before ruling others. I have relatives there, and spend a lot of time interacting with Europeans, business wise. Their arrogance, hatred, and bigotry is palpable.

An interesting fact is that the Nordic countries have the lowest business income taxes, and the least intrusive business regulatory environment in the industrialized world. The definition of "leftist" is ambiguous.
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Old 08-29-2018, 09:57 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by kehaar View Post
Do you think the heads of France, Germany, Italy, Greece, or Spain signed onto the Paris accords to make the planet "better". The consequences of them signing onto it for their respective countries was negligible. They wanted to make the US poorer, and put constraints on the US so they could maintain competitiveness in spite of their fucked up governing philosophy.

The oil for food program during the Iraq situation is the perfect example of European hypernationationalism. They didn't have a problem with the US invading Iraq. They had a problem giving up the money they were extorting from Iraq through that Program.

In essence, the leftist in the US are globalist, and they are being used by their nationalist brethern in Europe to extort/extract money, power, and influence.

From a European perspective, foisting the Paris Accord on the US was a purely nationalist move.

When I talk about continental Europeans, I don't mean the Baltic or Nordic countries.

In governing philosophy, there is little difference between the right wing, and the leftist Europeans. The only real difference is the choice of who they hate, and the geographical area they want to secure before ruling others. I have relatives there, and spend a lot of time interacting with Europeans, business wise. Their arrogance, hatred, and bigotry is palpable.

An interesting fact is that the Nordic countries have the lowest business income taxes, and the least intrusive business regulatory environment in the industrialized world. The definition of "leftist" is ambiguous.
which Europeans are bigots? just curious.

technically, they're Euro Nationalist and Euro globalist. the 2 thoughts are at odds with each other. they're sacrificing their nations sovereignty on an idealized European myth. the EU is in a state of flux. they don't know who they are. If they do, I'm not seeing it.

the problem is that they intertwine Euro-nationalism with their nations nationalism. this is why I lumped them as globalist.

the European countries have only 2 things in common, trade and the fact they live on the same continent, all others have differences inn language and customs.

the nationalist in East Europe are not "Euro" nationalist, but "nation" nationalist in the truest sense of the word. (Poland, Austria, & Hungary) They are resisting some aspects of Euro policy.

right & left wing is kind of ambiguous. I agree with that.
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Old 08-29-2018, 10:10 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
which Europeans are bigots? just curious.

technically, they're Euro Nationalist and Euro globalist. the 2 thoughts are at odds with each other. they're sacrificing their nations sovereignty on an idealized European myth. the EU is in a state of flux. they don't know who they are. If they do, I'm not seeing it.

the problem is that they intertwine Euro-nationalism with their nations nationalism. this is why I lumped them as globalist.

the European countries have only 2 things in common, trade and the fact they live on the same continent, all others have differences inn language and customs.

the nationalist in East Europe are not "Euro" nationalist, but "nation" nationalist in the truest sense of the word. (Poland, Austria, & Hungary) They are resisting some aspects of Euro policy.

right & left wing is kind of ambiguous. I agree with that.
I agree with your assesment. I find it interesting when leftist in the US attempt to correlate US conservatives with European right wingers. It is always a funny response when I ask them to explain that logic.

On bigotry, Germans believe Germans are culturally, genetically, and generally superior to all others.

The French believe the French are culturally, genetically, and generally superior to all others.

The Spanish believe the Spanish are culturally, genetically, and generally superior to all others.

etc. etc.

If you ever go to a village in Germany, stop by their cemetery. After 20 years they dig up their bones and put them into a central repository so the graves can be reused.

They do that for all except the WWII graves of Nazi soldiers. It is a bit shocking to see swatikas interspersed throughout the cemetery. I've only been to two cemeteries there, but they were both the same.

Then go to the local bars and have a chat. Marriage to the locals is verboten unless you have the correct bloodline. There is strict control of who can build/move into the village, as well, and genetics is a huge component of that decision.
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Old 08-29-2018, 10:22 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by kehaar View Post
I agree with your assesment. I find it interesting when leftist in the US attempt to correlate US conservatives with European right wingers. It is always a funny response when I ask them to explain that logic.

On bigotry, Germans believe Germans are culturally, genetically, and generally superior to all others.

The French believe the French are culturally, genetically, and generally superior to all others.

The Spanish believe the Spanish are culturally, genetically, and generally superior to all others.

etc. etc.

If you ever go to a village in Germany, stop by their cemetery. After 20 years they dig up their bones and put them into a central repository so the graves can be reused.

They do that for all except the WWII graves of Nazi soldiers. It is a bit shocking to see swatikas interspersed throughout the cemetery. I've only been to two cemeteries there, but they were both the same.

Then go to the local bars and have a chat. Marriage to the locals is verboten unless you have the correct bloodline. There is strict control of who can build/move into the village, as well, and genetics is a huge component of that decision.
I've read enough about Germany's WWI cemeteries (Fallen Soldier by George Mosse) to know those are sacrosanct as well.
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Old 08-29-2018, 10:33 PM   #105
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so the german bones are dumped in the grave pile? what of the markers? why did they treat the wwii graves differently?
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