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Old 08-22-2018, 09:49 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
….undocumented immigrants commit crimes at significantly lower rates than legal immigrant and citizens.....
Thank you for that statement. I was really hoping someone would come forth with this little known fact.

Surely the family will consider those very words on her grave marker, dontcha think? Perhaps someone oughta think about adding that little blurb to her obituary....or creatively drop it in while delivering her eulogy?

I mean, after all, the uninformed masses need to wake up once and for all and understand the importance of that statistic. Once they do, undoubtedly they would soften the blinding outrage they feel today over this young woman's untimely (but statistically important) death.

Pelosi....Schumer...Warren...W aters....and ALL others that push back against the stronger border security President Trump wants enforced should be commended. ALL great Americans, they are. God Bless 'em all....and those very, very few illegals who resort to murdering our children.
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:05 AM   #17
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This beautiful young woman was criminally separated from her family forever
Who’s up in arms protesting this one..
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:43 AM   #18
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This shit starts from the top. This will continue to happen when employers will hire anyone!!! Not one employer gets charged or does time. I wonder why.
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Old 08-22-2018, 10:51 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by CG2014 View Post
Now that guy is claiming he caught his wife strangling one of his daughters after she had already killed the other daughter.

Yup . He was messing around with some other women, so he decides to kill his daughters and pregnant wife, like moving out or getting a divorce wasn't a option...what a low life pos!!!
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Old 08-22-2018, 11:57 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
You people do know that undocumented immigrants commit crimes at significantly lower rates that legal immigrant and citizens. If you want to expel those most dangerous, expel citizens.
Don't matter, they should not be here in America to commit any crime. They kill/commit crime against blacks, whites, hispanics. One crime committed by an illegal alien is one crime too many.
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Old 08-22-2018, 12:34 PM   #21
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Again, only in America.

People take the words Free Country too literally here.

Try entering a Central America or South America country illegally.

Then come back and tell me what they did to you.

They are not as nice as we are over here when we catch someone entering our country illegally.

They won't put you in a former Walmart building converted to a shelter and subsidized by the Federal government to give you 3 hot meals a day, air conditioning, free medical care, running water, hot showers, English lessons.

Try over staying your welcome going on vacation in Switzerland.

When you enter Switzerland through customs, they want to know how long are you planning to visit and what day are you leaving and they make sure you have a flight out already reserved.

They will come to your hotel and make sure you are on your flight out on the day you are scheduled to leave.

Even European countries are turning away folks that came across the mediterranean on boats fro Morocco or Syria but folks over there do not cry racism and discimination.

Many European countries have Muslim ban and in countries like Germany, they even have areas in cities that are segregated for Muslims only, and folks are perfectly fine with it.

At the borders of France and Italy, they have Italian military making sure illegal aliens from North Africa are not trying to enter their country.

Only in America that people in other countries think because we are supposedly the wealthiest greatest nation in the world, we OWE them and we are supposed to let them come in illegally and then give them a green card, a citizenship, and at same time give them free housing and medical care and food stamps.

Then they don't want to learn English.

I was in Real Estate and Apartment management.

Do you know how many times Hispanics have walked into my office and first thing they ask is do you speak Spanish. Then if you say no, some get upset with you and think you are a dumb ass for not being able to speak Spanish and storm out of your office.

You see on TV when they portray some of the illegal aliens that have been here for 10 years, 20 years, crying about now with the end of DACA, they may get arrested and deported but during those years they had kids here, their kids by law are American Citizens.

The reporter still need a translator to talk to them because in the 10 to 20 years they have been here, they didn't bother to learn to speak English. They still can only speak Spanish.

All that stuff that the media want you to believe saying these illegal aliens are here and paying taxes like everyone else is BULLSHIT.

To pay taxes you need a SOCIAL SECURITY # issued by the United States Social Security Administration. Only way to get that is if you have a valid green card or work card or permanent residency card. Only way to get those is for you to enter this country legally and go through the legal procedure to get one of those cards or immigration status.

Unless those illegal aliens who are paying taxes were able to get a fake green card or work card or permanent residency card which led to them getting a fake social security card, they only taxes they are paying is the sales tax at the retail stores.

Plus think about it for a second from a logic point of view, if you are in this country illegally and you don't have to pay taxes, why would you want to go through all that trouble of getting all those fake documents just so you can pay taxes?

You won't. Not paying taxes means more $ in your pocket from those jobs you get where they are paying you under the table with no social security and federal income tax deducted.

Just the media trying to make you sympathize with their plight.

Oh they pay taxes like every one else: let them stay here.

They don't pay taxes except for sales tax!

Total liberal media bullshit!

This fucking illegal alien that murdered Mollie Tibbets, there is no death penalty in Iowa, so life in prison is too good for him.

Every day he is allowed to stay alive is one day Mollie didn't get to live.

I bet the Mexican government may try to get him out of the country.

It's like that illegal alien that shot Houston Police Officer Guy P. Gaddis 3 times in 1994 and he was given the death penalty.

The Mexican government using the Mexican consulate in Houston tried to get him extradicted back to Mexico so he wouldn't serve a day of prison time on death row.


It didn't work and that cop killer was finally executed in 2014 by the great State of Texas!

He still got to live 20 years longer than Officer Guy P. Gaddis, whose wife was pregnant at the time with their first child.

This piece of shit wetback wanted to come to America?

Welcome to American prison.

I hope first they rape him and then they beat him to death in prison.

One of the inmates in the prison population will get him once words get around who he is.

Poetic justice.

Bet when he is getting raped and beaten to death, he would had wished he stayed in fucking Mexico.

Now if any of you want to say I am being too harsh with my comments, let me remind you again!!

You could be Mollie Tibbets or Kathryn Steinle:

your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, daughter, grandmother, brother, father, cousin, niece, nephew, etc etc could be Mollie Tibbets or Kathryn Steinle.

What happened to them, both murdered by illegal aliens, could had happened to you or to anyone you know and love.
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Old 08-22-2018, 02:05 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by CG2014 View Post
Again, only in America.

People take the words Free Country too literally here.

Try entering a Central America or South America country illegally.

Then come back and tell me what they did to you.

They are not as nice as we are over here when we catch someone entering our country illegally.

They won't put you in a former Walmart building converted to a shelter and subsidized by the Federal government to give you 3 hot meals a day, air conditioning, free medical care, running water, hot showers, English lessons.

Try over staying your welcome going on vacation in Switzerland.

When you enter Switzerland through customs, they want to know how long are you planning to visit and what day are you leaving and they make sure you have a flight out already reserved.

They will come to your hotel and make sure you are on your flight out on the day you are scheduled to leave.

Even European countries are turning away folks that came across the mediterranean on boats fro Morocco or Syria but folks over there do not cry racism and discimination.

Many European countries have Muslim ban and in countries like Germany, they even have areas in cities that are segregated for Muslims only, and folks are perfectly fine with it.

At the borders of France and Italy, they have Italian military making sure illegal aliens from North Africa are not trying to enter their country.

Only in America that people in other countries think because we are supposedly the wealthiest greatest nation in the world, we OWE them and we are supposed to let them come in illegally and then give them a green card, a citizenship, and at same time give them free housing and medical care and food stamps.

Then they don't want to learn English.

I was in Real Estate and Apartment management.

Do you know how many times Hispanics have walked into my office and first thing they ask is do you speak Spanish. Then if you say no, some get upset with you and think you are a dumb ass for not being able to speak Spanish and storm out of your office.

You see on TV when they portray some of the illegal aliens that have been here for 10 years, 20 years, crying about now with the end of DACA, they may get arrested and deported but during those years they had kids here, their kids by law are American Citizens.

The reporter still need a translator to talk to them because in the 10 to 20 years they have been here, they didn't bother to learn to speak English. They still can only speak Spanish.

All that stuff that the media want you to believe saying these illegal aliens are here and paying taxes like everyone else is BULLSHIT.

To pay taxes you need a SOCIAL SECURITY # issued by the United States Social Security Administration. Only way to get that is if you have a valid green card or work card or permanent residency card. Only way to get those is for you to enter this country legally and go through the legal procedure to get one of those cards or immigration status.

Unless those illegal aliens who are paying taxes were able to get a fake green card or work card or permanent residency card which led to them getting a fake social security card, they only taxes they are paying is the sales tax at the retail stores.

Plus think about it for a second from a logic point of view, if you are in this country illegally and you don't have to pay taxes, why would you want to go through all that trouble of getting all those fake documents just so you can pay taxes?

You won't. Not paying taxes means more $ in your pocket from those jobs you get where they are paying you under the table with no social security and federal income tax deducted.

Just the media trying to make you sympathize with their plight.

Oh they pay taxes like every one else: let them stay here.

They don't pay taxes except for sales tax!

Total liberal media bullshit!

This fucking illegal alien that murdered Mollie Tibbets, there is no death penalty in Iowa, so life in prison is too good for him.

Every day he is allowed to stay alive is one day Mollie didn't get to live.

I bet the Mexican government may try to get him out of the country.

It's like that illegal alien that shot Houston Police Officer Guy P. Gaddis 3 times in 1994 and he was given the death penalty.

The Mexican government using the Mexican consulate in Houston tried to get him extradicted back to Mexico so he wouldn't serve a day of prison time on death row.


It didn't work and that cop killer was finally executed in 2014 by the great State of Texas!

He still got to live 20 years longer than Officer Guy P. Gaddis, whose wife was pregnant at the time with their first child.

This piece of shit wetback wanted to come to America?

Welcome to American prison.

I hope first they rape him and then they beat him to death in prison.

One of the inmates in the prison population will get him once words get around who he is.

Poetic justice.

Bet when he is getting raped and beaten to death, he would had wished he stayed in fucking Mexico.

Now if any of you want to say I am being too harsh with my comments, let me remind you again!!

You could be Mollie Tibbets or Kathryn Steinle:

your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, daughter, grandmother, brother, father, cousin, niece, nephew, etc etc could be Mollie Tibbets or Kathryn Steinle.

What happened to them, both murdered by illegal aliens, could had happened to you or to anyone you know and love.

Fuck that!!! 20 years in prison..that's like 40gs for each year for him being alive and another 40gs for the execution. That's like 1 million taxpayers money!!!

The U.S. government ...they love illegal immigration...their a joke...but i know they do it on purpose. They act like they care but they don't care. They know full prisons means more money.

Just look at the stores that invest in this corrupt prison business...

Bill Gates, IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom’s, Revlon, Macy’s, Pierre Cardin, Target Stores, etc

...what's the use of having E-Verify if you can beat the system....if you can get a fake green card,work card ,permanent residency card or fake social security card(number). Then you know where the problem is....the scum was working at the farm for four years! Yet they didn't pick up anything unusual? Bullshit. Employers only care about money and low pay. They all cover each others ass's.
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Old 08-22-2018, 02:12 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by JalapenoPopper View Post
Fuck that!!! 20 years in prison..that's like 40gs for each year for him being alive and another 40gs for the execution. That's like 1 million taxpayers money!!!

The U.S. government ...they love illegal immigration...their a joke...but i know they do it on purpose. They act like they care but they don't care. They know full prisons means more money.

Just look at the stores that invest in this corrupt prison business...

Bill Gates, IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom’s, Revlon, Macy’s, Pierre Cardin, Target Stores, etc

...what's the use of having E-Verify if you can beat the system....if you can get a fake green card,work card ,permanent residency card or fake social security card(number). Then you know where the problem is....the scum was working at the farm for four years! Yet they didn't pick up anything unusual? Bullshit. Employers only care about money and low pay. They all cover each others ass's.
Finally someone with sense.

I have this same thread posted in 6 other forums and in all of them, I am being called a racist and a Trump lover!

Wait until one of these illegal aliens murder someone they love.

They wouldn't be singing the same song, will they?

They will be screaming about how the same Trump administration they hate and loathe so much right now didn't do anything or enough to prevent the illegal alien who murdered their loved one from entering this country.

Liberal Democrats are such ignorant attention whores.

The death penalty here is useless.

20-30 years spent on death row before execution and many times, execution is stayed or waved.

In many other civilized countries where capital punishment is still allowed, death penalty is carried out right away.
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Old 08-22-2018, 02:33 PM   #24
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I've got a hunch he won't last 20 months let alone 20 years...
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Old 08-22-2018, 02:35 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by WalkerTx View Post
I've got a hunch he won't last 20 months let alone 20 years...

Even better if he doesn't even make it to trial.

Best thing is to hold a public execution and show Mexico and all those countries south of the U.S. borders:

this is what happens to you when you enter our country illegally and you commit a crime.

Still don't agree with me?

Try entering Iran and Iraq and North Korea and China illegally.

Or even going to one of those countries legally and then commit a petty crime and see what happens to you.

i.e. Otto Warmbier - he acted like a dumb ass in North Korea, most likely thought he was an entitled American so he was safe for prosecution and punishment and his rich daddy will save him, in a country on a list of many countries he should never had gone to in the first place.

Back in the good olde days, public executions were the talk of the town.

People were poor.

There was no computers and smart phones and internet and TV and movies.

There was theater but that was reserved only for the wealthy who could afford to attend theater shows.

So whenever there was a public execution in the town square, whether by hanging (in the old west) or by guillotine (in France and other European countries), or by burning at the stake (in old ye Massachusetts and New England) everyone gathered in the town square to watch it.

When I said everyone, I truly really meant everyone, including children and babies.

Do you think there was still a lot of crimes back then?


Watching a public execution just once was enough for anyone back then to go straight and narrow and they executed you for anything including theft, not just for committing murder and violent crimes.
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Old 08-22-2018, 02:51 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by WalkerTx View Post
I've got a hunch he won't last 20 months let alone 20 years...
Let’s hope he actually did it and the real killer didn’t get away with it just because this guy got executed. We do have a justice system and I want to see the proof. If he did it, fry him. If he is being set up, then they need to find the real killer.
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Old 08-22-2018, 02:56 PM   #27
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Can't fry him.

Iowa abolished the Death Penalty 43 years ago.

There has been many failed attempts to reinstate the Death Penalty in Iowa since it was abolished.

Hopefully they will reinstate the Death Penalty in Iowa just for this maggot scum!
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Old 08-22-2018, 03:27 PM   #28
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What if it ends up not being him and is a white person?
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Old 08-22-2018, 04:39 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by CG2014 View Post
An immigrant is a person that enters the USA legally with a valid entry VISA (work, student, tourist) and then follows the legal procedures to get a permanent residency and then an U.S. citizenship.

This is not correct either. Even if someone has a legal entry visa like Student, Work or Tourist (all of which are non immigrant temporary visas), they are NOT on an immigrant visa and hence are NOT immigrants.
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Old 08-22-2018, 05:32 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by dallasfan View Post
What if it ends up not being him and is a white person?

Don't care. Fry his ass too. I'm white myself. Just cuss you are white doesn't mean you get a free pass. I'm still gonna have to pay taxes whether he is white or a illegal!!!
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