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Old 08-20-2018, 07:01 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
I'm not here to get pats in the back PM's (which I also receive those) or looking to make friends, I do call people out on their BS like I did to you, ever think that your "smart humorous" post might be insulting to members here?

Being honest can be uncomfortable at times, I post what others are thinking, some will not like it but it's my thoughts/opinion on that subject

One last thing, I see who I want and never been turned away and don't think I post everybody I see, I might post 1/3 of my encounters, I'm trying to keep eccie rep going and also protect their rep
Ok. You don't appreciate my posts. You just got to hit the "ignore" button and you don't have to read my posts.

As for seeing whomever you want... I'm certain you do. Unless they don't want to see you. (But, you know, that's everybody). You're obviously very astute and lucky - because your tastes in providers exactly matches providers who will always see you!

Personally - it goes both ways. I don't like all of your posts, or Honest Abe's, CTs, you name it... but, I accept everyone's right to post - and wouldn't think of saying anything negative about them or their ability to post, or thinking that my opinions on their posts would or should matter. To me it's just opinions.

I might object to items IN their posts, but never to them - or their right to post.

Look, understand... "I can't possibly know all the things that might trigger you", (like right now, your obviously spoiling to make something out of this), but that's why you always have the ability to use that ignore button.

Here, if it helps - "sorry to whomever I offended... not everyone understands all humor"
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Old 08-20-2018, 07:23 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
Ok. You don't appreciate my posts. You just got to hit the "ignore" button and you don't have to read my posts.

As for seeing whomever you want... I'm certain you do. Unless they don't want to see you. (But, you know, that's everybody). You're obviously very astute and lucky - because your tastes in providers exactly matches providers who will always see you!

Personally - it goes both ways. I don't like all of your posts, or Honest Abe's, CTs, you name it... but, I accept everyone's right to post - and wouldn't think of saying anything negative about them or their ability to post, or thinking that my opinions on their posts would or should matter. To me it's just opinions.

I might object to items IN their posts, but never to them - or their right to post.

Look, understand... "I can't possibly know all the things that might trigger you", (like right now, your obviously spoiling to make something out of this), but that's why you always have the ability to use that ignore button.

Here, if it helps - "sorry to whomever I offended... not everyone understands all humor"
I'm not offended by anybody's post here, my original response to you was meant for you to look in the mirror before suggesting that offer members are always in drama threads when you do the same with your "humorous" post that are offensive at times, it's no big deal man. Carry on with the humor

How can you not like H.A. post? His reviews are the best here, any trick that appreciates great reviews with session visuals without being hateful towards the guy will agree,

I've never blocked anybody here, I'm in check with my emotions that reading any negative post about me would ruin my day, these are just discussions and not life changing decisions
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Old 08-20-2018, 07:23 PM   #198
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by TinMan View Post
You must have missed the turkey baster thread. It had a higher body count.
That thread could be the thread of the year...
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Old 08-20-2018, 07:29 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
One last thing, I see who I want and never been turned away and don't think I post everybody I see, I might post 1/3 of my encounters, I'm trying to keep eccie rep going and also protect their rep
This shit made laugh...
1) Umm, if I remember right Jules won’t see you
2) Yeh, when you chase streetwalkers and the bottom feeders your batting average is artificially inflated
3) Does everyone you see know it is BLM69 who contacted them?
4) Why do you need to protect their rep by not letting others know you saw a certain Lady?...lmao
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Old 08-20-2018, 07:52 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
This shit made laugh...
1) Umm, if I remember right Jules won’t see you
2) Yeh, when you chase streetwalkers and the bottom feeders your batting average is artificially inflated
3) Does everyone you see know it is BLM69 who contacted them?
4) Why do you need to protect their rep by not letting others know you saw a certain Lady?...lmao
You didn't understand my post, you started typing without comprehending again as usual,

I said I can see ANYONE I WANT TO SEE AND NEVER BEEN TURNED AWAY, have JJ come in here and tell us all when have I requested to see her smart guy, you slept on this one bad lol

You believe posting on eccie makes them high class below a SW? Last time I checked it was the same gig, your just mad for spending more for less, this also includes less quality

Ever heard of don't ask, don't tell? The stories I can tell you will eat you up inside

My rep or their rep doesn't concern you, or does it?

Read this and digest it before coming at me looking like a fool again
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Old 08-20-2018, 08:19 PM   #201
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Weak job of spinning, but you tell it any way you want to, but some of it made no sense...”...makes them high class below a SW”?

And you never answered #3 or was the reply “Ever heard of don’t ask, don’t tell?” your response to hiding who you are to some Ladies?

You’re the one who put it out there about protecting your’s and their reps, so I figured you could explain? You put it out there, defend it or step away from the keyboard Big Spender.
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Old 08-20-2018, 08:25 PM   #202
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Dang....you people can post a lot of bs. Just glad I don't have my sword in this who has the biggest sword fight. I keep my sword quick n little n to the point. Keep on posting your big swords lol or what ever you have to prove
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Old 08-20-2018, 08:32 PM   #203
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^^^Be quiet Dude..You’re the king of hi-jacking shit and turning things into a shit show!
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Old 08-20-2018, 08:33 PM   #204
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
Weak job of spinning, but you tell it any way you want to, but some of it made no sense...”...makes them high class below a SW”?

And you never answered #3 or was the reply “Ever heard of don’t ask, don’t tell?” your response to hiding who you are to some Ladies?

You’re the one who put it out there about protecting your’s and their reps, so I figured you could explain? You put it out there, defend it or step away from the keyboard Big Spender.
Don't ask, don't tell, which part didn't you understand? Just curious how you came up with this specific question? It's not hard to figure it out lol

I'm not spinning anything, I'm just responding to your questions like or did you think I was gonna buckle down? you know be better than that. JJ telling you she turned me down since you brought her into this? Think before you type now
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Old 08-20-2018, 08:40 PM   #205
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My god, change your roll Big Latin Male, you’re really starting to believe in this Hooker Board persona you created!

And you’re right, I think Jules blew you off out in the open when you were putting it out there you wanted to see her.

And you’re STILL SPINNING question #3? Must be true huh?
And #4?

Goodnight, this boring Preseason football game has made me sleepy, ttyt.
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Old 08-20-2018, 08:48 PM   #206
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disabled account does not give you a free for all to attack. Guidelines will still be enforced.
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Old 08-20-2018, 09:21 PM   #207
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Basically, everybody needs a safe space
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Old 08-21-2018, 04:40 AM   #208
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
Lighten up Francis, it’s called humor!

Oh, and Brandofan pays me handsomely to WK for him! He used to pay me salary but his Fan Club has grown so rapidly he now pays out on a commission basis, every Friday too.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
this is true. Brandofan used to pay me, but like a Jackass I went to him to restructure my contract.. he told me "Tran, I can get ManSlut to 'Knight' for me at half your salary".. Son-of-a-Bitch cut me off entirely!
Chung, if you want to rejoin the crew we can form a mighty trio.

Athos! Porthos! Aramis! Assemble!

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Old 08-21-2018, 09:22 AM   #209
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Originally Posted by Brandofan View Post
Chung, if you want to rejoin the crew we can form a mighty trio.

Athos! Porthos! Aramis! Assemble!

I would love that.. just give me 80% of what ManSlut gets.

my Acountant will be contacting yours, I want to make sure you are operating under GAAP before I sign on again. and I want Dollars, I no longer trust bitcoin.
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Old 08-21-2018, 09:30 AM   #210
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My 2 cents worth. So you get what I pay for. I really get all the snide remarks and jokes made during this thread. I have been laughing my ass off at some of them. The OP does bring up an important topic. I sure as hell would like to know if someone is "burning". So I don't wander in her room until she has gone on a vacation. I know the risk to of BBFS, so its a play stupid games you might win stupid prizes. It would be nice if there was a private thread where people that got that itchy feeling in their junk could report it to save someone else the trouble. I know BBFS is not going to stop or even slow down, but why keep the shit going and going? Not to mention all the emotional stress of waiting on the test results. I'm not trying to start another bitch session on this topic at all, I just want to know if its an issue somewhere so I can move down the road to the next beautiful lady. Pussy is good, real good!
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