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Old 08-05-2018, 10:51 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
I did not want to read it because I knew it would be painful! It was... I forced my self to read it and I'm glad I did. The only hope for the VA is President Trump, IMO.

Thank you for taking time to read this. It really broke my heart. You are the only one that read this and I thank you. The rest of these tards are too busy bashing each other. Just another day here on the Ikky Sticky...
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Old 08-05-2018, 11:14 AM   #62
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

There are over a hundred more examples on the website I cited.

I don't understand how anyone could think there is such a marked difference of magnitude between the Nazis and the Japanese. And then pick the Japanese as a clear choice as the worst/most deaths.

Trumpys. Go figure.

Unlike the germans, Japanese didn't keep meticulous records, so the numbers are hard to come by. some of the statements by the ex-japanese soldiers that they raped women and killed them some place else after they were finished with them. so, the numbers are unknown.

its pretty clear Japanese killed way more than the germans did during WWII. its numbers are a question mark of how many.
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Old 08-05-2018, 11:16 AM   #63
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I've dealt with the V.A. for 5 years. It was a horrible experience. This was regarding my dad and at one point they told my mom that she divorced her military husband in 1962 so she would have to prove that they were still married. (They were married over 50 years) and this hurt her very much. It was a paperwork error. Another time we were in the waiting room and I started talking to a veteran who had lost a leg in Vietnam - he told me he's having to fight for his benefits because - get this- they said he was never in the Nam.

The result of this ineptitude is that people start to feel hopeless when dealing with the V.A. I think they need to hire employees that are more competent and caring because the overall impression I got when I was in the Waco Regional Office was that nobody knew what was going on and they didn't give a shit.

I have high hopes that this will change under President Trump.
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Old 08-05-2018, 11:25 AM   #64
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I actually just re-read it.
It's 2 years old. It's a big world out there beyond fox. And if you read instead of watching videos you can experience a lot more of the world.

Yes, it is heartbreaking. And it's happened well over 12,000 times since this article was written.

Originally Posted by R.M. View Post
Thank you for taking time to read this. It really broke my heart. You are the only one that read this and I thank you. The rest of these tards are too busy bashing each other. Just another day here on the Ikky Sticky...
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Old 08-05-2018, 11:27 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Dude I live great in Mansion in an exclusive white community...AND PROUDLY UNPATRIOTIC
It would figure that you don't have the ability to put together a coherent sentence. But I'll bet you live in a big mansion in an exclusively white neighborhood.... I wonder why you want to live around your "oppressors"? Wel I don't really... see despite your being proudly unpatriotic, you tell us what the good things in life are just by what you choose. You want to live around whites because you know your own kind will trash and destroy everything you have. You aspire to everything white and that's why your punk ass posing about hating America and whitey is fcuking laughable. You're a clown, son. You're not fighting the power...you're aspiring to it! Fcuking dope, you don't even get it. Oh and remember how I said those that can don't need to brag about it...that's another tell, bro... you probably live in some suburban shack and chase white girls cause we all know you ultimate status symbol is to bang whiteys girl.

Take your punk ass, whiney bitch self some other place if you don't like it here... again we know you won't cause pussies like you are all talk and no action. You may claim to be unpatriotic, but you're voting with your feet. You won't go someplace else because you KNOW there's no place better.

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Old 08-05-2018, 11:42 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
Unlike the germans, Japanese didn't keep meticulous records, so the numbers are hard to come by. some of the statements by the ex-japanese soldiers that they raped women and killed them some place else after they were finished with them. so, the numbers are unknown.

its pretty clear Japanese killed way more than the germans did during WWII. its numbers are a question mark of how many.
That has nothing to do with this. The German or the Japanese didn't keep track of how many people they killed except in tiny percentages for specific "projects" or soldiers they killed in combat. And the numbers are unknown as you claim, how is it clear, because of a few statements, the Japanese killed more?

Luckily we don't have to use your thoughts or logic on this one.
The countries report their own dead. The number of Chinese dead come mostly from China, Russian dead from Russia, etc. Sorry I put something out there longer than a tweet.

That's why the wrong thing is clear to you. I put the link in the post. Open it up and see how they came up with the numbers. There are many references that detail the methods used.
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Old 08-05-2018, 11:49 AM   #67
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Facts have never been significant to you.
Needless to say, your opinions about significance don't carry much weight in the real world. Or in this one either.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
The post above is an example of a 0zombie, trying to be significant. To his amazement, it's not working...

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Old 08-05-2018, 11:58 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

Luckily we don't have to use your thoughts or logic on this one.
Just who is "we"?

Or are you employing one of those suggestions in "verbal judo" articles to increase the number of persons with a "like mind" by using "we" instead of "I"?

On the other hand I suppose that you and one other person is ...

.. "we"!
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Old 08-05-2018, 12:31 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by R.M. View Post
So how do you guys feel about how this Vet was treated? He took his own life. Ugh. Really?
How do you suppose we fix this system? Or do any of you tards care? Just asking.

IMO we can't fix this system, to where vets like him, don't take their own lives..
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Old 08-05-2018, 12:59 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
That's right, you little bitch. Don't address the shit stains in your own "community", instead talk about some rich white guy and how he's making it hard for you to come up with an excuse for not getting a job. Is the man still keeping you down? You poor mother fucking child. The only thing keeping you down is your piss poor attitude and your fucking inability to pull up your big boy pants and stop shitting all over yourself. You hate this nation and the freedom you have, take your ass somewhere else... there's plenty of Hispanics that will fucking do the work you won't. That will be fathers to their kids where you abandon yours. You won't be missed, in fact, we will celebrate the decrease in crime the growth in GDP and the rejuvenation of a culture that celebrates achievement rather than how many hoes they knocked up and whether they can make bank. The very fact that you would call a guy that came out of the hood in Compton to be a successful Officer and now businessman an "Uncle Tom" tells me all I need to know about your pathetic snot-nosed life. You're jealous of success, insecure because you know you never had the balls or a father that taught you how to succeed. So get on the boat outta here, pussy.

Buy you won't. Just like every other thing in your useless life, you're a big talker and a little doer. You talk trash well enough because you never actually learned how to achieve. Got news for you chump, men who are doers, builders, and successful don't talk themselves up, they let their deeds stand for themselves. We all know you have no deeds... if you're motivated you might actually use your EBT card for food instead of Colt 45 this week. The white's you talk shit about have been paying your freight since the day you were born.

I get it, it's hard to not be angry at a man who gives to you and asks nothing in return. We bred this anger into you by giving you things you didn't earn. It was a well-meant mistake, but a mistake none-the-less. That's why you hate this Country and the men and women that serve it with honor... because you know in your little heart in the dark of the night when your alone on your piss stained mattress that you're not good enough, honorable enough, man enough, to be their equal. It's not your fault, pussy. That's why we tolerate your stupidity and let you lash out and destroy shit.... you're a baby we made. But unlike you, we won't abandon your sorry ass on a street corner.
I wholeheartedly endorse this message.
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Old 08-05-2018, 01:03 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
But not a word to refute what he said. Telling.
It is telling that you haven't been able to refute the proof I provided you about illegal immigrants voting in San Francisco...
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Old 08-05-2018, 01:05 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
IMO we can't fix this system, to where vets like him, don't take their own lives..
It's easier to lay it off on the government.

Just like it's easier to lay off shootings on firearms.


Focusing the epidemic on the military is a political agenda.

Increasingly, suicide is being viewed not only as a mental health problem but a public health one. Nearly 45,000 suicides occurred in the United States in 2016 — more than twice the number of homicides — making it the 10th-leading cause of death. Among people ages 15 to 34, suicide is the second-leading cause of death.

The most common method used across all groups was firearms.
I've been to various VA Hospitals many times. Helping friends register, returning friends who walked out, and visiting friends who decided to stay. My experiences were that not many combat experienced vets actually worked in the hospitals with those who went their to find help and walked out because there was none.
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Old 08-05-2018, 01:25 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
It would figure that you don't have the ability to put together a coherent sentence. But I'll bet you live in a big mansion in an exclusively white neighborhood.... I wonder why you want to live around your "oppressors"? Wel I don't really... see despite your being proudly unpatriotic, you tell us what the good things in life are just by what you choose. You want to live around whites because you know your own kind will trash and destroy everything you have. You aspire to everything white and that's why your punk ass posing about hating America and whitey is fcuking laughable. You're a clown, son. You're not fighting the power...you're aspiring to it! Fcuking dope, you don't even get it. Oh and remember how I said those that can don't need to brag about it...that's another tell, bro... you probably live in some suburban shack and chase white girls cause we all know you ultimate status symbol is to bang whiteys girl.

Take your punk ass, whiney bitch self some other place if you don't like it here... again we know you won't cause pussies like you are all talk and no action. You may claim to be unpatriotic, but you're voting with your feet. You won't go someplace else because you KNOW there's no place better.

Good for property values...and all the desperate housewife pussy I can get. Like I said earlier I'm milking this for all I can. You boys can go off and be patriotic and die in a war...i got a Nascar race to watch.

And yeah I aspire to be evil like you. Lmao

Feel better now old fart? Lol
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Old 08-05-2018, 01:31 PM   #74
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My grandfather was sitting on a bus bench in 1965 in Wichita Falls waiting for us to pull up. His son, my father got out of the opal cadet and sat down beside him. They talked for a few minutes and dad got up headed back to the car. That man on the bench looked me straight in the eyes. He died a few months later of lung cancer, disowned by my dad. Sometimes I wonder what WWII did to him.

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Old 08-05-2018, 01:45 PM   #75
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Sorry you thought I included you in the group of people who read the site, the numbers, and how they were determined.
Since they were your numbers/conclusion I refuted, obviously you weren't in that group. I didn't think you would reject my numbers without checking. But if you don't check you don't have to admit I'm right or add to your knowledge. You can shake your head with your hands over your ears while going "nananananananananan". You can pretend you were right.
But I'll tell you, nothing beats coming up with information that smacks down a douche-bag. It beats the shit out of a "pretend" win as opposed to a factual win.
You implying no one agrees with me isn't surprising and it doesn't bother me. Sorry if I overestimated the members. I wonder if it bothers everyone else you think they're too stupid to check an easily verified fact?
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Just who is "we"?

Or are you employing one of those suggestions in "verbal judo" articles to increase the number of persons with a "like mind" by using "we" instead of "I"?

On the other hand I suppose that you and one other person is ...

.. "we"!
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