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Old 07-24-2018, 10:00 AM   #271
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
When one unidentified source makes a statement 3 years after the fact and it is unsubstantiated by anyone else, that is as unauthentic as it gets. Get real.

Nonsense. "As unauthentic as it gets" means something is PROVEN to be fake. Like the document that caused CBS to fire Dan Rather back in 2004 - that was totally unauthentic. The alleged JFK quote is in the middle, in a gray area. It's neither 100% proven nor 100% disproven. The most you can say is that a healthy skepticism is in order. I notice your liberal bias is most evident whenever you evaluate grey areas like this one. Or illegal immigrant crime rates. Instead of saying the evidence is inconclusive, you claim it supports your argument.

And your statements on the relationships between JFK and RFK are meaningless. They "may" have had negative feelings about the CIA and FBI but they did NOTHING to undermine the integrity of those organizations. No statements. No actions.

I said JFK/RFK distrusted their judgment, not their integrity. If the integrity of the CIA and FBI looks tainted today, it's because of the actions of the LEADERSHIP of those agencies. Not anything Trump or the rank and file did. But the people who were appointed and promoted under obama to politicize those agencies. This is becoming clearer by the day. When the machinery of the federal govt is politicized, it no longer seeks truth in an objective, unbiased or non-partisan fashion.

And please stop lying. I have never said anything about Putin having anything on Trump. NOTHING.

Ok, I take it back. And I have a question for you. Do you think the Steele dossier is fake? Or do you think it was verified and authenticated enough to be submitted into evidence before a FISA court judge?

Okay you are right in that I over-stated Trump's dislike of the CIA and FBI and DOJ. Trump's men are now in charge of all the intelligence agencies. The CIA, NSA, FBI, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence all concluded with "high confidence" that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. And Trump continually stomps all over those assessments, only backing them after severe criticism from both sides. He used the wrong word. Give me a break!

I already said Trump fucked up in Helsinki. It's obvious he hates to admit the Russians interfered because this encourages the left to perpetrate the myth that he wouldn't have been elected otherwise and his Presidency is illegitimate. Trump should just say "So what, it made no difference whether or not Putin bought a few facebook ads - I still would've stomped the hildabitch!" and move on. The libtards and the MSM want to keep talking about it and Trump shouldn't play into their hands.

Speedy, I have some recommended reading for you today:

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Old 07-24-2018, 10:54 AM   #272
Austin Ellen
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Oh you gave me a tingle in a naughty place with this one.
Your replies are so eloquent!
Damn, you're good baby.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Speedy, I have some recommended reading for you today:

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Old 07-24-2018, 11:34 AM   #273
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When one unidentified source makes a statement 3 years after the fact and it is unsubstantiated by anyone else, that is as unauthentic as it gets. Get real.

Nonsense. "As unauthentic as it gets" means something is PROVEN to be fake. Like the document that caused CBS to fire Dan Rather back in 2004 - that was totally unauthentic. The alleged JFK quote is in the middle, in a gray area. It's neither 100% proven nor 100% disproven. The most you can say is that a healthy skepticism is in order. I notice your liberal bias is most evident whenever you evaluate grey areas like this one. Or illegal immigrant crime rates. Instead of saying the evidence is inconclusive, you claim it supports your argument.

Again, when a single UNKNOWN person makes a accusation about someone with absolutely no verification, I will reject that statement. The statement is not in some gray area because there is absolutely NO proof that it was made by a real person. NONE.

Regarding immigrant crime rates, at some point a person has to decide whether or not the available information leads one way or the other. The majority of the evidence supports my POV. It supports my argument. Is it 100% conclusive? Certainly not. I have been involved with arguments on global warming and its causes. No matter which side of the argument one stands, they are 100% certain they are right.

And your statements on the relationships between JFK and RFK are meaningless. They "may" have had negative feelings about the CIA and FBI but they did NOTHING to undermine the integrity of those organizations. No statements. No actions.

I said JFK/RFK distrusted their judgment, not their integrity. If the integrity of the CIA and FBI looks tainted today, it's because of the actions of the LEADERSHIP of those agencies. Not anything Trump or the rank and file did. But the people who were appointed and promoted under obama to politicize those agencies. This is becoming clearer by the day. When the machinery of the federal govt is politicized, it no longer seeks truth in an objective, unbiased or non-partisan fashion.

And I, and many others including several high-ranking Republicans, say Trump's statements in Helsinki seriously undermined in the U.S. intelligence agencies. If you disagree, fine.

And please stop lying. I have never said anything about Putin having anything on Trump. NOTHING.

Ok, I take it back. And I have a question for you. Do you think the Steele dossier is fake? Or do you think it was verified and authenticated enough to be submitted into evidence before a FISA court judge?

I am unfamiliar with the Steel dossier so I have no comment.

Okay you are right in that I over-stated Trump's dislike of the CIA and FBI and DOJ. Trump's men are now in charge of all the intelligence agencies. The CIA, NSA, FBI, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence all concluded with "high confidence" that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. And Trump continually stomps all over those assessments, only backing them after severe criticism from both sides. He used the wrong word. Give me a break!

I already said Trump fucked up in Helsinki. It's obvious he hates to admit the Russians interfered because this encourages the left to perpetrate the myth that he wouldn't have been elected otherwise and his Presidency is illegitimate. Trump should just say "So what, it made no difference whether or not Putin bought a few facebook ads - I still would've stomped the hildabitch!" and move on. The libtards and the MSM want to keep talking about it and Trump shouldn't play into their hands.

I happen to agree with you that it didn't make a difference at all as to who would have won the election. I agree with Trump simply saying the Russians interfered, it made no difference in the election, and move on. It's Trump's continuing to make conflicting statements on the issue that lands him in controversy.
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Old 07-24-2018, 11:36 AM   #274
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Oh you gave me a tingle in a naughty place with this one.
Your replies are so eloquent!
Damn, you're good baby.
Once again you rely on others to state what you are unable to state. Stay on the sidelines.
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Old 07-24-2018, 02:19 PM   #275
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Oh I couldn't beat Lusty's replies. My answer was going to be - read the book - J. Edgar Hoover,The Man and his Secrets, by Curt Gentry. All would be revealed.
So yeah,Lusty has me beat by a mile.
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Old 07-25-2018, 07:37 AM   #276
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[QUOTE=Austin Ellen;1060763727]Oh I couldn't beat Lusty's replies. My answer was going to be - read the book - J. Edgar Hoover,The Man and his Secrets, by Curt Gentry. All would be revealed.
So yeah,Lusty has me beat by a mile.[/QUOTE

I have not read that book and do not plan on doing so, so I look to you to enlighten me.

Are there any statements in the book where JFK or RFK state that any of the U.S. intelligence agencies acted against the best interests of the country? Did JFK at any time in the book side with foreign interests at the expense of the U.S. intelligence agencies?
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Old 07-27-2018, 09:03 PM   #277
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Junior? Is that Junior skulking around here in Austin again?
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Old 07-30-2018, 08:26 AM   #278
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Now,now everyone is welcomed to post here in Austin. We are a diverse and tolerant city.***snicker***

Just as long as you agree with agree with the liberals - you will be just fine. Me, on the other hand, I'm a yuuuuuuuuge Trump supporter so that makes me a rebel down here.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Junior? Is that Junior skulking around here in Austin again?
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Old 07-31-2018, 10:46 AM   #279
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So those are the rules?
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Old 07-31-2018, 12:57 PM   #280
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Now,now everyone is welcomed to post here in Austin. We are a diverse and tolerant city.***snicker***

Just as long as you agree with agree with the liberals - you will be just fine. Me, on the other hand, I'm a yuuuuuuuuge Trump supporter so that makes me a rebel down here.
You are most welcome to post on this forum. I'm actually looking forward to your FIRST post that actually adds something to a political conversation.
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Old 07-31-2018, 02:16 PM   #281
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How's this? They say a picture is worth a thousand words - I can't add any more to the stupidity that is going on with the left. It's all " Let's bash Trump - 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. SMH
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Old 07-31-2018, 04:14 PM   #282
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could that be any less authentic, AE?

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Old 07-31-2018, 05:14 PM   #283
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
How's this? They say a picture is worth a thousand words - I can't add any more to the stupidity that is going on with the left. It's all " Let's bash Trump - 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. SMH


A handful of people on the right wanted to impeach Obama for perjury. Stupidity of SOME people on the right.

Did you check out the validity of the meme? If you notice the upper right side of the meme, there is a box with "Moscow" inside. Maybe you were taken in by some "fake news". I searched as much as I could and could find NOTHING that would indicate that the meme is real. So your picture seems to not be worth a single word, let alone a thousand words.

So please check up on the meme since you posted it and either find validation or come back and tell us it is not true.
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Old 07-31-2018, 06:32 PM   #284
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My apologies. I shouldn't put you in the same category as Yussup. No, that was just a sarcastic meme. It was Twitter that went nuts with Trump drinking out of a straw. My point is - the overwhelming message from the left is to bash Trump - that's it-that is all they have--and it's tiring.
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Old 07-31-2018, 07:14 PM   #285
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
My apologies. I shouldn't put you in the same category as Yussup. No, that was just a sarcastic meme. It was Twitter that went nuts with Trump drinking out of a straw. My point is - the overwhelming message from the left is to bash Trump - that's it-that is all they have--and it's tiring.
And time after time, I keep saying that is not what the left does.

However weren't you doing the same thing when Obama was in power.

Which brings me to one of the biggest criticisms I have with the Republican Party: the do as I say not as I do. It is a party filled with hypocrites minus Rand Paul and Lindsay Graham.
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