Originally Posted by flyinghi
This is a lie, grrr2015 outted Angelina Rose to her family and myself. He’s non stop harassing her and me. He’s sent numerous threats, personal information about Angelina and more. She’s scared of him and took down her showcase. I’ve forward his pm’s and messages to the mods.
Cowardice for messing with a female like that just cuz he's pussy whipped....and He's harassing and threatening you too? Dang. I once had someone tell me that some guys associated with eccie was looking for me...like they was gonna kick my ass hahaha I was like and....they have no idea of who and what awaits them if they're looking for SC....

me nor my peeps the kind of "negros" you can just run up on. #bet we live for such moments and stay ready...even when I take a shit I'm strapped. ;-)