Originally Posted by sjohnlewis
Without a prescription? I wouldn't trust a medication without a prescription. There was one with prescription for Viagra from Canada at a lower price.
The best bet is to get Sildanafil in a 20mg tablet. ONLY A 20 mg TABLET because the 20 mg tablet is classified as a generic Viagra for other uses.
Just had to say this again guys. As to my comments on fake pills. ....
North Korea also has a big market in fake Viagra. It is not the real stuff, and they are making a lot of it, running the factories flat out. N. Korea is also printing fake US money. Flat out counterfeit. This place is a crime syndicate hiding as a country. They don't care about your health, and you don't know where some of this crap is coming from. Some of the fake stuff can leave permanent damage.
The best bet is to get Sildanafil in a 20mg tablet.
ONLY A 20 mg TABLET because the 20 mg tablet is classified as a generic Viagra for other uses. Get the real thing. Don't loose your health. Not worth it to try and save a few dollars.
Enough said, Now do what you want.