Originally Posted by arkyfun
Maybe it is just me, but their doesn't seem to be as much action on here as it used to be. 
No it isn't just you... however you Arkansas folks should be aware that these forums have a lot more action than most forums-not-focused-on-Texas.
Originally Posted by Hogfan69
Yeah, a lot of people may not have a clue the site is back since it was down so long.
I suspect so. As I mentioned in another thread, if it wasn't for one of my favorite ladies texting me about it, I wouldn't be here myself. When the site first went dark I assumed that it was dead for good. (This isn't a comic book universe, after all, where only Uncle Ben stays dead.

Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
Yeah I have told some people that didn’t know it was back  most of the excellent ladies are here sure the rest will find their way!
Depends on your definition of "excellent".