Originally Posted by ACharmXo
Originally Posted by Nukeman69
VERY rare that a girl will ever initiate a conversation in a bar with me. Generally I'm the one trying.
That really bizarre to hear.. Ive yet to have the pleasure of meeting you but I would think surely a charming gentleman like yourself would have all the pretty ladies at the bar looking your way 
"Looking [his] way" =/= "initiating a conversation".
My past experience (such as it is) being alone at a bar is consistent with Nukeman's. Not only has it been very rare for a unaccompanied woman to initiate a conversation with me in a bar, in every case that's happened in my life (no less than three, no more than six) the woman who started chatting me up was a hooker looking for her next client (which is what your OP implies you were doing yourself--unless "looking for new friends" wasn't the euphemism I took it for on first reading).
I think it has to do with safety issues; while no unaccompanied woman has tried to strike up a conversation with me unless she was looking to get paid for her time and companionship, women with either a girlfriend or another guy haven't been quite so shy. That's still somewhat rare (I'm pathologically introverted, so I probably exude something of a "leave me the fuck alone" vibe when I'm alone at a bar--usually I have a book with me and I'll be reading it while enjoying a drink or three), but not nonexistent. I think there's safety in numbers; if she's got company with her a woman might feel more secure in chatting up a strange man, because she's always got her companion to help execute her exit strategy if the strange man turns out to be a truly
strange man.
ETA:And since you asked:
Originally Posted by ACharmXo
Maybe some of you gentlemen could chime in to explain their experiences with meeting girls while out for a drink and what your reaction would be if a girl approached you to spend some time afterwards.
My reaction now would be the same as my reaction then: "I'm sorry; thanks for asking but I can't afford your fee."
I can guarantee you that because of my pathological introversion and resulting "leave me the fuck alone" vibe, no woman would approach me to spend time afterwards with me for free. (Hasn't happened in close to 61 years; ain't gonna suddenly happen now.)