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Old 06-23-2018, 03:54 PM   #1
Kitty Bunny Fuck
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Default What in the fuckity fuck!?

Seriously when did common courtesy fly out the door? Please for fucks sake : introduce yourself when pming or texting - something like below would be great..

" hi my name is Mr. Applebags and I read your update... (or I am responding to your message..) and I'd like to meet with you. Below you will find my references. Cheeky Amy and Miss Vagoogle - I am a tall dark and handsome Executive - I can provide additional info if needed. Certainly your safety is just as important as mine.

I'd like to meet for an hour of your time when the clock strikes 12 on Wednesday - here is my contact number and contact hours are open" (no wifey at home)

Thanks for your consideration, I look forward to rolling around in your sheets!!

Mr. Applebags


From now on all messages that are half assed will be blocked and ignored. I know I'm not the only gal that is having issues with improper introductions and bookings.

And for those that need a reminder- most of us girls have personal lives- we do not sit at our incall in bed naked with our legs spread open ready to be serviced.
A nice window to get ready is appreciated greatly.

Treat us with the upmost respect and get rewarded for it
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Old 06-23-2018, 04:05 PM   #2
winn dixie
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In my hogans heroes Shultz voice " I know nothinck, Nothinck"
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Old 06-23-2018, 04:51 PM   #3
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Honestly this is how I feel about providers coming from the other end. I've never had a girl not respond but I've had plenty of girls respond with nothing but four word incomplete sentences and zero punctuation. Respect is a two way street and it's just as endemic on the provider side.
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Old 06-23-2018, 06:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2 View Post
Honestly this is how I feel about providers coming from the other end. I've never had a girl not respond but I've had plenty of girls respond with nothing but four word incomplete sentences and zero punctuation. Respect is a two way street and it's just as endemic on the provider side.
You are absolutely correct babe. Thanks for the input.
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Old 06-23-2018, 06:25 PM   #5
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I will never understand whores telling potential tricks how they have to act or communicate in order to spend their money.

If you don't care for the way someone approaches you ignore them and move on. It's not like you offer something others do not to the transaction.

It's a buyer's market and men will be dictating the terms. Your moment in the sun is done and over with.
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Old 06-24-2018, 08:21 AM   #6
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I don’t respond to guys that say hi or hey or I know you from eccie. I don’t care. If you want an appointment provide the info I ask for before asking questions.
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Old 06-24-2018, 01:47 PM   #7
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Providers want all the variables up front. Guys just want to know if you’re going to respond at all, or if you’re on vacation and out of touch before investing time and divesting private information. Is it so insulting to a business woman to reply to the question “would you be available today?” with an “I sure am, for the right guy.” ??? We’re dogs who just want to know we’re barking up the right tree.

When I’m shopping for tires and calling around, I first ask the man on the phone: can you get me in today for four new tires? I don’t start with the year/make/model of my car and the brand of tire I want, because those are the secondary details to me AND HIM. If they are all booked up for the day, it’s time to call another shop, because I respect the fact that he’s “shuffling rubbers” all day (just as much as providers), and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time—I’m on to the next provider; in most cases, the service and prices at Firestone are just as good as Walmart.

Ladies, I have penned many introductory emails longer than this thread reply, that were never responded to or responded to days later. Y’all are, as a group, terrible at taking care of business, despite the thoroughness of the initial contact. I suggest removing your pride and thinking of that first ping as an opportunity to say “yes; you’ve successfully reached the business you sought, how can I help you?” If the John is still pussyfooting around after the third text, blow him off, but give your suitors a chance to confirm they aren’t trying to buy tires from McDonalds.
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Old 06-24-2018, 02:42 PM   #8
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Hi, my name is Joe, j was intrigued by your recent post and your profile and have a few questions... vs. "Hey, you swallow?" This isn't a big ask.

That being said the post above me is pretty accurate
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Old 06-24-2018, 02:53 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
Providers want all the variables up front. Guys just want to know if you’re going to respond at all, or if you’re on vacation and out of touch before investing time and divesting private information. Is it so insulting to a business woman to reply to the question “would you be available today?” with an “I sure am, for the right guy.” ??? We’re dogs who just want to know we’re barking up the right tree.

When I’m shopping for tires and calling around, I first ask the man on the phone: can you get me in today for four new tires? I don’t start with the year/make/model of my car and the brand of tire I want, because those are the secondary details to me AND HIM. If they are all booked up for the day, it’s time to call another shop, because I respect the fact that he’s “shuffling rubbers” all day (just as much as providers), and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time—I’m on to the next provider; in most cases, the service and prices at Firestone are just as good as Walmart.

Ladies, I have penned many introductory emails longer than this thread reply, that were never responded to or responded to days later. Y’all are, as a group, terrible at taking care of business, despite the thoroughness of the initial contact. I suggest removing your pride and thinking of that first ping as an opportunity to say “yes; you’ve successfully reached the business you sought, how can I help you?” If the John is still pussyfooting around after the third text, blow him off, but give your suitors a chance to confirm they aren’t trying to buy tires from McDonalds.
I agree. Why waste a bunch of time crafting a big long email to me, if it only turns out that I am not available for days. I prefer a “I’m interested in seeing someone later today. If you’re available and interested, please let me know what you need from me to set something up.”
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Old 06-24-2018, 03:39 PM   #10
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Hi, my name is Mr. Applebags
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Old 06-24-2018, 04:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
Guys just want to know if you’re going to respond at all, or if you’re on vacation and out of touch before investing time and divesting private information.
Originally Posted by 3daygetaway View Post
Ladies, I have penned many introductory emails longer than this thread reply, that were never responded to or responded to days later.
20% - never respond;

40% - respond week or two later, long after that itch was scratched (even though they read the ECCIE PM right away);

20% - respond late and ask, "So what do you want, and when do you want it?" even though it was spelled out. I don't write love letters or long poetry, nothing more than a few sentences of polite and properly written business proposals; please have the courtesy to read it.

10% - Just say, "Can't do it then" without offering anything else and leave it up to me to play 20 Questions.

10% - respond right away to say "Yes, available"; or "No, but will Tuesday work?" Thank you to these, and I'll be seeing you soon again.
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Old 06-24-2018, 04:25 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2 View Post
Honestly this is how I feel about providers coming from the other end. I've never had a girl not respond but I've had plenty of girls respond with nothing but four word incomplete sentences and zero punctuation. Respect is a two way street and it's just as endemic on the provider side.

Actually, how a lady replies to my intro e-mail/PM is a major part of MY screening.

I assume the ladies I write to also consider what I write as part of their screening. (And if they have recently read some of W's drivel, my words tend to look fairly decent).

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Old 06-24-2018, 04:45 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by TravelingTex View Post
20% - never respond;

40% - respond week or two later, long after that itch was scratched (even though they read the ECCIE PM right away);

20% - respond late and ask, "So what do you want, and when do you want it?" even though it was spelled out. I don't write love letters or long poetry, nothing more than a few sentences of polite and properly written business proposals; please have the courtesy to read it.

10% - Just say, "Can't do it then" without offering anything else and leave it up to me to play 20 Questions.

10% - respond right away to say "Yes, available"; or "No, but will Tuesday work?" Thank you to these, and I'll be seeing you soon again.
Hey I try to respond. When you get blasted with at least 50 diffrent texts everyday it's hard to keep up, and write even a half brained reply. I envy girls with a booker.
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Old 06-24-2018, 04:47 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Azaezel View Post
Hi, my name is Joe, j was intrigued by your recent post and your profile and have a few questions... vs. "Hey, you swallow?" This isn't a big ask.
You are right: it is totally reasonable not to have explicit questions in the first text (or any text). Sadly, the perpetrators of that type of texts are not the ones taking part in these mature discussions.
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