Originally Posted by tpepsi
I don't care who you are, that's some funny shit there SanMarcosGuy!
Prolapsed! hahahahhahahaha.
Yup. Pretty funny after san gay guy got done with you last night wasn't it. You two love birds have fun.
And for the record on email types, the ones recommended by another member are legal email types. It's their choice to create a new one.
Its only obstruction in the event of coverup or lies during a court proceeding or knowledge of an impending one. But you can start a thread in questions of legality and find out for yourself to see if recommending an encrypted email is obstruction or not. Sounds retarded to me according to the actual law. Obstruction only occurs if there is actually an ongoing court case or proceeding by destroying evidence, or intefering with the duties of jurors or court officers. None of that is going on here. If you don't know law, should do some more research.
Quit derailing my thread with your bullshit.