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Old 03-02-2018, 08:26 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
Okay, this. Maybe I was thinking too much of myself when I wrote this, only in the sense that I usually only see women once or maybe twice. On another thread, y'all might find this hard to believe, but Brittney_Love and I actually agreed on something- fucking a complete stranger is spicier. It's not unheard of for me to see a provider twice, but usually it's just the one, so frequent-flier repeat-customer discounts don't appeal. But I don't want to talk about discounts anymore, since it's what made me look like a cheap fuck wangling a cheaper piece anyway.
No worries dude, we all say shit that we wish we hadn't (me included) even if it was meant well. Your thread had good intent, good intent up in this motherfucker means nothing to some and something to a few. And btw, Brittany is a total sweetheart, you'd like her if you knew her, and I'm sure vice verse as well carry on brother
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Old 03-02-2018, 09:41 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
HOME-COOKED MEALS? Do you give lessons?
Taking a few cooking classes and massage classes were the best investments I ever made in my sex life.
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Old 03-02-2018, 09:50 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Taking a few cooking classes and massage classes were the best investments I ever made in my sex life.
very cool, I miss home cooked meals especially with a Happy Ending
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Old 03-02-2018, 11:47 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by Kickrocks View Post
Dude I know, just fucking with you.
STOP IT! (sniffles) I'm a very delicate person.
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Old 03-02-2018, 11:49 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Taking a few cooking classes and massage classes were the best investments I ever made in my sex life.
Well fuck. You're not as cool as I thought you were. I thought you meant you got them to cook for YOU...lol
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Old 03-02-2018, 01:51 PM   #96
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Txcruiser I want to apologize for thinking you were posting here asking for a discount. A few hobbyists before you have started the same type of discussions asking for discounts, free time, discount on top of a special..etc and I find it in very bad taste to ask someone to work for less. I felt this was another one of those types of threads and voiced my opinion. I'm sorry for that. I am really a total sweetheart and can admit when I shouldnt have said something.
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Old 03-02-2018, 02:24 PM   #97
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^^^ Well done; both of you.

Now, let’s turn the discussion back to the intent: what can be done by the hobbyists or admins/mods of the board to encourage good behavior?

Asking for session gratis is out, but....
1) receiving an invite to a social might be nice
2) free premium access might do it
3) access to private forums
4) revoked access to certain forums, but not a full-ban
5) the offer to help moderate a forum
6) the privilege of deleting an embarrassing prior post
7) the privilege of unassociating a bad review
8) an extra advertisement per week or being the last weekend post

What else?
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Old 03-02-2018, 02:31 PM   #98
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Brittany is a sweetie and gorgeous too. However, I'm not gonna apologize to the idiot who still keeps sending me PMs. I don't think that ignore button works on PM's.

Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
Txcruiser I want to apologize for thinking you were posting here asking for a discount. A few hobbyists before you have started the same type of discussions asking for discounts, free time, discount on top of a special..etc and I find it in very bad taste to ask someone to work for less. I felt this was another one of those types of threads and voiced my opinion. I'm sorry for that. I am really a total sweetheart and can admit when I shouldnt have said something.
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Old 03-02-2018, 02:35 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
Well fuck. You're not as cool as I thought you were. I thought you meant you got them to cook for YOU...lol
I have been on both sides of the cooking, though to be honest I enjoy doing the cooking more--and they usually do also.
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Old 03-02-2018, 06:59 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
Txcruiser I want to apologize for thinking you were posting here asking for a discount. A few hobbyists before you have started the same type of discussions asking for discounts, free time, discount on top of a special..etc and I find it in very bad taste to ask someone to work for less. I felt this was another one of those types of threads and voiced my opinion. I'm sorry for that. I am really a total sweetheart and can admit when I shouldnt have said something.
Darlin, that truly warms my heart. All is forgiven. I apologize for making what I eventually realized was a really fuckin stupid suggestion, no matter how well-intended. In retrospect, I totally see how you would take it that way. I see providers getting slammed by guys that have never seen the provider in question, some of whom, judging from their tiny number of reviews, are on eccie solely because they're too socially retarded to have real friends and too broke to play.It's actually surprising that y'all aren't more hostile, considering the shit y'all take publicly off those same jackasses. Much respect for the apology, and doing it publicly, that takes some big balls. Errr, ovaries. Friends 4ever?? Or at least til I say something else stoopid?
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Old 03-02-2018, 07:24 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Brittany is a sweetie and gorgeous too. However, I'm not gonna apologize to the idiot who still keeps sending me PMs. I don't think that ignore button works on PM's.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to revisit what I said about respect. EVERYONE I meet or interact with gets respectful treatment from me when we first meet, and the level of respect I show them after that depends on how much respect I receive in return. I've PM'd you exactly two times, and both times were respectful and absent any rude language or anything I'd consider disrespectful, and certainly anything the mods, or ANYONE with a well-developed sense of right and wrong would consider disrespectful, in spite of the fact that you'd already been hostile to me, for no good reason. After the first PM, you commented here, virtually fanning yourself, trying to make it sound like I'd viciously attacked you(in spite of the fact you didn't RTM) and dramatically talked about harrassment, etc. etc... then I sent my second, and last, PM, less polite, but still devoid of foul language or threats or anything negative in general. You didn't reply to either in private, because you ain't got a leg to stand on, and you're trying so hard to make it look like I'm being threatening and hostile, and you're just a helpless, delicate little flower being abused by the big bad man. Nobody's buying it. My inbox tells me you've got a reputation for being mean. And here's where I get back around the the respect thing- I know y'all all thought I'd lost my train of thought completely- nobody, especially me, gives a fuck what you think. And while you were accorded my respect from the word go, I've got no reason to show you any further respect, because you've given me enough reason to NOT respect you. Go fuck yourself. You're mean-spirited old hag. You should take a lesson from Brittany, which is sad because she's obviously more mature than you, and from the looks of it about 15 years younger.

If I get points from this, I'll take them with pride. You're what's wrong with this place. You're the female version of RR, and Whispers, and Mata.

I won't be doing the typical board shit and attacking everything you post; in fact, I'm leaving you on ignore and it won't be difficult at all to not click "see this post" because I already know you got nothing to say I want to hear. Do us all a favor and faaaaade away.

TL;DR- treat people with respect until they give you a reason to not respect them, then fuck 'em. Or, in this case, don't. Ever. Especially not for money.
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Old 03-02-2018, 07:31 PM   #102
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Well, I'm going to say you are a liar. You used cuss words in both of your PM's and I did rtm one of them to the mods. Just stop it - You are not a big,bad man ---you are a crazy person and I do not want anything to do with you. Do you understand?

Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to revisit what I said about respect. EVERYONE I meet or interact with gets respectful treatment from me when we first meet, and the level of respect I show them after that depends on how much respect I receive in return. I've PM'd you exactly two times, and both times were respectful and absent any rude language or anything I'd consider disrespectful, and certainly anything the mods, or ANYONE with a well-developed sense of right and wrong would consider disrespectful, in spite of the fact that you'd already been hostile to me, for no good reason. After the first PM, you commented here, virtually fanning yourself, trying to make it sound like I'd viciously attacked you(in spite of the fact you didn't RTM) and dramatically talked about harrassment, etc. etc... then I sent my second, and last, PM, less polite, but still devoid of foul language or threats or anything negative in general. You didn't reply to either in private, because you ain't got a leg to stand on, and you're trying so hard to make it look like I'm being threatening and hostile, and you're just a helpless, delicate little flower being abused by the big bad man. Nobody's buying it. My inbox tells me you've got a reputation for being mean. And here's where I get back around the the respect thing- I know y'all all thought I'd lost my train of thought completely- nobody, especially me, gives a fuck what you think. And while you were accorded my respect from the word go, I've got no reason to show you any further respect, because you've given me enough reason to NOT respect you. Go fuck yourself. You're mean-spirited old hag. You should take a lesson from Brittany, which is sad because she's obviously more mature than you, and from the looks of it about 15 years younger.

If I get points from this, I'll take them with pride. You're what's wrong with this place. You're the female version of RR, and Whispers, and Mata.

I won't be doing the typical board shit and attacking everything you post; in fact, I'm leaving you on ignore and it won't be difficult at all to not click "see this post" because I already know you got nothing to say I want to hear. Do us all a favor and faaaaade away.

TL;DR- treat people with respect until they give you a reason to not respect them, then fuck 'em. Or, in this case, don't. Ever. Especially not for money.
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Old 03-02-2018, 07:37 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
Darlin, that truly warms my heart. All is forgiven. I apologize for making what I eventually realized was a really fuckin stupid suggestion, no matter how well-intended. In retrospect, I totally see how you would take it that way. I see providers getting slammed by guys that have never seen the provider in question, some of whom, judging from their tiny number of reviews, are on eccie solely because they're too socially retarded to have real friends and too broke to play.It's actually surprising that y'all aren't more hostile, considering the shit y'all take publicly off those same jackasses. Much respect for the apology, and doing it publicly, that takes some big balls. Errr, ovaries. Friends 4ever?? Or at least til I say something else stoopid?
I will always own up to my mistake. That's for the kind words!!
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Old 03-02-2018, 07:43 PM   #104
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Did y'all hear something? Sounded like a frail old woman screeching something about "WITCHCRAFT" or something....

I see you posting, old' lady, but I ain't looking. I've heard aaaalll about you and your spiteful nature, and know you got nothing else I wanna hear. This is the last time I'll give you the satisfaction of acknowledging you at all. Shoo. Begone. This thread is for nice people. You don't belong here.
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Old 03-02-2018, 07:43 PM   #105
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Ignore does work for pm as well. You must not have him on ignore like you say you did.
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