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Old 02-28-2018, 09:56 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by MiyagiSnatchSlapper View Post
Roll? I get it. It's a BBW joke! hahaha Brit don't let these idiots give you any shit! To get to know you is to love you. I mean how many midget (little person) BBW providers are there out there? You fill a niche very nicely and to hell with anyone who has a problem with that!

Brit why don't you start a BBW ThreAD? Before Jade Rose does? Between the two of you, Austin can be the BBW capitol of Texas not just the state capitol. Hell why should ALANA KAY & SUESALAMI have all the fun?
THIS. This right here. You ain't got a dog in this hunt, but you just had to take a jab at what's-her-name. I guess neither of us is getting a nice-guy discount. Just fucking quit it.
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:12 AM   #17
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OMG ***eyeroll*** dude, you can't see how your post is way off base. No wonder you have problems finding love. Ok, Ima gonna help you. First off- when Britt replied - you should of just said - Thank you for your input. STOP. Next you don't call someone "watzhername when you know their name - that is being passive aggressive - google it if you don't know what I'm talking about. Next, don't justify your position by crying about how your "trying to have an original thought" that just makes look like a pussy and no provider wants to see someone like that.
I could go on but I'm sure you get it - if not- try Facebook-it's a lot gentler.
Good luck!!!

Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
This whoooole thread is so very typical of the current atmosphere here. I was just spit-balling an idea that I admit having thought about, and gotten raked across the coals for it, I realize was a stupid idea. In response, watzhername spent a significant amount of time and energy looking for shit to sling, apparently too cynical and jaded to catch that I actually, specifically said, I don't see providers from eccie, that I wasn't asking anyone for a discount, and was just.Fucking. TRYING. To have an original thought(a concept that never seems to go over well here) on encouraging civil behavior. In an alternate universe, some provider more thoughtful and contemplative might have commented voicing their opinion on why she thought it was a bad idea instead of taking time to dig up things I said that weren't the kind of things nice guys say. You know, a universe where people were nice to each other when they didn't have a reason to do otherwise.

I feel fortunate that neither of the providers commenting are someone I might actually want to see. Neither of them are, as far as I can tell, not being willing to waste my time digging through their past posts, not members who regularly start shit, but their total cynicism and defeatist attitude that it's hopeless thinking grown-ass people could ever be civil and polite to each other is, IMHO, some sad shit. I'm a member of a prop-building forum that obviously is using the same basic forum template as ECCIE. The members are between 12 and 70, with, I'm guessing, about a third of the members being under 18, and you'd be AMAZED at how much more polite and civil it is there. That's probably why I think that we could all be nicer here. There's hundreds of teenagers who behave better than a good chunk of the people here, who are all, technically anyway, grown-ass adults. Some sad shit, huh?
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:19 AM   #18
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Jab, jab, jab, attack, taunt, insult, belittle, is all I saw, except for the dozen or so spelling/grammatical errors. Poor angry thing.
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:20 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
This whoooole thread is so very typical of the current atmosphere here. I was just spit-balling an idea that I admit having thought about, and gotten raked across the coals for it, I realize was a stupid idea. In response, watzhername spent a significant amount of time and energy looking for shit to sling, apparently too cynical and jaded to catch that I actually, specifically said, I don't see providers from eccie, that I wasn't asking anyone for a discount, and was just.Fucking. TRYING. To have an original thought(a concept that never seems to go over well here) on encouraging civil behavior. In an alternate universe, some provider more thoughtful and contemplative might have commented voicing their opinion on why she thought it was a bad idea instead of taking time to dig up things I said that weren't the kind of things nice guys say. You know, a universe where people were nice to each other when they didn't have a reason to do otherwise.

I feel fortunate that neither of the providers commenting are someone I might actually want to see. Neither of them are, as far as I can tell, not being willing to waste my time digging through their past posts, not members who regularly start shit, but their total cynicism and defeatist attitude that it's hopeless thinking grown-ass people could ever be civil and polite to each other is, IMHO, some sad shit. I'm a member of a prop-building forum that obviously is using the same basic forum template as ECCIE. The members are between 12 and 70, with, I'm guessing, about a third of the members being under 18, and you'd be AMAZED at how much more polite and civil it is there. That's probably why I think that we could all be nicer here. There's hundreds of teenagers who behave better than a good chunk of the people here, who are all, technically anyway, grown-ass adults. Some sad shit, huh?
For one who wants civility and for people to act like grown adults you would think you could be one and reference me as Britttany and not watzhername. I never called you names or disrespected you so if you want alittle respect around here you need to give it back. You asked a question and got a civil response, it was not hostile it was all truth. You got an answer that you didn't like and immediately went to attacking. No big deal yet you are making it a big deal. You want this to be a nice, no drama board and unfortunately this is a pay for play site and there will always be drama, assholes, hostility, name calling.. etc. I actually didn't spend much time at all a quick click of your review tab brought up the comments you made that were not nice guy comments nor civil. You can't really tell everyone else to chill and be civil when you yourself have said things that weren't civil. Based on your responses so far you are proving my point, people that acted like assholes in the past will always still be assholes.
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:26 AM   #20
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I called you wutzhername because scrolling up to remind me what your name was was more energy than I was willing to put into replying. Never attacked you. And just because you may THINK it started to get uncivil is no reason to stop trying to be civil. Words I have to remind myself of every goddam time I get on here.

And THAT is the last I have to say to you or the other angry defensive provider. Maybe after you get the last word you can move on.
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:34 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
I called you wutzhername because scrolling up to remind me what your name was was more energy than I was willing to put into replying. Never attacked you. And just because you may THINK it started to get uncivil is no reason to stop trying to be civil. Words I have to remind myself of every goddam time I get on here.

And THAT is the last I have to say to you or the other angry defensive provider. Maybe after you get the last word you can move on.
I'm sorry but Britttany is not that hard of a name to forget. If so Ma'am, Miss..etc would suffice. Watzhername is just rude and pretty childish and definitely comes off as disrespectful. I have been nothing but civil and nice. You have been the one that is defensive and angry. Not I! If you can't handle a opinion I would advise that you don't place such questions in coed.
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:47 AM   #22
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I like "Watzhername", I intend on using it daily now.

Thanks watzhisname!
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Old 02-28-2018, 10:57 AM   #23
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To answer the OP’s question, there are some ladies who will offer a “good guy” discount once you have built up some rapport. It appears that Britt is not one of those. Her prerogative. Her rates are already on the lower end of the spectrum. But I have had multiple women offer this type of discount. I do not expect it and do not ask. But is sure is a pleasant surprise and has resulted in me repeating with these ladies. Unfortunately for me these ladies have since retired.
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:05 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Fletchlives View Post
To answer the OP’s question, there are some ladies who will offer a “good guy” discount once you have built up some rapport. It appears that Britt is not one of those. Her prerogative. Her rates are already on the lower end of the spectrum. But I have had multiple women offer this type of discount. I do not expect it and do not ask. But is sure is a pleasant surprise and has resulted in me repeating with these ladies. Unfortunately for me these ladies have since retired.
Building rapport with me makes you a regular. Of course regulars get special treatment because they are gentlemen that enjoying spending a good amount of their time with me and are rewarded for doing so. That is way different than a guy requesting a discount just because he posts nice things and isn't an asshole on a online forum...which is what the gentlemen was referencing. Yup my rates are low because it keeps my business steady and bills paid. You are exactly right I do not offer discounts just because you are a "nice guy" you should be nice regardless.
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:06 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Fletchlives View Post
To answer the OP’s question, there are some ladies who will offer a “good guy” discount once you have built up some rapport. It appears that Britt is not one of those. Her prerogative. Her rates are already on the lower end of the spectrum. But I have had multiple women offer this type of discount. I do not expect it and do not ask. But is sure is a pleasant surprise and has resulted in me repeating with these ladies. Unfortunately for me these ladies have since retired.
I meant less a frequent flyers discount and more some sort of reward for guys not being complete assholes on ECCIE but you can see for yourself what a train-wreck that turned into.
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:11 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Txcruiser View Post
I meant less a frequent flyers discount and more some sort of reward for guys not being complete assholes on ECCIE but you can see for yourself what a train-wreck that turned into.

Yup, once Brittney gets on that high hooker horse its all over.
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:17 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Kickrocks View Post
Yup, once Brittney gets on that high hooker horse its all over.
Get off that shit! I have never acted like my shit or opinion is better than anyones. I'm allowed an opinion like you are. You dont like that I have no problem expressing my opinion and being blunt dont read the shit I post. I dont tell you what to post and shit so quit bitching when I say something. Don't like me put me on ignore.
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:19 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Britttany_love View Post
Get off that shit! I have never acted like my shit or opinion is better than anyones. I'm allowed an opinion like you are. You dont like that I have no problem expressing my opinion and being blunt dont read the shit I post. I dont tell you what to post and shit so quit bitching when I say something. Don't like me put me on ignore.

Lmao. You don't bother me, I think you're funny. Getting a little worked up are you?
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:24 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Kickrocks View Post
Lmao. You don't bother me, I think you're funny. Getting a little worked up are you?
Worked up nope. Just telling your ass to quit worrying about me so much. You've always gotta has some bullshit jab to throw at me. So frankly your bs just gets old. Im glad you find it funny to always jab at someone who never does the same to you.
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:32 AM   #30
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If you could see how defensive you get when someone brings up a few different topics. Discounts is one.
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