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Old 02-22-2018, 07:48 AM   #31
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Wow! Maggie do you seem misguided. I am a customer that wants to have 4 days of fun, not just cum. Nothing in my list is outlandish nor horrible. It is provider's with your attitude that do not get to go on many trips I assume.

Self confidence is not conceit. When you mix the two up you have been in this business too long.

I have received PMs for ladies that appreciate my list, so there is that.
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Old 02-22-2018, 08:22 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
Wow! Maggie do you seem misguided. I am a customer that wants to have 4 days of fun, not just cum. Nothing in my list is outlandish nor horrible. It is provider's with your attitude that do not get to go on many trips I assume.

Self confidence is not conceit. When you mix the two up you have been in this business too long.

I have received PMs for ladies that appreciate my list, so there is that.
good for u hope its great
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Old 02-22-2018, 12:50 PM   #33
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Default well it's on how yu work it all out

it was not a vacation for me, it was about him enjoying being with me on his trip

Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Gina has the thread winning comment.
Condensed: Flat rate plus expenses.

And gm2 is partially correct in that there usually is another gal interested.
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Old 02-22-2018, 12:53 PM   #34
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Default Flat Rate ops a typo

Originally Posted by tinyisgreat View Post
a fat rate or a flat rate. is the first for bbw's
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Old 02-23-2018, 12:58 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun View Post
I took a provider back to Australia back in 2009 on business. I told her our business was family owned and operated. She was expecting to see the sights. Little did she know we owned a working cattle ranch.

After the fourth day of dust, heat, sweat and the smell of cattle she had enough. Poor thing, I guess she wasn’t prepared the australian outback.
I'd love it and I know this first hand. A)I have won herds man award showing cattle though I was raised in the city. B) Would love to visit Australia it's on my bucket list
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Old 02-23-2018, 01:22 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
In order to do a short 4 day trip with me the provider has to comply with the following:

1) Travel with me first class, not meet up at some destination. We will go first class.

2) Be patient with travel procedures, arrive at airport with me timely. I will have you flown to my location night before and put you in nice hotel. No sex, no dinner together, your time but also no work, no seeing clients and I will know. Next morning, I pick you up for our adventure.Upon arrival obtain rental car, check in process, etc.

3) Be willing to do adventurous excursions; swimming with dolphins, rapelling, zip lining, rock climbing, scuba diving, etc.

4) Be fun at first class dinners, wine, champagne, etc. Dress and act accordingly. I prefer non-smokers as being in a crowd of high class people, stepping out and returning smelling like a chimney is not charming.

5) I will communicate are daily activities before hand but desire provider to enjoy the adventure as well. Faking that she likes parasailing kills the fun for me.

6) BCD activities typically at night, but also like her to initiate especially in mornings. I will initiate evenings. If we are too tired from our daily activities than we can discuss.

7) Enjoy live shows and theater.

8) Sleep in same room with me, preferably same bed but we can discuss.

9) Willing to conversate on a continuous basis, not texting continuously, on phone with "kids." Paying attention to the fun, and relaxing for real.

10) Be willing to have sex in different spots, on shower, tub, bed, balcony, etc. Be fun sexually instead of just mechanical.

11) Be relaxed and have fun.

I have not found this combination yet
Sounds good to me, I'm a smoker but can refrain I know how disgusting it really is just a habit I've yet to kick been doing it for 40 years.ugh. After smoking I wash hands and arms ,mouthwash and even spray hair& body. I've been told people couldn't tell I smoked 5 min.after smoking. I don't believe in raping someone on prices though a little cash compensation is good that would depend on the details entirely. IMO if you're receiving everything listed above that's a nice getaway w/a nice friend and the private activities would just be icing on the cake.
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Old 02-23-2018, 10:01 AM   #37
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They can’t tell you’re a smoker until they stick their tongue in you...um, anywhere. They are a few places you simply can’t hide it from someone who is at all sensitive.

Regarding the topic, while I understand that the value of the trip is great, most of the ladies I’ve traveled with get all sorts of civilian offers. I pay to ensure I get to make the rules and not feel bad about expecting BCD.
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Old 02-23-2018, 10:31 AM   #38
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When I travel--

I will generally base my expectations partially on where I am going. If it is a vacation style trip to a location of interest, I'm much more amenable and flexible than say, a business trip to Poughkeepsie or Peoria.

My most recent trips:

1. Vacation style-- Spent a 3 day weekend in Vegas with a gentleman. He flew to my city, then we flew to Vegas together. Regular class (I'm not the sort to demand First Class). Lovely room at the Venetian. Client paid for all meals, all excursions (we didn't really gamble, but we did check out a few shows). I had 1 hour of alone time per day to deal with checking in with kids, etc.... the rest of my time was spent with the gentleman. I charged him $1000 for the weekend. Felt the rate was fair since it was very much a vacation style trip where I had no expenses...

Second trip- Business trip companion to Omaha, Nebraska. 4 days. He flew me in after his arrival. Coach. Decent mid-level hotel. He covered all meals. No excursions due to his schedule and, of course, location. He gave me the option to work during the days while he was busy-- but I declined as I don't feel right using a room in someone elses name, particularly when I am there for them. Spent evenings together (and overnight, of course). 4 days-- charged the gentleman $2400.

So-- as you can see, on a trip like Vegas where the gentleman has a larger outlay of cash for dining and entertainment... I'm much more flexible than a situation where I am essentially puttering around the hotel all day and waiting for evening.

Also-- I won't bash the gentleman with his Aspen trip... he is open and up front about his expectations and a lady can choose to accept or decline.
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Old 02-23-2018, 10:36 AM   #39
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When I fork out over 8 grand for her alone to fly, eat fine dining, drink expensive wines and champagnes, take first class adventures, see wonderful and beautiful places, stay in first class rooms, have 4 days of absolute fun, that is enough to me.

If you do not like the places I go, such as Caymen islands, Hawaii, Aspen, Vegas, etc. Tell me, I will find someone else. I offer an experience she will not forget and share with her loved ones. That is priceless, no further compensation needed and only sex at most 8 times over 4 days, but most likely more like 6 times.
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Old 02-23-2018, 12:29 PM   #40
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That's why I said-- I won't bash you for your posts... you've spelled out what you offer and your expectations. A lady can choose to accept or decline. I could easily see a lady who was perhaps a long time regular friend of yours being happy with the offer. Particularly if she is viewing it as a vacation.
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Old 02-23-2018, 01:58 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

Your profile says you have 19 posts in 8 years, but only 14 remain.

Of the 14, the vast majority are negative towards one lady or another--hardly a positive comment to be found.

Now you jump into a thread that is a reasonable discussion of a topic, not an individual, and seem to contribute not to the topic but to slap a poster.

OK, I think that collection of info is enough to tell me how much to value your comment.
She's a flake. It's well known. Look at tinyisgreat's reply to her in this thread, for example. Try doing a little research on her instead of worrying about me. I can tell you first hand she is a flake, and reserve the right to comment about and to her any way I see fit, having had her waste my time and resources, which is relevant to this thread.

If you want to take her on a business trip then WK, go right ahead and let us know how that worked out for you there, lol..
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Old 02-25-2018, 01:47 PM   #42
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Well now, when I am looking for a casual post to reply to as I have a cup of coffee, along you come. I pondered whether to take the time to reply to you or not, but decided any post that shows so little ability to comprehend the written word probably does deserve a reply.

Originally Posted by shoogdon View Post
She's a flake. It's well known.
That may or may not be true. But she was not the topic of the post--taking someone on a trip was the topic. You, however, seem intent on stalking/attacking her whether she is the topic or not. In fact, speaking poorly about ladies seems your primary activity here.

Look at tinyisgreat's reply to her in this thread, for example.
I would have a similar response to his, however he has a lot larger posting history, and most of his comments are not negative commentary as yours seem to be--except the ones removed, but I can't comment on those.

Try doing a little research on her instead of worrying about me.
Why should I research her? SHE is not the topic of this thread, and I was not planning on seeing her any time soon.

WORRY about you? Why no, why would I do that? I respond to your post, just as I do to any I think appropriate to reply to.

I can tell you first hand she is a flake, and reserve the right to comment about and to her any way I see fit, having had her waste my time and resources, which is relevant to this thread.
Did I say you couldn't post? Why no, I said no such thing. I said your post made you look a bit foolish, and made you look like a stalker, but no, I did not say you had no right to post.

However, let me elaborate, since you chose to get more hostile with me (and if you think that upsets me, you are wrong--I find it a bit humorous and a bit pathetic) let me tell you how it makes YOU look when almost all your posts are negative about a bunch of different ladies. that is the symptom of someone who either:
(1) does not do their research before seeing someone or
(2) sort of does their research but is focused only on the photos or
(3) actually DOES their research but is a masochist or
(4) is themselves the problem and refuses to see it or
(5) trashes ladies who are not his favorite/stable to dissuade others from seeing them.

My guess, taking your posting history in total, is (4), but I could be wrong.

If you want to take her on a business trip then WK, go right ahead and let us know how that worked out for you there, lol..
And here you lose whatever limited credibility you may have had, with the "WK" commentary. As I have noticed over many. many posters, those who scream "you WK...." when I have not supported any particular lady, are in essence admitting they have no substance at all to their supposed arguments. In essence, the translation of "you WK" is "I surrender".
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Old 02-25-2018, 02:10 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by tinyisgreat View Post
i guess the expectations on a trip like this is different. if cumming was all that was required than no need to travel a simple qs would suffice
Sweetheart. I will admit I didn’t word that right! I was not trying to sound rude! I was just speaking without all facts!
Why don’t you go take about 20-30 minutes and read my reviews! I would be an amazing choice to go on vacation with! But we’d spend a lot of time BCD! Because I’d be doing everything to make my gentleman feel like a king!
Go read them! If anything they’re good reads! Lol.
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Old 03-02-2018, 01:55 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Well now, when I am looking for a casual post to reply to as I have a cup of coffee, along you come. I pondered whether to take the time to reply to you or not, but decided any post that shows so little ability to comprehend the written word probably does deserve a reply.

Originally Posted by shoogdon View Post
She's a flake. It's well known.

That may or may not be true. But she was not the topic of the post--taking someone on a trip was the topic. You, however, seem intent on stalking/attacking her whether she is the topic or not. In fact, speaking poorly about ladies seems your primary activity here.

Look at tinyisgreat's reply to her in this thread, for example.

I would have a similar response to his, however he has a lot larger posting history, and most of his comments are not negative commentary as yours seem to be--except the ones removed, but I can't comment on those.

Try doing a little research on her instead of worrying about me.

Why should I research her? SHE is not the topic of this thread, and I was not planning on seeing her any time soon.

WORRY about you? Why no, why would I do that? I respond to your post, just as I do to any I think appropriate to reply to.

I can tell you first hand she is a flake, and reserve the right to comment about and to her any way I see fit, having had her waste my time and resources, which is relevant to this thread.

Did I say you couldn't post? Why no, I said no such thing. I said your post made you look a bit foolish, and made you look like a stalker, but no, I did not say you had no right to post.

However, let me elaborate, since you chose to get more hostile with me (and if you think that upsets me, you are wrong--I find it a bit humorous and a bit pathetic) let me tell you how it makes YOU look when almost all your posts are negative about a bunch of different ladies. that is the symptom of someone who either:
(1) does not do their research before seeing someone or
(2) sort of does their research but is focused only on the photos or
(3) actually DOES their research but is a masochist or
(4) is themselves the problem and refuses to see it or
(5) trashes ladies who are not his favorite/stable to dissuade others from seeing them.

My guess, taking your posting history in total, is (4), but I could be wrong.

If you want to take her on a business trip then WK, go right ahead and let us know how that worke

And here you lose whatever limited credibility you may have had, with the "WK" commentary. As I have noticed over many. many posters, those who scream "you WK...." when I have not supported any particular lady, are in essence admitting they have no substance at all to their supposed arguments. In essence, the translation of "you WK" is "I surrender".
The ridiculous length of this rubbish says everything about you. Stay on topic much?
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Old 03-02-2018, 02:28 PM   #45
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Well, I’m trying this for the first time with a sugar baby. She’s never been to Vegas, so I’m flying her out with me for 3 days. We’ll fly out together on a Sunday, while I’m at a conference during the day, her time is hers (I suspect she’ll hang out by the pool most days or explore the strip), Sunday night we’re going to a show (I’m letting her pick the one she wants to see), Monday & Tuesday night we’re going to Red Rooster after dinner each night for some swinging fun as she likes women.

So what’s the cost? I’m paying for her ticket, the hotel (the Mirage) is covered by the company. , I’m covering all her meals (my meals are covered by the company) and I’ll give her some walking money when we get there. I also offered to buy her outfits (sexy of course), and all of the sex toys. So far besides the ticket on Southwest, I’m out $150 for the clothes we bought together on Yandy.com.

She’s not asking for anything in additional as she’s just excited about going to a place she’s never been before. I guess I’ll find out how it goes.
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