If a new provider wants to join, she has to send in her ID beside her face, but if a guy joins, there is no such verification, correct? If so, any woman then can simply create a man's profile and then get ROS/ML access all day long. And I guess if a guy has a female non-provider friend who doesn't mind, he could do the same even with the ID check
Even absent such efforts, these rules are easily overcome by guys who hobby often or who are friends with lots of providers, and vice versa. Not everyone has the resources to find out what is said on the other side, however, and for that reason the rules make sense. They are only prophylactic measures.
Speaking of prophylactics: Hunter, how about a
Sluts who want to have a baby board?
The situation described where the info is unwanted will be rare. Instead it will usually be offered in the spirit of friendship rather than commerce, e.g., getting a free session, so a commercial solution will be ineffective.
A more appropriate title would be
Ladies: How much $ to roll over on a friend? Not that I want the board rules violated, but I would hope the answer would be the sound of crickets.