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Old 02-14-2018, 04:53 PM   #1
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Default Is Trump Suited to be President?

No, he's not. But I support him anyway.

And here's the reason why; no recent President has been suited to be President either. None of them.

They all GAVE THE IMPRESSION that they were. But they were not.

Obama was a smooth, longed legged Mac Daddy with a silver tongue who claimed to be about Hope and Change and really just wanted to hang out with celebrities and billionaires. He didn't do anything except give us a health care system which can't work, abandon Iraq to ISIS, destroy Libya and Syria, drive up more debt than all other President's combined, AND as a "constitutional lawyer" he signed a death warrant for an American citizen without trial, and then the CIA missed and killed his son. But he GAVE THE IMPRESSION that he was a master and in control and so on and so forth.

George W. Bush and his father? Certainly not. They both started horrific wars which led to utter catastrophy of millions, crashed our economy, and mismanaged everything. But they GAVE THE IMPRESSION that they were ordinary, run-of-the-mill people who embodied all the conventions and orthodoxies which Americans think are vital!

Clinton? Oh yeah. That guy certified that the Rwanda holocaust was not a genocide so he wouldn't have to help anyone there! Yeah he signed NAFTA, opened the borders, let China in the WTO, presided over the loss of 55,000 American factories, lied under oath a thousand times, and never once met with any of his CIA directors because he thought what happened with Russia and everyone else overseas wasn't important to Americans. But he GAVE THE IMPRESSION that he was a statesman and very awesome!

Reagan? Cool. He started wars in Central America and Afghanistan that slaughtered millions and led to the instability we are still contending with in those horrible places. He created titanic debt, cut and then raised taxes in a whipsaw of voodoo economics. But he GAVE THE IMPRESSION that he was a solid guy in control!

Jimmy Carter? Perhaps. Maybe. Not a shot was fired by any American under arms while President. He worked hard to lower spending, and re-built the military which was hollowed out under Gerald Ford. And when inflation went sky high he allowed the Federal Reserve to take highly unpopular measures to vanquish it, which cost him another term. Yes Carter was suited to be President, and that's why he only got one term.

Nixon? Okay go to the Nixon library and listen to the tape where he's arguing with Henry Kissinger about the massive carnage they unleashed on Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam by bombing them with B-52s to drive the North Vietnamese back to negotiations. Nixon says, "I don't give a shit about the casualties and how many innocent people are killed." Then Kissinger says, "I only care because you'll be criticized for it as being a monster. Other than that I don't care either."
Oh yeah but they GAVE THE IMPRESSION that they were a good team and Nixon was "suited to be President."

Shall I go on?

Ford? Eisenhower? the Roosevelt's perhaps? What about Wilson? Hoover or Coolidge maybe?

Practically no one is suited to President. They all have tremendous faults, most leading to violence on a mass scale, and all of them are full of bullshit opinions which have nothing to do with reality.

Trump merely defies convention, but his opinions are no more wacky or loony than other Presidents. I support him because he's a nationalist when no one else is. That's all that matters.
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Old 02-15-2018, 01:52 PM   #2
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Default Thought he would be...

Well... I thought George H would be good. I thought of him as 'the resume' candidate. Sure looked like he was the most qualified to come down the pike in a long time. I even liked the way he came to the aid of Kuwait and remember his speech in the Rose Garden; when asked what he was going to do after Saddam had attacked Kuwait, he said: watch and learn, then turned and walked off.

After a quick whoop-ass action, the wheels pretty much came off of his cart. 'Read my lips, no new taxes.' I dunno, maybe I thought he should have taken over Iraq at that time, but then, we didn't need to drag on either. But, like I said, he was pretty much the one hit wonder and trailed off after that.

Moral of the story; You're right, noone is every really qualified for the job.
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Old 02-15-2018, 02:03 PM   #3
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You have to judge a POTUS based on their accomplishments or lack of accomplishments during their time in office. Irrelevant whether or not they are "suited to be President". Each POTUS had his highs and lows while in office. Too early to cast judgement on Trump. Most people who "judge" presidents do so with blinders on. It is difficult to convince a Republican that Obama was a good POTUS. It is difficult to convince a Democrat that Trump is a good POTUS. That's the nature of politics.
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Old 02-15-2018, 05:21 PM   #4
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It's difficult to convince me that ANY politician is any good.. Don't trust anyone that wants a job controlling others.. it's just a self aggrandizing desire to be in power.. Power grabs always end up badly.. in fact, HUGELY BADLY!
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Old 02-16-2018, 08:32 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Well... I thought George H would be good. I thought of him as 'the resume' candidate. Sure looked like he was the most qualified to come down the pike in a long time. I even liked the way he came to the aid of Kuwait and remember his speech in the Rose Garden; when asked what he was going to do after Saddam had attacked Kuwait, he said: watch and learn, then turned and walked off.

After a quick whoop-ass action, the wheels pretty much came off of his cart. 'Read my lips, no new taxes.' I dunno, maybe I thought he should have taken over Iraq at that time, but then, we didn't need to drag on either. But, like I said, he was pretty much the one hit wonder and trailed off after that.

Moral of the story; You're right, noone is every really qualified for the job.
He attacked Panama for no reason at all and a lot of Panamanians and Navy SEALS got killed. He told Saddam Hussein he didn't care if he invaded Kuwait and then when he did he went ape shit and bombed the fuck out of Iraq killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. You only know about the quick collapse of the Iraqi military in Kuwait and the "Road of Death." But before that the poor Iraqi population was slaughtered in an air campaign which not only killed many in their homes and shelters but destroyed all their safe water, hospitals, and electricity.

H. Bush was the idiot son of an evil Nazi named Senator Prescott Bush, who was a Nazi agent and Senator from Connecticut. H. Bush was a life long covert CIA asset who then became the Director of CIA for the sole purpose of destroying all records because of the Congressional investigations on-going.

The Bushes are a crime family which uses politics only as a means of making connections for their banking and oil businesses and they are criminal as fuck.
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Old 02-16-2018, 08:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
You have to judge a POTUS based on their accomplishments or lack of accomplishments during their time in office. Irrelevant whether or not they are "suited to be President". Each POTUS had his highs and lows while in office. Too early to cast judgement on Trump. Most people who "judge" presidents do so with blinders on. It is difficult to convince a Republican that Obama was a good POTUS. It is difficult to convince a Democrat that Trump is a good POTUS. That's the nature of politics.
I agree that whether someone is "suited" should be based on what they do and not how they behave or what their habits are.

In those terms Trump has shown to be benign and harmless if not
actually beneficial.

But my point is that there is a lot of chatter in the media that Trump is too stupid or ill tempered or ignorant or dangerous to be President.

But compared to all but a few Presidents Trump is more benign by far and less dangerous.

The only two Presidents who were not monsters were John Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.

You know when a person becomes very rich their real personality comes out, and their inhibitions disappear and they can indulge what their tastes and inclinations really are. They no longer need restraint.

Becoming President is like that only it's power instead of wealth. Give someone the power of life and death over millions and see what they will do. It's telling. Human nature being what it is should we be surprised that most don't really care about the lives of anyone while a small minority actually do?
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Old 02-16-2018, 11:27 PM   #7
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Ah says we make 'em El Presidente For Life!!! Jus' git rid o' Congress cuz theys all crook'd an' let El Presidente pull off an' put on whoe'er he sees fit on tha Soo-preme Court! We needs jus' ONE person in charge. Rite now, wif 3 equal branches o' guv'mint an' all them checks an' balances, ain't nuthin' a-gittin dun. Laik ma Pappy usedt ta say, "Tew menny cooks spoil tha caldo!"
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Old 02-19-2018, 11:08 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst View Post
Ah says we make 'em El Presidente For Life!!! Jus' git rid o' Congress cuz theys all crook'd an' let El Presidente pull off an' put on whoe'er he sees fit on tha Soo-preme Court! We needs jus' ONE person in charge. Rite now, wif 3 equal branches o' guv'mint an' all them checks an' balances, ain't nuthin' a-gittin dun. Laik ma Pappy usedt ta say, "Tew menny cooks spoil tha caldo!"
Once again David you've hit the nail on the head! I couldn't have said it better myself!

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Old 02-19-2018, 11:36 AM   #9
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Trump is a pussycat

Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
I agree that whether someone is "suited" should be based on what they do and not how they behave or what their habits are.

In those terms Trump has shown to be benign and harmless if not
actually beneficial.

But my point is that there is a lot of chatter in the media that Trump is too stupid or ill tempered or ignorant or dangerous to be President.

But compared to all but a few Presidents Trump is more benign by far and less dangerous.

The only two Presidents who were not monsters were John Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.

You know when a person becomes very rich their real personality comes out, and their inhibitions disappear and they can indulge what their tastes and inclinations really are. They no longer need restraint.

Becoming President is like that only it's power instead of wealth. Give someone the power of life and death over millions and see what they will do. It's telling. Human nature being what it is should we be surprised that most don't really care about the lives of anyone while a small minority actually do?
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Old 02-19-2018, 03:36 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
Once again David you've hit the nail on the head! I couldn't have said it better myself!

Ah've bin toldt thet Ah've got a way wif werds. Shore, mebbe thet way is in-compry-Hennessey-ah-bull. Butt Ah writes this shee'yit drunck outta mah mind, so it reely helps ta be drunck when ya reeds it fer it ta make enny sense.
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Old 02-19-2018, 05:15 PM   #11
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Give me the choice between an unpolished diamond (Trump), or a flawless piece of mica (Obama), I'll take the diamond every time.
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Old 02-20-2018, 06:46 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by SecretE View Post
a flawless piece of mica (Obama)
More like a polished turd.
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Old 02-20-2018, 07:02 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
More like a polished turd.
It's ok, you don't have to hide your racism anymore. It's protected speech. Say what you really feel.
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Old 02-20-2018, 07:42 AM   #14
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Default Well... there was that thing or two or three or...

Originally Posted by pussycat View Post
He attacked Panama for no reason at all
Well... There was the drug running. Oh and the money laundering. Almost forgot, invalidating a landslide election to retain power and control. Not to mention the greater evil of bitting the hand that was feeding him, i.e. the CIA. In short he was a scumbucket of the highest order. Curiously enough, with the possible exception of the drug running, he rather sounds like the Clintons. Those pigs are criminal as f*ck.

I'm not a fan of the Bushes. But GHB must have been an absolute failure as a 'covert' CIA asset, seeing where he was actually the Directory of the CIA. Either way, I'm glad TRUMP ended both the Bush and the Clinton dynasties in one fell swoop.
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Old 02-20-2018, 07:47 AM   #15
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Default I'm a 'specting

I expect that was exactly Old Fugly Hillary's plan. Gee, too bad she sucked bigger than a Hoover vacuum. But those waskly 'ol framers of the Constitution sure cobbled together a decent way to slow down a government. I just be wondering if it was a case of accidental brilliance or just a freakish coincidence?

Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst View Post
Ah says we make 'em El Presidente For Life!!! Jus' git rid o' Congress cuz theys all crook'd an' let El Presidente pull off an' put on whoe'er he sees fit on tha Soo-preme Court! We needs jus' ONE person in charge. Rite now, wif 3 equal branches o' guv'mint an' all them checks an' balances, ain't nuthin' a-gittin dun. Laik ma Pappy usedt ta say, "Tew menny cooks spoil tha caldo!"
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