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Old 02-11-2018, 01:21 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by chicagoboy View Post
I'd bet Valentina would look good with a 'pearl necklace'.

Although diamonds are a girls best friend, you'd be right about that
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Old 02-11-2018, 09:11 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post

Dear John,

She-Macy Manning-insulted the OP-Shinepro-for no good reason (see infra below) by stating that he got dropped on his head as a baby, and that he is destitute. Rather than RTM her post so she would end up with points on the way to a ban, I gave her a taste of her own medicine. If you are unable to grasp that, then I'm unable to help you, good sir..

Have you never stood up for anyone other than yourself, Dear John? Or are you only interested in defending yourself, no matter if other people of good will are being attacked without good cause? The OP never had an unkind word for Miss Manning in his whole life, on or off this Hooker Board. If you beg to differ, please post it uitb without undue delay so that I may stand corrected..

Next time, read the whole thread before you go making yourself look silly, once again..

Sincerely, px.

Originally Posted by Macy Manning
"Respect is earned and from this side of the coin it looks like your wallet is empty. And go get your apology from whoever dropped you on your head as a child.

Dude you get on my nerves."

P.S. I'm not the best person to troll, good sir, as you are no doubt finding out. My ducks are generally in a row, so to speak. Sorry about that. And be careful with all that bbfs. It's not entirely safe, imo, just fyi.
You're an illiterate ass. There's one thing to talk shit with a good game, however you have no game.

Be careful with your slanderous remarks about bbfs, I've not seen a provider in 11 years. You give me proof of a lady I've had bbfs with, and let her post it here, or STFU.

Hey Shinepro.....pxmcc alludes to you being a brainless pussy and that you can't fight your own battles, so he intervenes for you. Do you need pxmcc to be your daddy?

So if you think you RTM Macy that she automatically get points, you're delusional. Just because someone gets RTM'd doesn't mean they will automatically get points. So you think I'm white knighting for Macy, you would be correct. A lot of ladies will take shit and not bother to fight back because they're afraid of looking like a bitch if they do, so a lot of them will take shit and move on.
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Old 02-11-2018, 09:46 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
shine just let these sorry fucks go. it aint worth it. there's not one person in this thread-cept maybe, and that's a big maybe, SC-who would say any of this disrespectful shit to your face. your crew and my crew would lay waste to the whole lot of them like effin cockroaches if any of this shit got real. these are all keyboard badasses. just rtm the faggot disses and leave it at that. do not feed the trolls. i repeat, do not feed the trolls..
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Old 02-12-2018, 01:10 AM   #49
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Who designated me the honorary troll magnet? wtf..

So do I need to file a motion to get one of those Supreme Directives? Those things are the best thing since sliced bread, btw...

Any mods wanna weigh in? Real talk. This clown came over from the Sandbox to troll me because I put up rules in a thread I posted that summarized Eccie rules. I kid you not. Apparently having to comply with Eccie rules made him entirely apoplectic...


Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
Thread rules:
-No rudeness; any point of view is welcomed, subject to the "no rudeness" rule.
-No ad hominem attacks
-Careful of thread hijacks
-All other Eccie rules are herein incorporated by reference
-Violations will be promptly Rtm-ed

"Who made you a fucking moderator?

2 things, one......why isn't this in the political forums?
The second is this......as thread starter, you don't own this thread.
And 3rd, how about making your 'thread rules' in a nice manner, something like 'let's please keep this on topic, or 'let's please no rudeness' instead making threats and giving us orders like you're 'somebody'..

Most of us here don't like to be threatened.

You need to check your ego."

My comment: And here's one of his several "fuck you, OP and the effin Eccie rules" posts in the same Debt and Deficit Thread:

"You know vitaman, the last time Tiger played in a major tournament, he at least played on Sunday and finished in the money."

So Shine n Macy, this aint about either ya'll, actually. Someone is just hankering for a timeout n throwing a biatch hissy fit temper tantrum...

Back on topic: Shine, you're one of the most entertaining-and real-mofos on Eccie in a damn minute. that post about serving Porterhouse and filet mignon for all the hookers on Eccie with your damn fully-loaded, first of the month fresh supply of food stamps was the shit of Eccie legend. i was rolmfao so hard my stomach hurt. course all these holier-than-thou, uppity fucktards swallowed the bait-hook, line, n sinker. you're a fooking street-level gangsta genius, Shinepro, though half the time I gotta pull out my Google translator-ebonix unabridged 3rd edition-to figure out what the fook u b sayin..
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Old 02-12-2018, 01:37 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
Who designated me the honorary troll magnet? lmfao..

So do I need to file a motion to get one of those Supreme Directives? Those things are the best thing since sliced bread...

Any mods wanna weigh in? Real talk. This clown came over from the Sandbox to troll me because I put up rules in a thread I posted that summarized Eccie rules. I kid you not. Apparently having to comply with Eccie rules made him entirely apoplectic...


Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
Thread rules:
-No rudeness; any point of view is welcomed, subject to the "no rudeness" rule.
-No ad hominem attacks
-Careful of thread hijacks
-All other Eccie rules are herein incorporated by reference
-Violations will be promptly Rtm-ed

Thoughts or ideas?

"Who made you a fucking moderator?

2 things, one......why isn't this in the political forums?
The second is this......as thread starter, you don't own this thread.
And 3rd, how about making your 'thread rules' in a nice manner, something like 'let's please keep this on topic, or 'let's please no rudeness' instead making threats and giving us orders like you're 'somebody'..

Most of us here don't like to be threatened.

You need to check your ego."

My comment: And here's one of his several "fuck you, OP" posts in the same Debt and Deficit Thread:

"You know vitaman, the last time Tiger played in a major tournament, he at least played on Sunday and finished in the money."

So Shine n Macy, this aint about either ya'll, actually.
Your crying and bitching is for something in the Sandbox, and this thread is in Co-ED.
You can't even do this right and in the right forum.
BTW, Tiger was mentioned earlier in that thread, and as a part of the ebb and flow of the thread, I made mention of Tiger. All threads have ebbs and flows, with people breaking off into tangents from the main topic. It's a part of the forum/thread system that operates this and many other sites I've been a member of. Look at most any thread, usually by the 10th post, the conversation starts to head toward being off topic. In order to monitor every thread for any off topic posts would take 10 moderators for Houston alone. These are internet forums and stuff doesn't always go the way you want it to, nothing personal, just the reality of the internet sites with discussion forums.


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Old 02-12-2018, 02:22 AM   #51
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Post of the year right here, uitb, by Shinepro, as translated by ValentinaAmaro:

^^this chick is way mo betta than my google translator-ebonix 3rd edition...

LOVES2PURR hold on girl I got you- I'm very well versed in Ebonics.
Originally Posted by shinepro View Post
"Like I play a lot but this is where I draw the line. Don't bring into play anything gay. That's a violation honestly. That shit ain't cool period ever to me so chill. All that nubo is my pimp hoe put ,10000 on us all meeting and you Betta have you're paper and we can solve that shit. I cut for nubo but I Neva ride a dude dick.. I joke but I have an adversity to gay shit. Period. Ain't natural. So please keep that out the jokes and for any clowns associating me with nubo I got 10 racks today hoe. Show up!!"

Translates roughly to:

"I enjoy goofing around a lot, however, on the boards I draw the line of insult at questioning my cis sexuality. It is never funny to me because I am very much straight. Everyone who says that I have carnal knowledge of NP could make a $10,000 bet on it, we can meet up, and dollars could be exchanged accordingly. I appreciate him, but I would never be involved in a gay relationship with him (i.e.: bromance). I enjoy joking but I do not find homosexuality funny. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. So please, stop making me feel uncomfortable with my sexuality and if you really want me to prove to you I'm not gay- I'll pay you $10,000!"

fyi, Shine's peeps are all gangstas, and the XY members of my tribe are all either:
a. Navy special forces-ops, mostly of the blackish kind;
b. crazy fucks; or in some cases,
c. both a. and b.

and for the record, Shine is black, and I am white, lest there be any confusion as to whether we are one in the same hobbyist. further, i like slim black girls, and Shine likes... well actually i don't know what Shine likes, exactly. he may be colorblind in his hobby picks..
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Old 02-12-2018, 06:40 AM   #52
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^^^^he lost my respects at he down with nubo who clearly is a terrible person who disrespects hookers that he dont like (ref the sandbox yacht thread) and all the other threads he jumps in to SET PEOPLE STRAIGHT)

Who made him the boss man? He a mod/admin/St.C

It's shinepro fooking right to like who he wants but someone who disrespect providers and you're here for HOOKER "PUS" im sure you will get some but highly doubt it be and Whore with standards after looking up to Mr.BOSS MAN PRINCE.

GOODLUCK to your pussy chansing wish you all the well and be yourself not some follower that you think is so cool and you will probably never meet in your whole hobby life if that's what you're calling this,cuz i see nut riding not finding pus.

Good day sir and i hope you wisen up on what this board is for not all bullshit..

To those who don't agree with me im sorry its my opinion which im ENTITLED TO like everyone else!

Happy hobbying
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Old 02-12-2018, 07:50 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by ValentinaAmaro View Post
LOVES2PURR hold on girl I got you- I'm very well versed in Ebonics.

Translates roughly to:

I enjoy goofing around a lot, however, on the boards I draw the line of insult at questioning my cis sexuality. It is never funny to me because I am very much straight. Everyone who says that I have carnal knowledge of NP could make a $10,000 bet on it, we can meet up, and dollars could be exchanged accordingly. I appreciate him, but I would never be involved in a gay relationship with him (i.e.: bromance). I enjoy joking but I do not find homosexuality funny. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. So please, stop making me feel uncomfortable with my sexuality and if you really want me to prove to you I'm not gay- I'll pay you $10,000!

***please note these are the ideas of OP and do not reflect any opinions of my own.
Girl.....thanks a bunch!....I'll call on you next time I need shinepro-ikky-lation again. You are the bomb
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Old 02-12-2018, 11:54 AM   #54
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@shinepro - What the fuck are you saying BC if you talk like you write they WILL think you are gay cause NObody can understand a fucking think coming out of your mounth. Might be filled with cock.
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Old 02-12-2018, 01:08 PM   #55
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Old 02-13-2018, 11:39 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by shinepro View Post
Like I play a lot but this is where I draw the line. Don't bring into play anything gay. That's a violation honestly. That shit ain't cool period ever to me so chill. All that nubo is my pimp hoe put ,10000 on us all meeting and you Betta have you're paper and we can solve that shit. I cut for nubo but I Neva ride a dude dick.. I joke but I have an adversity to gay shit. Period. Ain't natural. So please keep that out the jokes and for any clowns associating me with nubo I got 10 racks today hoe. Show up!!
So is it a violation when a fucktard asks if he can bend over like a bitch & take a rubber winky in his ass? Or if he can put his legs in the air so he can get his ass licked?

Please help me understand...
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Old 02-14-2018, 02:14 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne View Post
So is it a violation when a fucktard asks if he can bend over like a bitch & take a rubber winky in his ass? Or if he can put his legs in the air so he can get his ass licked?

Please help me understand...
Maybe Wally's mom can help.

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Old 02-14-2018, 06:15 AM   #58
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If you look at his old posts. They are much clearer and better written. Something has changed and now he writes like an idiot. I'm not even sure this is a black guy. Its just so over done, its like the homos that want to be the opposite sex they overplay the role.
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Old 02-14-2018, 09:10 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Trey View Post
If you look at his old posts. They are much clearer and better written. Something has changed and now he writes like an idiot. I'm not even sure this is a black guy. Its just so over done, its like the homos that want to be the opposite sex they overplay the role.
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Old 02-14-2018, 12:47 PM   #60
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Probably forced to type with one dick up his ass (NP) and the other one in his mouth (trashold)...
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