Originally Posted by Alana kay
Texas Jess rhymes with MESS but don’t let me compare to Austin.
Why are u so angry? R u made because someone made a thread of you. Aweeeee..... u don’t know shit about me but one thing is do not make a permanant desicion on TEMP EMOTION. Act you age,(35 supposively) menopause must be coming early these days.....
Xoxox AK
Oh shit. Now its about to get fun.

The theif who has her assistant pimp help her rob fellow members has the audacity to even jump on here. Hummm... I thought you were busy working on rebuilding your reputation?
So should I just pull up all your bullshit from the last two days.
Im ready! Are you? Ion think so !!
Dont say... "Leave me alone"

Then open your nasty mouth. Im tell you 1 time only.
I wonder if you even read that shit before you posted it. Smh.