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Old 02-01-2018, 04:03 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne View Post
Stay out of my inbox with your bullshit!

You promise to stay out of my inbox with your BS and I will stay out of your inbox. DEAL?
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Old 02-01-2018, 04:25 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by robv69 View Post
You promise to stay out of my inbox with your BS and I will stay out of your inbox. DEAL?
You're the one who sent me a message you want to keep talking shit then I'm going to keep responding.. I'm not the one I don't have no respect for those who don't respect me in regards to not showing my face.. So you can take that bs on down the line...
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Old 02-01-2018, 10:19 PM   #198
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WTF, I'm on the road tonight and found this thread with nothing better to do, so I'll chime in and enjoy a few swipes at Lucas myself.

First Lucus, before you start mouthing off about someone not knowing what they're talking about on any given subject, you should learn a little history about what YOU profess to do for a living that provides you the income to proudly spout off about your 39.6% tax rate...btw, that's been reduced for you in 2018 to 35 or 37%, depending on where you fall, and it happened before this thread started, so keep up with your own shit.

Andersen did NOT change it's name to Accenture and venture off into a new LOB. They started Andersen Consulting, the consulting partners got big heads about their business growing faster than the mainline, there was infighting and eventually an agreement that Consulting would be spun off. The accounting guys said "good luck with your new little business, you ungrateful bastards" and then proceeded to go under while the Consulting guys changed their names to Accenture and went public. Now they can afford to spend $1.7M on yachts/year or whatever they want to and some of the accounting partners are still paying off their partner buy-in loans that were sold to JP Morgan (I think) when the firm needed capital to survive a few more days. I know people on both sides of the story, I'm not making this shit up. One on the Accenture side probably has a $50M+ balance shit and several on the accounting side are struggling with only $5-10M to their names.

Next, you should really sleep more at night. Staying up on a hooker board all night waiting for someone you are having a name calling contest with to respond, and pounding the refresh button every 42 seconds in the process, is not productive for someone who is supposed to manage 80 people by day and make enough money to pay 39.6% taxes.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE guys like you...why? THANK YOU for proudly and continually paying too much in taxes. However, why anyone would hire a CPA who does that and admits it, I have no clue. I prefer the mid-sized, boutique firm that I use. Sure, the named partner that I deal with didn't go to an Ivy and I think he may only have 1 degree and a Series whatever or two, but HE doesn't pay 39.6% and it's not because he doesn't qualify as a 1%er by income. He just finished my 2016 tax return this week. My effective rate, was approximately 1% of my gross income...and that was the self-employment taxes I have to pay on the salary I pay myself that you can't avoid. You see, I like the challenge of being able to say I'm a 1%er who pays less than 1%. I don't pay my fair share and it's not because I cheat. My CPA advises me on the rules of the game and I play it better than most. You should elevate your game and try it.

On to the original post and what brought us all here together. I don't know Lou. However, I PMed him a few months ago to ask about the cost and logistics of what he is doing after reading some of his posts. Why? Because I cleared the magic $$$ amount that I thought I needed to retire before I was 50 and started looking into the possibilities. I grew up sailing and fishing, so I like the water, and what he writes about interests me. I'm looking into doing it on more of a part-time/timeshare basis 6 months out of the year with far less hooker involvement than he writes about and would probably take one step back on the length of the vessel. I can tell you that Lou says he has a nice boat. I don't mean that in a general term he told me the make and model, so I've been researching the costs associated with what he claims to do. Turns out, the manufacturer of his claimed boat has a program when you buy the boat that handles all crew training, hiring, boat management, etc. and they, or others, set up co-ownership programs for someone looking to do it on my part-time terms. They have guidance on what you should pay the crew based on what their capabilities are and what services you want them to provide. For example, do you want a dedicated cook? Do you want them fully trained at making you a BigMc and fries or are you expecting something more in line with a Michelin rated meal? The costs are different and they can tell you exactly what each costs. So when he claims to know that he's paying 20% over market, I think I know where he got that from and you overpay to avoid turnover seasonally.

Lou, I will say that your total annualized number stunned me a bit...even after starting to look into it myself. Not to fear though, after our PMs and my research, I decided I'm just not quite done and rewrote my goals which will increase the $$$ amount in hand before I cashout. I also took a page from Lucas and added some staff that I'm training to offload some of my workload to in preparation for being out of the office weeks at a time and managing via FaceTime and email.

Lou, hope to meet you some day...preferably in the Mediterranean.

Lucas, get back to work and less hooker board time. America needs you to pay more taxes.
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Old 02-01-2018, 10:31 PM   #199
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Old 02-01-2018, 11:42 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by targaman85 View Post
a 1%er who pays less than 1%....rules of the game...
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Old 02-02-2018, 12:48 AM   #201
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Originally Posted by targaman85 View Post
Andersen did NOT change it's name to Accenture and venture off into a new LOB. They started Andersen Consulting, the consulting partners got big heads about their business growing faster than the mainline, there was infighting and eventually an agreement that Consulting would be spun off. The accounting guys said "good luck with your new little business, you ungrateful bastards" and then proceeded to go under while the Consulting guys changed their names to Accenture and went public. Now they can afford to spend $1.7M on yachts/year or whatever they want to and some of the accounting partners are still paying off their partner buy-in loans that were sold to JP Morgan (I think) when the firm needed capital to survive a few more days. I know people on both sides of the story, I'm not making this shit up. One on the Accenture side probably has a $50M+ balance shit and several on the accounting side are struggling with only $5-10M to their names.
The rest of the novel I am not reading because I don't have that kind of attention span so I will just stop here. Was Anderson Consulting part of Arthur Anderson at one time? Yes. Did they have to change their name because of the stink of Arthur Anderson? Yes. That's my point. Did the OP ever claim that he ever worked there and made millions when he cashed out on his stocks when they went public? If not, what the fuck does that have to do with the OP being full of shit?
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Old 02-02-2018, 01:20 AM   #202
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Originally Posted by targaman85 View Post
WTF, I'm on the road tonight and found this thread with nothing better to do, so I'll chime in and enjoy a few swipes at Lucas myself.

First Lucus, before you start mouthing off about someone not knowing what they're talking about on any given subject, you should learn a little history about what YOU profess to do for a living that provides you the income to proudly spout off about your 39.6% tax rate...btw, that's been reduced for you in 2018 to 35 or 37%, depending on where you fall, and it happened before this thread started, so keep up with your own shit.


Next, you should really sleep more at night. Staying up on a hooker board all night waiting for someone you are having a name calling contest with to respond, and pounding the refresh button every 42 seconds in the process, is not productive for someone who is supposed to manage 80 people by day and make enough money to pay 39.6% taxes.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE guys like you...why? THANK YOU for proudly and continually paying too much in taxes. However, why anyone would hire a CPA who does that and admits it, I have no clue. I prefer the mid-sized, boutique firm that I use. Sure, the named partner that I deal with didn't go to an Ivy and I think he may only have 1 degree and a Series whatever or two, but HE doesn't pay 39.6% and it's not because he doesn't qualify as a 1%er by income. He just finished my 2016 tax return this week. My effective rate, was approximately 1% of my gross income...and that was the self-employment taxes I have to pay on the salary I pay myself that you can't avoid. You see, I like the challenge of being able to say I'm a 1%er who pays less than 1%. I don't pay my fair share and it's not because I cheat. My CPA advises me on the rules of the game and I play it better than most. You should elevate your game and try it.

On to the original post and what brought us all here together. I don't know Lou. However, I PMed him a few months ago to ask about the cost and logistics of what he is doing after reading some of his posts. Why? Because I cleared the magic $$$ amount that I thought I needed to retire before I was 50 and started looking into the possibilities. I grew up sailing and fishing, so I like the water, and what he writes about interests me. I'm looking into doing it on more of a part-time/timeshare basis 6 months out of the year with far less hooker involvement than he writes about and would probably take one step back on the length of the vessel. I can tell you that Lou says he has a nice boat. I don't mean that in a general term he told me the make and model, so I've been researching the costs associated with what he claims to do. Turns out, the manufacturer of his claimed boat has a program when you buy the boat that handles all crew training, hiring, boat management, etc. and they, or others, set up co-ownership programs for someone looking to do it on my part-time terms. They have guidance on what you should pay the crew based on what their capabilities are and what services you want them to provide. For example, do you want a dedicated cook? Do you want them fully trained at making you a BigMc and fries or are you expecting something more in line with a Michelin rated meal? The costs are different and they can tell you exactly what each costs. So when he claims to know that he's paying 20% over market, I think I know where he got that from and you overpay to avoid turnover seasonally.

Lou, I will say that your total annualized number stunned me a bit...even after starting to look into it myself. Not to fear though, after our PMs and my research, I decided I'm just not quite done and rewrote my goals which will increase the $$$ amount in hand before I cashout. I also took a page from Lucas and added some staff that I'm training to offload some of my workload to in preparation for being out of the office weeks at a time and managing via FaceTime and email.

Lou, hope to meet you some day...preferably in the Mediterranean.

Lucas, get back to work and less hooker board time. America needs you to pay more taxes.

^ the part you missed


Originally Posted by TryWeakly View Post
It was a good read......
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Old 02-02-2018, 02:03 AM   #203
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TW, I read it (or most of it) just for you and it was what I expected. He is talking about tax rates and his CPA. At my firm, CPAs do my taxes for me for free because I am a Partner. It is supposed to be one of the "perks" of being one. Those CPAs probably know a little more than his CPA because my firm only does high net worth clients with $50M and above. I sure the fuck am not high net worth or I would not be working but I trust them a little more than the boutique CPA firm that he uses that will probably take any clown who walks in the door.

He wonders why I am up late posting on a whore board. He must have missed the part that I work for a global firm. What am I supposed to tell a client in Asia that pays my firm for our services - you need to wake up at 2 in the morning your time to talk to me because I want to sleep regular hours? I sleep no more than 4 hours a day.

And his longest paragraph which was the exact reason why I didn't want to read the rest of his novel is because of that one. I had to stop reading after the first 2 sentences. He believes the OP and PMs him...thanks TW, that was quite the brilliant read...in a nutshell, the dude assumed I do my own taxes because I am a CPA. I am not even up to date on all of the tax changes so I let the expert tax accountants at my firm do my taxes for me.

TW, I bet your pussy probably got wet for the first time in months when you thought that long winded jackass got me
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Old 02-02-2018, 05:58 AM   #204
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Originally Posted by targaman85 View Post
WTF, I'm on the road tonight and found this thread with nothing better to do, so I'll chime in and enjoy a few swipes at Lucas myself.

First Lucus, before you start mouthing. America needs you to pay more taxes.

^ What kind of mindless drivel is this..didnt read it all nor quote it all...it would have been nice had your network failed as you hit submit reply. No one cares about all that long winded bull shit. What hooker put you up to such a retarded response. Mythos or TW? You typed all of that crap for what again? Geez dude you make yourself look like a fucking pandering, boot licking trustee ass clown
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Old 02-02-2018, 06:25 AM   #205
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You should read more, you'll learn something. The answer to your question was in the text.

What part sounded pandering or boot licking?

Short enough for you to get through before your ADD kicked in? I'll work harder to use words with less than 4 letters next time.
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Old 02-02-2018, 06:27 AM   #206
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Old 02-02-2018, 06:48 AM   #207
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Originally Posted by targaman85 View Post

You should read more, you'll learn something. The answer to your question was in the text.

What part sounded pandering or boot licking?

Short enough for you to get through before your ADD kicked in? I'll work harder to use words with less than 4 letters next time.

What was the purpose of posting it...what did it prove? It was a long winded, weird, and odd response. You don't prove points by typing fucking fantasy type novels Learn to be succinct and to the point...I'm not trying to be funny but when people type extremely long rebuttals they come across as pyscho.

Just a word of advice!!!
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Old 02-02-2018, 10:51 AM   #208
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[QUOTE=Lucas McCain] A little about me,

I am a Caucasian male, back side of middle age, no church, dislikes his deceased father, divorced, two children with limited custody rights. I am very needy of approval, so much that I am either disclosing or inventing all of this so that I may have attention. I continue; I have (3) Ivy League degrees, although I'm not sure where the actual colleges are located. I am an ignorant lemming who follows the lead and climbs the bandwagon of morons. I'm not very bright. I am a partner in a global firm that does high net worth clients with $50M and above with over 200,000 employees either KPMG, PWC or Deloitte. I am awake all hours to be available to my asian client. My net worth is no where near my clientele but I do get my taxes done for free as a partner's perk. I have a CPA, CFA, and the series 7 and 63. I have one retort to any post on this board "stupid hooker mandals"- this is hilarious, intelligent and effective in my own mind. Donkey-boy is my number one ikky and that keeps me warm at night./QUOTE]
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Old 02-02-2018, 11:27 AM   #209
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Maybe there is a way to conclude this thread and the presumptiveness within it:

Jeff Skilling - Harvard Business school (Ivy league school) - jailed

Series 7 and 63 licenses - anybody can get these by passing the test - they are licenses for salesmen that peddle securities

housing collapse of 2008 - caused by failure of mortgage backed securities - mostly by Lehman Bros - led by - you guessed it - Ivy league graduates - which in turn almost collapsed the entire US banking system
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Old 02-02-2018, 12:19 PM   #210
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TL: DR Tummy, are you still trying you washed up hooker? Should you not be looking over your welfare children who fucked your tummy up and not wasting your time trying to insult someone on the internet who can't be insulted?

And Vita, great logic. Anybody can get a license by passing a test? It's that easy to you? That's kind of the point of being licensed no matter what your profession is. Maybe you should go look at what other things you can do with a Series 7 and 63 license. Do I seem like a salesman to you? If I had to depend on selling anything, I would be on welfare like Mythos and her litter of trick babies

In all seriousness Vita, if you have anything to do with investment banking, it's just better to have those licenses because some firms will require them even if your job has nothing to do with sales; at least mine did. I can't speak for all firms.

Edit: I see that dipshit fucked up tummy hooker is so ate up with me that she even forgot how to use the quote function properly. Perfect!!! These two dumb emotional washed up welfare hookers with mandles crack me the fuck up in this thread. Thanks Tummy and TW for the laughs
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