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01-23-2018, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
it wouldn't kill you to make direct link to buzzfeed instead of a twitter link.
here's the link the twitter dodo head was talking about
interesting article about justice roberts on the way he voted. article suggest he's drifting to a centrist position.
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01-24-2018, 02:14 AM
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm not familiar with committee rules regarding this situation.
when they want to release a classified document, does the vote have to be unanimous or by simple majority?
Majority, but the President has to sign off on it. The President and declassify anything under the interpretations of the "rules"!
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01-24-2018, 06:28 AM
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1. As events unfold, many are confused. All of these people are coordinating a strategy to entirely deconstruct, then rebuild, the U.S. Justice Department.

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2. The level of rot is far greater than most casual observers thought.
3. Deep inside the FBI and DOJ there is wide-spread corruption amid leadership.
4. Additionally, deep inside Washington DC there are people on both sides of the aisle who are vested in the wide-spread corruption.
5. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It is a UniParty issue.

6. There are republicans who align with democrats in support of the DOJ/FBI malfeasance, because they are both benefactors.
7. For historic context: when the IRS was weaponized to target MAGA-minded conservatives, the GOP and DEM wings of the UniParty both benefitted from the elimination of the threat known as the Tea Party.

8. In 2011, entrenched GOP power-brokers enjoyed Obama's weaponization of the IRS because it also removed the threat to their primary elections. This crew:

9. Fast forward to 2016-2018 and there the same ideological alignment is taking place amid the DOJ/FBI weaponization. Hence, Decepticons like John McCain supporting spreading the "Clinton-Steele Dossier" etc.
10. The corruption is not the risk. Donald Trump, and his supporters are the risk. Trump is the existential threat to the system. Everything Trump represents is the threat to the system. Ergo all marques of queensbury rules are set aside and all methods are approved.

11. Again, the effective weaponizaton of DOJ/FBI is not simply a Democrat or Republican issue.
12. There are many republicans who love what President Obama tried to do. There are even more republicans who saw benefit from what President Obama tried to do. The latter group are the 'willfully blind' group.
13. So the group of people who are taking on the challenge of deconstructing the corruption within the U.S. Justice System is actually very small.
14. Outside that small team of White Hats, there are politicians who see political benefit from giving the appearance of being part of, or supporting, the small White Hat team.
15. However, only the "kitchen cabinet" (small group of tight White Hats) can actually be trusted. All others are kept at a distance, or used if they are seen as presenting a valid role in advancement of the Kitchen Cabinet objectives.
16. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, a republican, is specifically *NOT* part of the trust group. He is part of the GOPe crew who benefit from the corruption and cannot be trusted. Hence, he is not allowed into the Kitchen Cabinet discussions.
17. There are other republicans at various degrees of alignment with the corruption enterprise. Almost all of the #NeverTrump crew would be considered in this grouping.

18. Again, more examples. None of these "republican" people can be trusted in the clean up operation. They are all compromised at varying degrees.

19. Those who will directly defend the Clinton/Obama effort (all Democrats), and those who will indirectly defend the Clinton/Obama effort (many Republicans), will work their traditional networks -to include their media allies- in protecting the SWAMP.
20. Meanwhile, inside the DOJ and FBI, the tier(s) of corrupt leadership are vast and seemingly overwhelming. That's why this entire clean-up operation is so carefully planned out.
21. Corrupt Republicans, almost all Democrats and virtually the entire FBI and DOJ leadership team (everyone pre-Trump) are actively working against the 'kitchen cabinet' restoration crew.
22. Massive amounts of disinformation are being shot-gun blasted from these corrupt entities into the media.
23. If you are following the struggle, and desire to understand what's happening, your goal should be to figure out what information is false, which is true, and what are the motives behind anything you might read in the media.
24. While simultaneously keeping in mind that the good guys will be seeding fake news to uncover leakers working against their interests. Hence: "often the Leaks will be real, but the underlying news is fake"...
25. Just like the Chris Wray "fake news story" yesterday, about his threat to quit. And today's media release about Wray's chief-of-staff, James Rybicki resigning.
26. Slow down, think things through, determine if the "hot story" make senses against prior facts and motives,... and you'll find the sequence of events becomes increasingly clear.
27. Black Hat Hunting = James Rybicki was set up with a false story (might have even been by Wray himself). Rybicki leaked it to his allies in Axios. Rybicki is then confronted about the leak,.... and the media reports Rybicki resigns.
28. Same process during the Intelligence Committee leak hunt using Don Jr.

29. Same process used by Kitchen Cabinet to discover another leaker:

30. Same process used by Kitchen Cabinet to discover another leaker:

31. The leaks are real, the news is fake.

32. This guys, and many unseen hands, are planning it all out.

33. The problem is so vast, their enemies are so numerous, the issues are so important, that everything is methodically planned and coordinated to excruciatingly exacting detail. Everything is strategically viewed in granular detail.

34. If you react with emotional criticism to every 'Fake News' media story you'll be entirely lost on what is really happening.
35. Thankfully the President of the United States is used to dealing with Apex Predators, masters of disinformation, amid billion dollar real estate deals. Oddly, some would say divinely, POTUS Trump has a unique skillset that transfers nicely to this current challenge.
36. Best advice, wait 24-36 hours before formulating an opinion on any media story; and elevate yourself to see the larger picture when thinking about the goals to rebuild the entire U.S. Justice System.
37. The End.
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01-24-2018, 07:39 AM
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2 days? its more like 1 week or more to understand what's happeneing...
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01-24-2018, 08:03 AM
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Will he spill the beans?
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01-26-2018, 06:26 AM
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A couple thoughts. When I was a kid in high school I was a huge fan of the TV show 'the x-files'. It was fascinating watching rebel FBI Agent Fox Murder & his ridiculously hot 'partner' investigate weird sh!t while giving the finger to Evil FBI bosses. Great stuff. Entertaining.
name redacted
You can imagine my surprise & extreme outrage to discover this was not fan fiction, but a suedo documentary on how Evil, Corrupt, Amoral, Unethical, extremely foolish in judgement the FBI leadership really is.
Don't get me wrong, there is no 'smoking man' CGB Spender mastermind at the FBI. No, Comey is bumbling idiot and coward who's narcissism, incompetence & elitism are only surpassed by his Deceitfulness.
There aren't a lot of Masterminds at the FBI, just a lot of stupid, evil, criminals pretending to be Law Enforcement Executives. There are a LOT of Duplicitous Alex Krajiczek types. And under neath them a lot of Fox Mulder types trying to do the right thing.
The fact is, every one of them Alex Kryczek types needs to be imprisoned, until they die In that cage of old age, or better yet, get their necks snapped by the hang man's noose. Yes. This is that serious. It's warranted.
I'd like to personally spit on the pieces of 💩that turned my all time fav sci-fi fiction show into a f___ing suedo documentary of corruption, abuse of power, and criminality.
Imagine: an FBI Director who's a pathological liar & narcissist who perjured himself openly 3x in front of congress, participated in a coup, hid it from the world, stole classified docs, & leaked them, was fired & left FBI in disgrace.
Imagine: that dudes deputy of said premier Fed LE Agency is involved in- killing project Cassandra, interfering in Boston bombing case, took almost 3/4 of mil $ from pres candidate he's criminally Investigating, &
is under investigation by CIA for ACTUAL hidden Russian Intell contacts. He used to run FBI Counter Intell FYI. Ask me about mccabes 2yr old 1/4 mil $ Porsche, on a govt salary.
And don't even get me started on Supervisory Special Agent Preistap and retard extraordinaire, preistaps boss, Dep Asst Director Peter Strzok who I know I don't need to introduce you to. That guy took over head of CI fr McCabe when he was promoted.
Yeah, a possible Russian mole (according to CIA CI) who was DEFINITELY taking huge payoffs headed up counter terror division, then counter Intell, then promoted by incompetent Comey to #2 of FBI. Brilliant.
And that promoted Resistard Extroadinaire Peter Strzok to mccabes old position: head of FBI CI. Counter Intelligence (CI) are the people who hunt enemy spies in US Govt & track foreign Intelligence officers.
Our CI people are prime targets for recruitment as spies. Doing so subverts our ability to stop enemy penetrations of our country, but also helps them learn if WE penetrated THEM. CI people need to be of HIGH MORAL character and impossible to blackmail or by off or tempt.
Think Elliott Ness & Untouchables.
Instead what here's what we got: fired FBI director who's narcissist, pathological liar, involved w Clinton Foundation, classified Intel leaker, involved in coup to over throw Govt.
His deputy was Mr Payoffs, bribes & sold out. Third in command was Mr 'I'm married but screwing my coworker, lying to get warrants, & involved in a coup'.
I could go on ranting about how pissed off & horrified I am at how utterly monumentally totally F____ed Up the FBI is at the Leadership level, but you get my point.
Here's another concern *few* are talking about. None of the FBI leadership was anything close to Elliott Ness & all were subject to MICE vulnerability. Money, Ideology, Conscience, Ego. Things we use to recruit and run moles in hostile Intell & militaries.
Every single one of the top four FBI agents scored EXTREMELY HIGH on the MICE indicators list; they were prime targets just begging to be recruited. And I'm 85% certain CIA is right about McCabe and he WAS.
Ask yourself: if you're a Russian intelligence officer working out of DC embassy & you find out via surveillance Strzok is f____ing his coworker, & you knew he was head of FBI CI hed look like a great blackmail target to turn into an agent, wouldn't he?
Ask yourself: McCabe never hid his connections to Clinton, the money he took, & drive the $250k sports car to the office daily- as a Russian Intell officer, do you think you might make a pitch to buy his services?
That's ON TOP of the spying & the trying to stage a coup. Director Wray is a good guy, a white hat. He's doing what Louis Freeh did when this same problem happened, & he's working w sessions. Like freeh did w AG Ashcroft.
What am I talking about, you ask. I'm talking about this:
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -
Those who betray must always fear betrayal. It happened to Robert Philip Hanssen a little after 8 p.m. on a Sunday night, just five weeks shy of his planned retirement from the spy game. Ten armed FB…,00.html
Supervisory Special Agent Robert Hanssen, FBI CI Division, soviet mole. He was never fired. He was taken down by a black operation that concealed the investigation to catch him, led by Dir Freeh & AG Ashcroft PERSONALLY.
There's a lot of hit pieces coming out on Wray, previously on Sessions, & on Horowitz. Ignore them. I just gave you the historical example of what's going on at FBI *right now*. Sit back, watch it unfold. 🍿🍺
Things are happening. The deep state is trying to protect itself. The Left is trying to protect itself, and their false messiah, Obama. It isn't going to work. The good guys are in charge and the bad guys are F____ed. Too much evidence & it can't be disappeared.
The Nunes Memo is the satchel charge that's gonna blow the dam and cause a flood. And the DOJ IG report is going to be the nuclear weapon that destroys them. The U1 case, project Cassandra Case and the Email are follow on nukes that ensure overkill is achieved.
NONE of these cases can be stopped. 1) if justice doesn't happen, Americans armed revolt. I'm not just saying that. There is a rage at the corruption that's been building for decades that will boil over.
2) Survival of our country is threatened at every level by each one of these cases. Dir Wray, IG Horowitz, AG Sessions, & PDJT are aware. They know what's at stake. Old rules of slaps on wrist are gone. Drastic actions to clean this up are coming. They know there's no other way.
3) if harsh, brutal examples of multiple key players don't happen, it signals weakness to the other side and ensures they'll try again and go further. Good guys know that too.
4) the players in this coup are desperate. & they're going to fight like cornered rabies infected animals. This will happen methodically & effectively. Like leaving conspirators in place to destroy evidence you already had backed up &
document them doing it while using warrants to watch, map the connections, record the convos. Remember the Hanssen case. Bugged, recorded, followed, photographed every where he went, every day, until arrested.
Do you have any idea how many microphones were in Robert Hanssen's office at FBI HQ?
These text messages are the preamble to Nunes Memo. Nunes Memo is the opening act to Horowitz report. Horowitz report triggers Armageddon for the bad guys.
But that's not all. Pay close attention to Chuck Grassley.
So, now that Ive spoken my mind, I'm going to log into Hulu, watch some x-files and chill.
The End.
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01-26-2018, 10:48 AM
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Too Russia with love.
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01-26-2018, 06:18 PM
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(1) #AboutStrzok This is #PeterStrzok . He is in his 40s. He works for the #FBI . He was the only person to interview @HillaryClinton , with no recording, on her #HRCEmail investigation .
(2) #AboutStrzok How many #STRZOK family members are there? There are only 100 total Americans out of 300 million with this name . You can Google this. #PeterStrzok must be unique in such a small family, right?
(3) #AboutStrzok The father of #PeterStrzok (ii) is Peter Strzok Sr, and he was in the Army core of engineers. Oh, he was actually a career expert in sanctions and nuclear activity in #Iran .
Peter P. Strzok: 50-year difference in Iran
Like many of you, I followed the news last month about the Russian Air Force's use of the Iranian Hamadan Air Base. First reported on Aug. 15, it has been copiously covered by Russian TV and the Sput…
(4) #AboutStrzok The younger brother of #PeterStrzok Sr is #MarkStrzok who works for #Mammoet - They are world leaders in big cranes, with a speciality in moving nuclear Reactors.…
(5) #AboutStrzok The son of #MarkStrzok is #DevinStrzok , who is a coast guard graduate and now also lives in DC .…
(6) #AboutStrzok The wife of #MarkStrzok ... and mom of #DevinStrzok ... is #MarianaSrtzok .. Mariana (or Mary) is the daugther of General #JamesCartwright .
(7) #AboutStrzok #DevinStrzok is actually Devin Cartwright Strzok . His grandfather, General James Cartwright , was pardoned by Barrack Obama on his last day of office. Cartwright was accused of leaking info on #stuxnet .
(8) #AboutStrzok Another brother of #PeterStrzok Sr is #JamesStrzok - A Jesuit priest working in #Kenya ! With, no surprise, a solid military career, and deep knowledge in energy / resources .. booksandjournals.brillonline.c om/docserver/jour…
(9) #AboutStrzok Wow, what is this... an emergency meeting between #DevinStrzok in the situation room in the #Whitehouse #WestWing in May 2015 ? With his new wife, at 9:45PM at night ?

(10) #AboutStrzok Just an everyday meeting with the wife, also in the military (also a #Strzok) with #OsbaldoCantu about geospacial technology... Just so happens his uncle #PeterStrzok was the last person on earth to see the deleted #HRCemails

(11) #AboutStrzok So that is 6 out of 100 #Strzok family members involved ? Dont get me started about the connections of all of them to #Uranium ... #Strzok family reunions can probably turn on lightbulbs while they are still in the packaging.

(12) #AboutStrzok And then the wife of #PeterStrzok - #MelissaHodgman . Just so happens she was promoted to her role as a director in the #SEC at the same time the FBI was drafting the exoneration letter for the #HRCemails
(13) #AboutStrzok .. Just another meeting in the #WestWing with #PeterStrzok 2, his wife #MelissaHodgman , and their two kids who kept the last name of Hodgman . Nothing to see here.
(13) #AboutStrzok #OsbaldoCantu was there too with #MelissaHodgman and #PeterStrzok . Maybe the kids were just checked in and allowed to play in the oval office while they also talked about how much that would be worth to #China.
(15) #AboutStrzok As @TruthinGov2016 pointed out, #PeterStrzok was THE person who requested the server containing the #HRCemail backups, and the last person to see it in Oct 2015. Extroardonary.
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⚠️Remember the Datto server node with Hillary’s emails? A panicked FBI grabbed the Datto cloud node Oct 6 2015 after a Grassley letter to Datto Oct 5. After it was checked in as evidence, it was never mentioned again.
Was STRZOK the FBI agent who picked up the Datto server?
1:40 PM - Dec 24, 2017
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(16) #AboutStrzok And the wife, #MelissaHodgman, was involved in some nasty #SEC action against #China . I think #SloppySteve #Stevebannon might know something about this ? and #GuoWengu ?

(17) #AboutStrzok I could go on - Ive accumulated a lot. You should know though - #PeterStrzok isnt just the golden child of an everyday American family. Its all connected.
Enjoy ! #MAGA #ReleaseTheMemo #Qanon #TheStorm
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01-27-2018, 09:04 AM
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01-27-2018, 11:16 AM
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Rocket Lenny
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01-27-2018, 02:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511
I AM Rocket Lenny
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01-27-2018, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by bamscram
As WTF would say, eehhhbuhuurrrr... You went FULLY RETARDED!
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01-27-2018, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by WTF
Flynn was caught up talking to Russians...which is perfectly legal.
Not that Trumpers are concerned about the facts.
Another fact. There is absolutely no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump to influence the election. Can the Liberals handle that fact?
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01-28-2018, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
As WTF would say, eehhhbuhuurrrr... <..Still getting thaat bad taste from Trump's ass iffylube? I AM FULLY RETARDED!

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01-28-2018, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by bamscram
Look, eeehbhhuuurrr the "Independent" they wrote a article about you... Hahaha!
Nolte: Heritage Report Ranking Trump Above Reagan Again Exposes #NeverTrump Grifters
by JOHN NOLTE27 Jan 2018985
For a year now, all you have heard from our provincial #NeverTrump tribalists is how those of us who backed Trump were duped into supporting a secret Democrat, a lefty, a guy who could not wait to sell us out. Well, once again, these narcissistic #NeverTrump grifters have been exposed by reality, this time in the form of a Heritage Foundation report that ranks President Donald Trump above Ronald Reagan.
According to the Heritage Foundation, a widely-respected conservative think tank, during his first year in office, Trump adopted nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of Heritage’s agenda. By comparison, Heritage says that former President Reagan enacted only 49 percent of its policy prescriptions.
“There is so much noise in this town that I think it obscures the real work that’s being done,” Heritage president Kay Coles James told the New York Times. “This administration is doing quite well in terms of advancing a conservative agenda — clearly, quite well.”
In 2016, Heritage came up with 334 conservative policies, a wish-list of sorts, for a new Republican administration. Trump has enacted 64 percent of those items. In 1981, his first year in office, Reagan scratched off only 49 percent of the items on that year’s Heritage list.
Some of those on the right who opposed Trump have been gracious enough to admit they were wrong. The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway took a look back at Trump’s first year and wrote last week:
Ironically, the very lack of conservative bona fides that worried me two years ago means he’s less beholden to a conservative establishment that had grown alienated from the people it is supposed to serve and from the principles it ostensibly exists to promote. His surprising conservatism might also be the result of the absolutism and extremism of his critics, whether among the media, traditional Democratic activists or the anti-Trump right. If Trump were ever inclined to indulge his liberal tendencies after winning the election, the stridency and spite of his opponents have provided him with no incentives to do so.
On his radio show Thursday, Dennis Prager, who was not a #NeverTrumper but supported Trump as a dead-last choice in the 16 person GOP primary, was just as gracious and insightful:
I was wrong. My opposition to Donald Trump was wrong, in retrospect. I was wrong. I had friends who supported him, and I didn’t understand them. I said, “Are you not aware of what he said about John McCain? Isn’t that enough to disqualify the guy?” They perceived in him what I did not perceive in him, that these over-the-top statements – as objectionable as the statements themselves may be, and none of them defended the statements – nevertheless, what they perceived was accurate: a man who doesn’t give a damn about what the press says about him. That is the only way to govern. It is the only way to advance the principles of conservatism in the United States is to not give a damn. … He is so much better a president than Mitt Romney would’ve made. Mitt Romney would’ve awakened every day to read The New York Times editorial page to see how he’s covered. Mitt Romney gave us Romneycare in Massachusetts.
Meanwhile, the #NeverTrump tribe, those bitter dead-enders like National Review’s Jonah Goldberg and Twitter’s Bill Kristol, have dragged their wounded egos under a bridge and turned into ridiculous trolls, Vichy Republicans still sleeping with the enemy; still the same pious and sanctimonious scolds hungry to believe whatever the discredited MSM tells them; still the goofy cowards eager to surrender because the tension of battle gives them a rash.
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