Originally Posted by ahobbyist2
Thanks for jumping in sportsofficial - glad you let her know some of us are gentleman-
and Dallas- I have to admit I was one of them- looking for younger and cuter- until I met someone recently just over 40- she said- "those bitches don't know how to fuck"- and then she showed me the difference 
I think until a guy has tried a more mature provider, or a BBW provider, he should not knock them. So good job for giving an over 40 lady a whirl, sir.
Just because a girl is young and skinny, while it might be a man's preference visually, does not make her by default a better provider. My ALL YES reviews speak for themselves. I am not lacking for clients in the KC area.
I just thought since I like the dick as much as I do the donations, I might rock the world of a few fellas down south since I was going to be in the neighborhood anyway! Dallas and I have done doubles together, and we have sent those boys home smiling and limping! We have the sexual energy of women half our age, but the expertise of our years. Plus WE LIKE IT! Huge difference.
So I'll post my ad in the Springfield area, and see what comes of it. And if I get anymore PMs from rude dudes, I'll just RTM/block them, and move on.