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Old 12-30-2017, 08:34 AM   #46
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I have reduced my cache from 11 down to a sig M400 converted to SBR with suppressor, a sig 229 that can be suppressed, and a sig nitron that is my carry. One of the 9's always within reach. At night I have a 9 on my nightstand with a high powered flashlight and cell phone. Would only use in case an intruder survives my border collie's attempts to lick him to death. All weapons secured in a gun safe when not on my person, or within immediate reach. Only one other adult ever in the house.
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Old 12-30-2017, 09:24 AM   #47
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I fully agree with your style Ronin with secure safe when not by the bed. I keep my arsenal small but lots of ammo.
For someone coming through the door or windows at close rang I keep a 12 gauge very short barrel withlrgest size shot I can buy. If necessary I will just buy a new door For carry and other situations in home I have a small Smithfield 45 with hollow points. I like the Smithfield design because the safety is built into the grip. As soon as I pick it up it is ready to go. Also have same style 9 mm but larger to conceal and carry I keep it simple so my reaction time and response process is simple and I practice at the range on a regular basis, including upholstering and response time. With the safety in the grip one must be fully aware of not putting your finger on the trigger until in the aiming process or one could shoot your dick off
I find the important thing is to constantly practice and do home drills with yourself and others in the House. They need to know where to be and how to react so they are clearlY out of the way if there is an intrusion. Also want my reaction and heart rate and mind trained to respond, not freak out
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Old 12-30-2017, 01:31 PM   #48
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My favorite is my .38 revolver. They never jam up when you need them the most!!
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Old 12-30-2017, 02:00 PM   #49
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I'm a little late to this thread, but the best home defense weapon is one that you know how to use and aren't afraid to use if needed!

Know how to use them and practice with them. Be comfortable with them. Just having a weapon you aren't prepared to use is more dangerous than not having a weapon at all.

I personally have a a Glock 17, Ruger 22/45, AR-15, Shotgun, and a bunch of knives and a sword.
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Old 12-30-2017, 05:56 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by thebear69 View Post
well trained dogs are better than any firearm. The dogs will alert well before anyone will enter your home. Any I don't think anyone would try and enter a home when they hear dogs barking.
I was going to say something similar. I would think criminals want the easiest way to rob you.
I have a little alert dog that barks at the wind and then I have a real dog...my 90lb German Shepherd who has sonar like hearing. At the very least it would give me the advantage on knowing something was going on so that I could get prepared. I do have a 9m with hollow points just in case. But really a criminal doesn't want to have to deal with a guard dog if they don't have to. Sucks for my neighbors I guess....
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Old 12-31-2017, 01:48 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Snafu75 View Post
I don’t have a lot of expertise with firearms. I have just recently started going to gun ranges. Interested in hearing from more experienced voices. I have a home so don’t need to worry about a round hitting a neighbor that Is only separated by drywall.
Most criminals are opportunistic, and not likely going to mess around with a house with reinforced doors when they could go find another one that is easier to get in to. If you haven’t, fortify your home against intrusion the best you can. Proper self defense means threat prevention & situational awareness. Easy reinforcement of doors & locks goes a long way to having a safe home.

Good locks may not keep everybody out but they are good for delaying intruders long enough so you can get to your weapon.

Pistols are infinitely better than not having anything at all but nothing is going to beat a long gun in terms of accuracy and power. Pistols are small, lightweight and easily maneuverable, but you can pull it off target much easier too. Pistols also just don't have the stopping power of a long gun. Not saying you can't kill someone with a handgun but there is a difference between killing and stopping. A shot to the head or heart will put someone down but even multiple center mass hits could leave a person able to return fire for a few seconds.

Shotguns or a semi-automatic rifle like an AR-15 should be your primary weapon for home defense. Being long guns it's naturally easier to steady the weapon. Multiple points of contact mean your aim is more stable. It's harder to pull your aim off target. The recoil is also more manageable since your body will absorb the brunt of it. Long guns will cause more damage to the intruder. Shotgun pellets will perforate a larger area (just don't use bird shot for home defense). High speed rifle rounds will cavitate, yaw and tumble and cause severe wound channels and massive trauma.

My suggestion is to have both a pistol and a long gun.

Have a pistol to get to your rifle. Have a pistol as a back up in case your Rifle runs out of ammo or jams.

Also be sure to be particular about ammunition. Range / Training ammo is usually not going to be effective defense ammo. example Full Metal Jacketed 9mm vs hollow point 9mm or something like Hornady Critical Defense.

And get a weapon light for your gun. Know what you're aiming at!
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Old 12-31-2017, 02:00 AM   #52
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the ultimate self defense weapon

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Old 01-02-2018, 09:48 AM   #53
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I agree with RONIN 3 , good flashlight , secure firearms I personally like my Glock with Glock light attachment
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Old 01-02-2018, 02:41 PM   #54
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shot gun. It sounds scary and not a lot of aiming require.
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Old 01-03-2018, 08:33 AM   #55
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If you only had 1 firearm I would take my 870 marine mag Because of the ammo it will shoot , close range slugs longer etc
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Old 01-03-2018, 09:15 AM   #56
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Oorah. I have the REM 870 as well. Loaded with alternating slugs and bird shot. I can knock down a perp or pepper a stray dog.
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Old 01-03-2018, 06:02 PM   #57
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I with you Leslie@nn. My .38 revolver has never locked up on me and I took it to a gun range once. It fits so well in my nightstand too
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Old 01-18-2018, 01:26 AM   #58
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Ruger SR is an excellent affordable gun that doesn't have bad recoil and the firing doesn't hurt my ears as much as the loud high pitched smack sound of my other guns. If money is not an issue get a Sig Sauer that is the best though some of their guns don't even have a safety. I have a Rem 870 tactical as well but I feel better with handguns. If someone rushed me with two handguns in my hand they will get shot. If they surprise me while I'm holding a shotgun they could possibly take it away or at least prevent me from aiming at them. Though I have it in case a group of thugs bash down my door and I am sitting in wait for them.
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Old 01-18-2018, 08:43 AM   #59
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^ that's the issue with long guns shotgun AR , not good for CQC like in a house or apt.
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Old 01-19-2018, 12:10 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by slubby View Post

Nothing says home defense like a good ol' machine gun.
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