Originally Posted by Solitaire
If you are using Google Voice on a flip phone, yes.
If you are using Google Voice on your personal Smart Phone, you will NEVER be anonymous.
EVERY APP you download is tied permanently to your personal phone number. Google Voice is an APP. The Google Voice APP and your GV number will be permanently tied to your personal number.
Now we all know from past history of Facebook, and now Google and their recent weird changes, as they roll out more changes and improve their marketing outreach (APPS are marketing tools; GV is an APP) you can be anonymous one day, then BAM, completely exposed the next day.
Not worth the risk... just get a separate discreet flip phone, no apps. Get GV# to forward to it (attached to your hobby email for convenience). GV texts assign a "check number" so use that number as a contact number on the phone, rather than the real number of your provider, and use code names not her Name. Keep the phone disassembled in a box of electronics somewhere in a man-cave area that your SO shies away from. Receive and make texts when checking your email, online. Only assemble/use your hobby phone on days of appts to coordinate your meetings. Keep data, logs deleted from the phone itself. If the phone is lost, stolen, confiscated, you simply replace it, your GV# maintains its integrity - you just forward it to your new hobby phone. Never give out the phone's actual number. If someone gets your phone and starts calling your ladies (angry wife, LE) will be from actual phone and ladies will be tipped off by the strange number.
At least, thats how I'd do it

Actually its more complicated than that. Google Voice when you install the app on your smart phone, will ''ask'' which numbers you want to forward calls to, if any. As long as you give it a different number, the GV 'log' won't show any different. The
catch though, is that if you use multiple Google Voice accounts, one being tied to your real number (even if you don't remember it), then indirectly that original APP LOG can store the data from the other account, which of course can be logged by authorities. The other thing to worry about, is HOW you buy your burner phone, the best way of course is cash, but even better than that is buying your phone with BitCoins on the darknet.