Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Odumbo and your ilk fucked it up for everybody, you socilist dildo. Your pathetic excuses for the evil socialist program Odumbocare in no manner assuage the great social injustice Odumbocare has visited on honest American citizens who were paying their own way until they lost their health insurance.
He obviously doesn't give two shits about working class AMERICANS. All he is concerned about are those who do not work, although they can, and who are living off the government TIT and gaming the system. He's drunk from the "snake oil" sold by HIS PRESIDENT and embraced by HillariousNoMore and ignores (or is ignorant) of the realities in the work place ....
1. firings
2. reduced hours
3. 2nd jobs required to make ends meet
4. spouses entering the work force to pay for health care!
5. increased health care premiums without the government TIT!
While the Obaminable Administration was counting 2 20-hour part time jobs as TWO JOBS for the "wonderful" job record ... and counting "contract" workers as being "employed" even though their hours were cut from 40+ to 30 ("officially")!
While they gave "special treatment" to Federal employees and other union workers!