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Old 01-04-2018, 04:22 PM   #31
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Default I fell..

Originally Posted by bayoucadillac View Post
The other thing is economic it's better off if both people who fall in love have about the same amount of money and unfortunately in this business dudes have a lot and ladies tend to have little or none..... That's just reality

Hard for a guy in The Hobby once, I blogged about our session without outing him on my personal website. I blogged about the date if you read it you will see the sincerity in it. We saw each other many many many times over the course of a year, he was falling for me I was falling for him I felt like well let's just say we both felt some kind of way.

At the time he had a girlfriend and he had to choose one of us, and guess what he chose his girlfriend and they are now happily married.

So yes I do believe someone can fall in love with a client, if he treats her a certain kind of way.

Toward the end of our friendship / relationship whatever you want to call it, it wasn't about the money. It was about him being a stand-up guy.

He came to my house one day just to talk to me and be upfront with me and let me know about the girlfriend and what was on his mind.
I respected him more for that, because he came like a man and talked to me with some sense.

He's no longer on this board and he no longer Hobbies, but what I can tell you is once in awhile you meet a great guy or a great female and you fall Head Over Heels.
Did you want it to happen? Maybe not but sometimes the inevitable just happens when two people just happened to meet at just the right time in each other's lives.

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Old 01-04-2018, 05:29 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
All relationships are difficult at best. Can a provider and fucktard fall in love and live happily ever after? Sure, why not ... it will not be easy. Both parties have to trust the other without judging. i would say its probably a 98% failure rate. But those that can make it work are wonderful couples.
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Old 01-04-2018, 07:24 PM   #33
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Lol I can love them for about an hour then they have to go home...
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Old 01-05-2018, 03:19 PM   #34
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I couldn’t. Knowing what I know being in the hobby I couldn’t. I was 26 when I got married, just finishing my masters things were normal between my ex and I. We went out drinking with some friends and Tequila was not her drink, it was a truth syrum. She had lied about many details in her life.

Come to find out she lost her virginity at age 13, not 17. This ate ate me knowing that she had been around awhile. She finally spoke the truth, but it was already to late. I had a divorce already in the making.

I was smart and listened to my elders. A prenuptial was signed before we got married. Those who know me knew I was raised on our family ranch in Australia. The house was a gift built by my parents “on the ranch” the vehicles were registered under the ranch and my salary was set low with many perks.

In the end, she walked away with only 12k-American dollars with No vehicle, no place to live and loss of a family who turned their back on her for her lies.

She later remarried, had two kids and divorced. She attempted suicide by trying to cut her wrists. It was a failed attempt and she tried reaching out to the family asking where I was. Being told I was back in the states she contacted some friends of mine who told me that my ex was looking for me.

She somehow got my number and said I was the love of her life and she felt we could try again. I told her hell NO. I could never go back her. Besides, her play ground has been beaten up and then had two kids.

This Aussie couldn’t deal with the knowing of the past of an escort. I’m sure there are those who can say the past is the past.
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Old 01-05-2018, 04:22 PM   #35
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Good thread! I’m starting to think some of y’all have some damn sense!
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Old 01-05-2018, 04:32 PM   #36
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Good Thread!!!

I don't THINK I could fall in love with a provider just for the fact that I would know about other men she is with. However,I have meet a couple of providers that I would love to have a friends with benefits type of situation.

That way both of our feelings can be saved to keep it light and fun without any potential life bullshit down the road. I previously had this type thing going with a retired provider that I used to see all the time. I could tell that she wanted more than the client/provider relationship but I would not let myself build past the friendship. We did all of the things that couples would do together but mentally keeping feelings separate was the best thing. I cared for her and did things financially but she did the same things for me as well.

We are still friends to this day. She had to move back to her home town to help take care of her mother along with a better job opportunity once she completed college.
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Old 01-06-2018, 02:25 AM   #37
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I think there are two different topics going on here, one a relationship with a currently working girl, and two a relationship with a formerly working girl. That was what I was commenting on, about knowing the past of each other and so forth. I wonder if some of the above answers only applied to the first situation.
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Old 01-06-2018, 08:49 PM   #38
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Love is unconditional. Most say that love is overrated or that it's complex, but in all honesty it's not.

Women who work in this field have habits, guidelines, and last but not least a job that pays the bills, but isn't considered "normal". When you exchange money for sex you basically kill the possibility of seeing someone as a partner. No matter how much you try to spin this record it won't work unless you're totally committed/connected with the mind, body and spirit.

You can vibe with anyone, but the connection comes when there's no money spent and the time you actually spend together is all about getting to know someone and actually fall in love.

Money can't buy love.
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Old 01-07-2018, 09:49 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by daarakan View Post
Have to disagree with that part. Most of them are far away from their country of origin, as it is essentially pointless to provide/escort in a poor country. They ship out for extended times into more wealthy countries often without friends and family knowing what they are doing. In Amsterdam, only 25% of the prostitutes are dutch.

"About 75 percent of all prostitutes are from Eastern or Central Europe". https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/14/w...operative.html

I wasn't necessarily speaking of third world countries. There are many countries that are considered "poor" by comparison to the states in which people accept what they accept because they understand the perils and pitfalls of survival. A lot of us just had to do what we had to do.

Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun View Post
I couldn’t. Knowing what I know being in the hobby I couldn’t. I was 26 when I got married, just finishing my masters things were normal between my ex and I. We went out drinking with some friends and Tequila was not her drink, it was a truth syrum. She had lied about many details in her life.

Come to find out she lost her virginity at age 13, not 17. This ate ate me knowing that she had been around awhile. She finally spoke the truth, but it was already to late. I had a divorce already in the making.

This Aussie couldn’t deal with the knowing of the past of an escort. I’m sure there are those who can say the past is the past.
Just wondering (with zero bias or preconceived notions), if she had been honest with you about her past before marriage, would you have still given the relationship/love a chance?

Originally Posted by Mr.Incognito View Post
Good thread! I’m starting to think some of y’all have some damn sense!
I know right!! I'm surprised and enthralled in so many ways by these responses.

Originally Posted by billtrum View Post
I think there are two different topics going on here, one a relationship with a currently working girl, and two a relationship with a formerly working girl. That was what I was commenting on, about knowing the past of each other and so forth. I wonder if some of the above answers only applied to the first situation.

I agree lol. I wasn't specifically asking on either side though. Just generally speaking, so I appreciate the responses on both ends
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Old 01-07-2018, 10:03 PM   #40
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This has given me a really great insight into what this all looks like from you guys' side of things. I think it was a mistake to attempt anything involving true intimacy and emotions with someone whom I'd seen in this regard multiple times. I can see now that even if he had felt the same way, he probably wouldn't have let himself go through with it anyway.

I appreciate that most of you guys can understand the difference between sex for trade and sex in love. I hope that you'll continue to see real, actual women with feelings and lives when you look at us and nothing less.

Unless of course it's a part of your kink, in which case, I can be whoever you need me to be for the alotted time period! LOL
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Old 01-08-2018, 02:01 AM   #41
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Yes, to agree with your premise. You can fall in love with a hooker. And she can fall in love with you. The question is, will she be able to give up the lifestyle of a hooker for life as a girlfriend? What I have found is no. I dated two women I met in the hobby. One for six months that at the end didn’t want to stop seeing other men regardless of my feelings or my ability to care for her needs and wants. The other was for 4 months but it was more of a distance issue, as she couldn’t pull up and move her kids to a new location in another state without asking the baby daddy permission to move, and he wouldn’t give it.
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Old 01-08-2018, 07:45 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Katana Kay View Post
It's comforting to read that many of you actually do see a person and a personality within us, if nothing else. Seems like even when relationships have been attempted, that elephant in the room is sometimes just too hard to push away as time goes on. I won't be trying it again. I'm gonna get a few puppies and settle on in.

I call myself "whore" and "hooker" because I accept that's what I am. It doesn't bother me at all. It's not the ONLY thing I consider myself to be, but it's one of them. Should we go back to the old school "Ladies Of The Night"? LOL And yeah it starts off soooooo good in the beginning smh. Just not worth it.
don't forget we all are human. when the sex droids are perfected, then I could say yeah this is a toy of mine. don't forget, there are people misleading on all sides of this business ( I sound like Mr Trump hahaha). its not irrational (is that spelled right?) to love and be loved no matter who you are and what you do. it's only bad if you ignore the signs and fool yourself, then you are a tool for the other one and getting nothing out of the deal.
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Old 01-08-2018, 08:59 AM   #43
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Late to the post. Loved a girl and married her. It was fantastic while it lasted. (The hobby didn't break us up)
Some of the best sex ever was when she came home from a date. I was always the Alpha. As we became closer and closer she backed out of providing.
We still talk on occasion.
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Old 01-08-2018, 08:49 PM   #44
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The short answer is that I love them all, each and every one. But in regards to the two topic comment... I could look past a providers past if there is a true connection there. But once the connection is there, i dont think i could continue knowing that she would continue to provide. Its a double edged sword i know, but i think alot of guys would feel that way. Have only experienced that scenario with one provider whom i still see from time to time. For whatever reason we just have "that connection". Have often commented that we wish we had met under different circumstances. Feel more like its a personal visit with her, not the provider. I have to keep reminding myself of what our relationship is and what it isnt. But yea... i could fall in love with a provider....im trying to not do it now...
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Old 01-08-2018, 09:13 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by bayoucadillac View Post
Let's turn it around how many providers have fallen in love with a trick I would say zero.

Hey what is not to love about me? I am prompt, clean, quick, my legendary 1.3" of dangling death, my tainted knowledge, etc.
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