One of the greatest mysteries in todays world is why it seems to be so difficult to simply talk to heach other? I enjoy (get pretty turned on also) when a women discusses what she like and doesn't like (unless her dislike is me😠

. In this world with so much (too much info) going around, it simply should not be that hard for two people who want to enjoy sex with each othero discuss likes and dislikes. To be willing to try, experiment, and laugh when something just isn't working. It isn't rocket science. The biggest hindrance is that we assume we or they should automatically know what the other likes. Look at all the comments asking for information on "what do you like". Everyone has a different answer. Why? We're all different, that's why. It isn't too hard to understand that. It shouldn't be too hard to talk, give pointers, and make suggestions. How many of you (both men and women) just love to hear your partner say "just like that"!
Or "God that feels good!"? How about "deeper?", "I want to try this", or, "I really want to try this"?😳, It's a dance folks, practice together.