Originally Posted by BigLouie
This is the one day of the year that the Ikoyi Club 1938 is unbearable. The Dali Lama birthday bash takes over the entire snooker room as him and all the expats go wild. Well happy fucking birthday asshole. You ruined an otherwise genteel club.
What? You didn’t get your invitation? I’ll have to talk to my Sherpa about that. By all means please join us in the Rotunda for a martini. If you don’t have a coat and tie I will provide you with one. . Bring your golf clubs for The Dali Lama celebrity pro-am, we tee off tomorrow morning at 8:00. Italia will be your caddy. If you need a ride I will send Lube over to get you. Just don’t look him in the eyes.
Thanks for remembering my Birthday Louie.